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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

"The Call"

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Aug 23, 2017
So I made an account on here just to ask this question. For as long as I can remember, I've had a weird urge to do heroin. I have no idea why. I've never tried it before, and I don't plan on trying it in the near future. My mother calls it "the call". Does anyone else have experience with this? Suddenly I'll be hit with that urge. It'll be really strong sometimes too. It's in my dreams too. When I was in middle and high school I figured I'd just study the crap out of it and that would be good enough to scratch that itch, but it really hasn't. I know this is probably a really strange question, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
"The Call" gets worse with addiction. You may feel the call now but if you use and like it the call will be relentless. Just fyi.
I'm closing this. It has no Harm Reduction value. Your call to use Heroin is an existential one. Would you like to make that a physical "call"? I would advise against trying Heroin. It's not even because I think Heroin is that bad, but it can cost you quite a lot socially and mentally if you lose control and sadly, Heroin is so good that many do lose control, myself included. Heroin is the solution to all of your problems. Any problem, any issue; none is too large to be satiated by a dose of Heroin. That is a dangerous thing, having the "solution to all problems" around you.

It's your choice ultimately. I will not tell you to move one way or the other, but if you choose to indulge in powerful Opiates, you really need to be aware of the consequences. I am a permanent Opioid user due to my "dabbling" in Heroin back in High School. I cannot function without them long-term or short-term. Bear in mind, I've had periods of up to a year of not using Opioids, deciding that ultimately, I'm better off with them. This is hard for a lot of folks to hear, but it's just how it is.
Thanks for the replies, honestly. I forgot that I never replied, but came back again for the same reason. I'm not really wondering if I should, I just have this huge urge to do so. I feel so stupid for feeling this way. It doesn't make any sense and it just gets worse. I don't want this to escalate, but it does anyway. I can feel it in my bones that if I tried it, I'd probably be on it for life. Which is why I haven't and continue to try to avoid it, but that urge just crawls back up into my brain and I can't get it out. I don't really know why I'm even saying this on here. There are people with actual problems that matter more. I guess it just feels better to talk about it. Sorry for the necromancy, and thanks Keif' for your story.
Thanks for the replies, honestly. I forgot that I never replied, but came back again for the same reason. I'm not really wondering if I should, I just have this huge urge to do so. I feel so stupid for feeling this way. It doesn't make any sense and it just gets worse. I don't want this to escalate, but it does anyway. I can feel it in my bones that if I tried it, I'd probably be on it for life. Which is why I haven't and continue to try to avoid it, but that urge just crawls back up into my brain and I can't get it out. I don't really know why I'm even saying this on here. There are people with actual problems that matter more. I guess it just feels better to talk about it. Sorry for the necromancy, and thanks Keif' for your story.

Hey Raven, thanks for the update!

What do you think gave you this urge? Seeing other people high, or heroin being "glamourized" in film/television or had you taken opiates and you liked the feeling?

I'm glad you're okay and decided not to try it. :)
Everyone that has had a relationship with heroin will tell you not to follow that 'call'. You can either listen to us or ignore us - but if you ignore us I can guarantee that if you survive, you will become one of those who advise against it.
^ that's right.

I think a lot of opiate addicts (past and present) wish they'd never sought it out and learned to enjoy it (whether it's smack, codeine, oxy, opium or whatever ignited their taste in the first place - because it's not something you can undo, or un-learn.

Im one of those people - i feel like the decade of addiction i lived in before i ever tried to quit really wired my brain into seeing opiate addiction as normal, and being not-addicted for a long time meant unstable, depressed, anxious, irritable.

The process of getting off opiates is a long hard road with a huge amount of pain, suffering and effort that could be way better spent achieving something more constructive with your life. Basically, it's like pandora's box - and for me, the mental health shit that my habit (and various dramas that using it, and trying to detox off it) caused, were worse than the shitty things that i was originally self-medicating to deal with when i first became a dependent user.

There are a lot of bullshit myths about heroin/opiates - but one that i think is true is the idea that people who dabble will almost inevitably fall into addicted use. Sadly, i think that one is actually true for a lot of people i know both on bluelight and IRL.
I love to debunk drug myths, especially ones that demonise drugs, but sadly it's been my experience that most people i've known who enjoy the occasional opiate buzz end up succumbing after a rough break-up, the death of a loved one or some other stress or trauma.

And it's certainly true that once you've been addicted, this "call" becomes louder, more demanding and a hell of a lot more convincing.

I'm really happy to read your update - thank you for posting it! I hope you keep it up.

This subject makes me think of the Nick Cave lyric from the Birthday Party song Pleasure Avalanche;
"Don't turn over that rock / you will like what you will find!"

Choose life! ;)
I really don't know why i do. I grew up around addicts of all types and I know it's not "glamorous". I've read the stories here too, and I know that's not what I want my life to be, but It always comes back. Sometimes it's so bad I don't eat or sleep. These last 2 weeks has been so hard and it pisses me off. Where I live it's easy to get drugs, so I've just been staying home. Thanks for all the advice, I hold it close.
Wow, severe time lapse. I meant to close this literally a coon's age ago based upon our basic parameters for what does and does not constitute HR material. Closed.
^ Agree with Kief, this isn’t BDD discu, then an administrator posted, or I would have closed it myself
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