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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine / MXE Thread - Part 16 - Sweet 16 mind-control machine

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I think I'm starting to lose the MXE magic. It's still fun, it still gets me high, but I definitely need more and don't go nearly as deep on it. I need to abstain for a week or two but fuck I love playing video games on this stuff.
same for me. AT first, I found MXE truly magical.
after a couple of weeks of use, the magic was gone and I found it only intoxicating. its only high dosage that is still has value for me. but 30mg is just negative even for me.

With weed, I almost found I could have memory lost, I would get very sleepy and just totally spaced, zombie like lol. really couldnt like the combo, but im a heavy weed smoker and that may effect how weed affect me.

however, mxe with psychedelic is truly special. mxe + dpt, or 4 aco met is very special. it change in a very special way how I deal with the psychedelic experience, numbs down the fear but also augment the psychedelic effects to me.
When I was using it regularly (not daily by any means), I did love it on its own. I actually didn't usually combine it with cannabis because I found it would often make it a bit uncomfortable, though I rarely was trying to hole (and when I did I'd use it with cannabis), but rather I was using it socially to have that feeling of mind-to-mind connection and "being in the flow". As I used it more times, slowly I began to lose the magical feeling effects from it on its own, until at some point even after a long break I still found it simply intoxicating - a nice intoxication but not worth doing really. So it changed on me.
Have serious trouble with avoiding daily usage with this stuff, every time ending in me taking far to much. Used k heavily and have a massive tolerance to dissociatives. Went away travelling to try and get away from the daily usage only to return home and slip into the same pattern. Prevents me going outside as I'll talk myself out of it and sit in and use these instead only to have terrible realizations everytime after the hole what I'm doing to myself.

I would much rather be able to use this stuff sparingly to reap the benefits rather than abuse it daily to pointlessly destroy myself. Time to ditch this shit and get back into psys and self-development. In my opinion this stuff only has the real benefits people are discussing with sparing use, with repeated usage any realizations i have are remembered but dont have the same life-changing effect as psys, this doesn't cause me to take action, only realize and forget but make me think I've received great benefit, if anything slightly delusional.

I've been taking this stuff every few months since it was legal, with repeated results only they are just growing worse. Mixed with 3-meo-pcp I had slightly delusional thoughts about good vs evil and people (even those close to me) possibly being evil greatly heightened by nitrous. This lead to my traveling but I've since returned to daily usage as soon as I returned home.
Also, depending on which of the batches I'm testing is best, I'd like to soon send in some reference samples as well. Approximately how much did it cost you applesauce? (The analysis you're having done, I mean.)

It was something like $55 USD + $1.20 postage to send first class mail to Spain. I believe DanceSafe (which is domestic US) is $100.

Very interesting about your noopept experiments. I've been off noopept for a few weeks myself because of 'brain fog' that I wasn't sure the cause of. I suspect L-Theanine, but decided to stop all supplements and introduce them back slowly.

Right now the nightly 5-HTP and EGCG to recover from a (175mg + 80mg) 5-MAPB session is without ill effect.
I have a silly question for those of you that say you mix MXE with other psychedelics. First off, I'll say when I use MXE I use a razor to chop it up exceedingly fine for insufflation.

When you are on a psychedelic and you decide it's time to break out the MXE - how do you take it? Oral? Nasal?

If the latter, I'm curious if you chop it up first or if you just go to town as-is.

The reason I ask is that I anticipate myself deciding it's 'too much work' to chop up MXE while I'm under the influence of something else. It would be much easier to just insufflate this 'yellow/white sand'.

I have tried MXE on 3-MeO-PCP (amazing experience) and marijuana (too intense - scary). I'm curious to mix it with a 4-subbed tryptamine or lysergamide.

Gotta break that shit up a bit or it will just sit around undissolved or fall out later. When I'm planning on being in a place or situation where I don't want to make lines, I will either carry a baggie of a form I have that happens to really powdery already, no chunks, or I will break up some really finely and carry that with me. It can definitely be 'too much work' to do basically anything depending on how you are tripping.
I swear it feels like I am being operated on when I take MXE sometimes. Like I am laying on my bed and get this feeling of beings I can semi observe doing things to me. Like my life on earth is some type of experiment and they are taking data and observing my body (physical and astral). I can't tell if they are good/bad/neutral. If this was something I "signed up for" or if its some matrix type sbit where I am asleep in some fuck ass water capsule dreaming life.
Took some a few days ago and I could feel this energy working its way through my body. "tuning" as vortech put it. Lime it would be really heavily concentrated in my leg, then start to work I to other parts of my body. It is hard to relax and let go BC of this anxiety that I (we on earth) are just some experiment/and/or the butt of some horrible fucking joke.

After taking mxe frequently over the last six months, a lot of times in sitting meditation, I have noticed a disproportionate amount of increase in prana compared to six months spent meditating without it. I dunno... It's weird. So much I have seen/experienced using mxe and it kinda drives me crazy. I'm kinda sick of it and wish I could exit this rabbit hole and be normal drone.

Really don't wanna take this anymore unless in combo with psychedelics. We shall see.
So, the inevitable happened and I got myself some MXE a couple weeks ago. I have a long history (16+ years, not as much for the last 5 or so) with DXM (pure) and a few K experiences, so I knew I had to try this substance eventually.
My first night with it I started with 35mg orally, and continued to redose through the night. The next day I weighed what was left and I had taken 250mg total... oops! Definitely has a "MOAR" characteristic. Maybe I'll go into details in the future but I'll just say I had a great time, explored different dimensions and holed more than once. Met the man in the machine (or was it myself?), INTENSE "deja vu," etc etc. Good stuff, miles better than DXM, which just doesn't do it for me anymore.
Anyways, the point of this post is to ask if anyone else has experienced intense olfactory (taste) hallucinations during/after their experience. An indescribable sweet taste, not exactly "chemically." It was like I had a piece of taffy in my mouth, maybe sort of a cherry/strawberry? It was just as intense as if I was actively eating/chewing something, and it lasted quite a while. I should also mention the taste started almost immediately upon entering "the void."
Since that night I've low dosed (10-15mg) a couple times during the day and the taste comes back every time, and it's even appeared while completely sober. It's not unpleasant, just very unusual.
Yes, I know 250mg my first time is reckless, I tried using my mg scale but after 100mg or so I obviously wasn't operating it correctly. Next time I'll preweigh the entire dose for the night and put the rest in another room. I'm in my 30s and have always been a pretty hardcore psychonaut so I feel I can handle these mindstates just fine, but I will admit I may not have had such a good time if I kept redosing further.

Edit : I guess it's actually "Gustatory" hallucination for taste, not "Olfactory," which means hallucinations of smell. You learn something new every day :)
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Can't say I taste anything sweet. It's more like the taste I'd imagine from chewing on latex balloons. Reminiscent of nitrous for me at high doses. Does the actual MXE taste sweet at all? What I get tastes.... salty? Not good, hard to describe, but WAY better than most tryptamines, not that it should taste like one..
My MXE tastes slightly salty/bitter, and looks just like table salt. No sweetness, really. Interestingly, last night I was given a couple pieces of "Primrose" honey candy drops, and it tastes almost EXACTLY like it! I've never had a honey flavored hard candy in my life, but it's nearly identical to this recurring taste... weird stuff.
Since I'm getting this taste occasionally while sober (though with a little bit of residual MXE in my system, I'm sure) I'm hoping it's not a symptom of something else, but I feel pretty much fine. Maybe it's just a quirky effect the MXE had on my sense of taste since it started right when I first holed, it was like I was tasting the full blown visions I was having. Like I've said it actually tastes good, just weird!
Poor quality MXE that I've had always looked like yellowish salt granules and also tasted salty. High quality MXE was a much finer white powder with little to no taste at all.
My MXE tastes slightly salty/bitter, and looks just like table salt. No sweetness, really. Interestingly, last night I was given a couple pieces of "Primrose" honey candy drops, and it tastes almost EXACTLY like it! I've never had a honey flavored hard candy in my life, but it's nearly identical to this recurring taste... weird stuff.
Since I'm getting this taste occasionally while sober (though with a little bit of residual MXE in my system, I'm sure) I'm hoping it's not a symptom of something else, but I feel pretty much fine. Maybe it's just a quirky effect the MXE had on my sense of taste since it started right when I first holed, it was like I was tasting the full blown visions I was having. Like I've said it actually tastes good, just weird!

When I smoke MXE it tastes sweet and kind of like what you describe, it's a good taste. But I don't get that taste in my mouth from eating it or tripping on it... I do get a nitrousy sort of taste on high doses though.
I really hope some serious RC vendor will bring this stuff to the EU... To me, it seems just like the perfect next step after the EU-wide MXE-Ban. And those Diphenidine-Derivates never really convinced me. And this 3-MeO-PCMo just sounds too toxic in relation to wanted effects - IMHO a really desperate cry for more EURO/POUNDS/Dollars/Yen from desperate human lab rats...
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Today I plugged like 100 mg in two gos after 5 days without any MXE. Though 5 days felt like five weeks at the rate I had been using. The everyday dosing is just not sustainable imo. A dehydrated manic intoxication is what it seems like now that I've sobered up. I still love it don't get me wrong, but the everyday dosing and holing three times a day is just a bit ridiculous for me. My brain and body are my most valuable attributes and the everyday holing is just a slap in the face to what I've been given. I still have a bit left and I may even get more in the future just so I have a lifetime supply. I just don't see myself using it more than once every few weeks from here on out, if that. Also I really like having it around to combine with psychedelics so there's that. It does suck that the best effects dont reveal themselves until you've binged on it for like three days straight, but I feel like I've had more than enough M-holes for one person so I'll reserve those escapes from reality for the future when I'm more emotionally, mentally and financially stable.
Hello mxe fiends. I have been on an extended mxe hiatus and therefore have not been posting or following the mxe big and dandy at all. It seems a lot of users up and disappear from the B&D and since I haven't posted in a long time I wanted to give an update. I'm doing fine.
God you guys make me want to purchase a gram of MXE so bad. I probably haven't even taken 1 gram in total since I first tried it 2 years ago and only holed a few times, but some of you guys claim 50g-75g in 2 years wtf?!?!? It's just been iffy getting it since the last two batches I bought were definitely different feeling and poorer quality than what I got in 2013. But from browsing through vendors it seems like there's some higher quality batches going around now, sadly Bitcoin is taking over the clearnet. :/ Bitcoin is a pain in the ass.
Since when did this thread become a place to discuss bitcoin?

Anyway, that first MXE dose after a hiatus is a bit rough around the edges at first, but then it's loosens you up right back into its comforting clutches.

A bit of MDMA makes you a bit too open and vulnerable, then it's some harmless 2C-B fun, right? Of course I must cap this night off with some MXE. Oh shit it's morning... So this is how the daily dosing routine arises. Thank God I've only got a couple points left lol. No more MXE for me for awhile. Who am I kidding I'll prolly cave and get more this stuff is tricky, be careful people.
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