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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Summer tiiiiiime and the livins easy

Sorry to be a dumbass that double posts... but... everyone needs to send a prayer, or whatever they believe qualifies as a prayer to rollin_stoned.

Positivity and what not. LOVE THAT KID!
Here's a synopsis:

IRC: Justin acted like he had an overdose. KIDS (as in me) were incredibly worried. I texted errbody. No big. He's mo' fuggin' FINE.

Tinychat: Drunken meth heads were rambling. Called me a troll. WHATEV. No big.

And that's about it.
No regular in Tinychat is a meth head. Llama is the closest we got lol.
Hes not a meth head. Sure, he gets fucked up but doesnt smoke meth.

Keaton, hows the nitrous treatin ya?!
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Yes, but going to sleep soon. Why you up at this silly hour?
I haz runny nose and its bugging me. You ever seen the movie Where The Fuck Is Santa?
Fucking lulzy as shit. Its not a film to be taken seriously, but it provides lulz :)
I want lulz, and I'm also baked, so I want lulz and foods :D
Make some food and turn on the movie. Try watching it through one the links here.
Damn :\ I can find you a torrent link for later if you want?