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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Free Thizzlam!

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Ha, that k,

How did you find it,
thought there was a drought on,
Is the drought there so that SWIM'ers will drown and die off???
There was a bit of a drought, and there still sort of is unless you know the right people. Which is why I said that, out of all the dealers I've gone to (which is 30+) this supplier is the only one who had the top notch shit. Everyone else had average-below average product.

LSDMDMA&10092452 said:
The posts wouldnt make any sense
I generally feel very little enjoyment redosing adderall after a come-down. It's more a desperate ploy to maintain concentration.

What's going on?
yeah honestly speed is a lot worse to redose than MDMA, when I had good clean pills I could take like 6 throughout a night and be fine the next day, but even redosing like an hour later with adderall makes shit a lot worse... kinda makes you wonder why they make XRs... its pretty much a pill that redoses you through the day

Im tryna stop smoking weed again damn it... shits hard sometimes man.
the week before Halloween it was hella easy, then I got mega fucked up and Ive been craving drugs ever since
I've found some nice little safe tricks to speed comedowns.

Supplementing L-phenylalanine, L-tryptophan, GABA is probably one of the best. It literally slows me down and relaxes me. No dissociatives required.
tbh if Im gonna go out and spend money on drugs it sure as hell aint gonna be supplements lol...

as long as I eat, the comedown isnt too bad. Too bad I can never eat on speed :p
someone needs to invent those food pills I saw on the Jetsons so very long ago

hash = best for any comedown
I'm not going to say benzos or any gabaergic should ever be used for stimulant come downs.

I had to learn that the hard way.

Lyrica or gabapentin.
I'm not going to say benzos or any gabaergic should ever be used for stimulant come downs.

I had to learn that the hard way.

^^^^^^^^ why weed is the best ^^^^^^^^^

some purple kush hash after a long day of tweakin puts you in the perfect mood
back is soreeee :(


That would make sense seeing as past 2 days ive been in pain with my back, and last 2 days ive been out of green
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You guys were quick with this Cuddle Puddle! Now I've already got to think of a new name for the next one...my creativity may run out. :)
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