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The Big & Dandy DOC Thread (Part 2)

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I don't think weight has much to do with so much as perhaps receptor density? Anyway, for an example I'm 125lb and I like to take 7mg for a dose. There are a lot of factors we don't get for dose variations between people, I guess.
I'm 200lbs and only 3mg would have me frying off of my face for hours. I can't even imagine 7mg 8o
I usually feel kind of sore and tired but stimulated, so the most I want to do is hang out with my friends and smoke some weed. I don't think I'd want to go out to a bar and I most likely wouldn't want to drink but then again that's not much of my scene anyways.

I wasn't talking about alcohol by the way. My friends like to indulge, but I'll just be there for the conversations wiht my water ;). But I think I understand what you mean.
Just starting to come up on 5mg, fuck i love this drug, 16 hours of pure bliss.
It's so euphoric with that sleepy phenethylamine feeling without any stimulation, its like psychedelic GHB.
I don't know why people are talking about pains or too much stimulation, that sounds more like DOI or DOB.

^ Seems to be a very individual reaction, it also depends on what makes one feel stimulated. DOB for example for me didn't feel the slightest bit physically stimulating, very laid back and there was little desire to get up and do things, but it was very mentally stimulating and my thoughts went into complete overdrive. DOC on the other hand was the opposite, my thoughts were very relaxed and the entire time the experience felt incredibly smooth and relaxing, but I had boundless physical energy to do whatever I wanted.

I also have several friends who find DOB causes stomach pains while DOC doesn't, while I noticed the opposite - though they were rather mild and not too distracting, and only on the come up.

I've noticed the differences also seem to extend to duration, I know people who've tripped for 20-24+ hours from light-medium doses of DOB and DOC, when I was mostly down and able to sleep around the 12-14 hour area with DOB, and around 11-12 hours with DOC. The same is true for other psychedelics, where for example most people seem to find 4-AcO-DMT lasts 4-7 hours depending on dose, but I've had some trips exceed the 10-11 hour mark with higher doses.

It's very often down to the individual taking the drug ;)
Yeah I've often noticed how DOx chemicals have markedly shorter durations than what I expect having read reports. DOC was pretty typical (10-14 hours, 2-3 hour peak), DOI had a long peak (about 5 hours) but was down in normal time frame as well.
^ I find it hard to say how long I peaked on DOB and DOC, these didn't have a very typical time-frame for drugs but rather I rose up to peak and then sort of gradually declined to 15-20% below the peak over the duration of the trip, then felt like the trip was over, despite seemingly tripping almost as hard as during the peak, fell asleep, woke up with no remaining effects a few hours later.

Most psychedelics the peak drops off midway through the trip for me and I'm left with some very light effects, but with both DOxs I've tried the lack of a noticeable drop off in effects made me think I *would* be tripping a good day or more, but then suddenly it was like I felt I wasn't tripping any more despite having crazy visuals and thoughts.

Weird stuff.
So.... I survived highest dose that I've ever heard about, barely. In fact I would swear that I had some help staying in this reality, help from the other side. I am very seasoned in the psychedelic state of mind, body, and soul. I've done it all, several times over. I've done about every combination and tested the limits of physical and spiritual endurance the human experience of being could handle. I was the one dropping 10 hits of acid when others took 2 or 3, back in the early days. When my friends tripped balls on 3.5g of shrooms, I was working through an oz on a 3 day journey. All I'm trying to say is I'm no rookie, and im surely no pussy. I've been on the brink of death 4 times, two of which I wound up in the hospital, and not from any mental instability. I pushed too far physically. No regrets but many lessons were learned.
This time was an honest mistake. A terrible lack of awareness. Almost a fatal fuck up. I don't know where I was mentally when I weighed out the DOC. It was like I wasn't in control, like I was in a strange trance-like conciousness. As dumb as this sounds, with 17 years of experience as a psychnaught, and the proper equipment, I put 3 pts in the capsule.....not 3 mgs......30. An overdose of epic proportions. The trip itself will probably remain a personal experience, not to be told in public forums. I am sure I had help though, making sure I didn't cross into that which you don't come back.
Be careful my fellow travelers. I never thought it would happen to me.....
I would have immediately begun making myself puke followed immediately by eating every antipsychotic, benzo, and opiate in the house, then calling someone to monitor my pulse and BP.

I am glad you survived and took something out of that!
My body has a high affection for DOC and tolerates any body load quite well. 7mg is a good tolerable high dose for me. I have mine dosed in liquid at 2.5mg/ml. One time I forgot this and dosed as if it was 1mg/ml. so thats 17.5mg. I lost my vision for a little while and had huge sound distortions. I had a football game on the tv and every time I closed my eyes I would feel like I was apart of the game like with my eyes clothes my mind couldn't separate the sound from the tv with reality.

All this said I enjoyed it so much I planned on trying to recreate that trip in the far future. I'm glad I don't get the vasoconstriction and other side effects others get so I am really able to take this to unreal levels.

Safety notice: Everything I say is stupid do not try at home unless you are as dumb as I am.
The highest I've gone is 7mg, and it was certainly one of the most visual trips I've ever had, especially when I smoked some buds near the peak. Lordy.
Can anyone comment on the qualitative difference between taking DOC sublingually (via liquid drops) versus orally? Is there any reason to hold the drops in your mouth instead of just swallowing them?
This is one I heard about ever since I was 15 years old, but I still have never tried it...
I've given this drug to about 25 people by now and only 2 of them weren't saying great things about it afterwards, and the part that pisses me off the most is they can't even say why they didn't like it. Everyone else has had an awesome time, including the ONE girl who I decided to just tell it was LSD. She has taken a LOT of LSD in her life, and she called me in the middle of the trip saying, 'OMG so this is liek really good acid, I just took all my clothes off and was rolling around the ground lulzzzz'

obviously this is great drug haha, next time I do it I'll probably take at least 5 mg
5-6 mg is just about perfect FOR ME. I don't have much of this left. It really surprised me how nice the headspace is. Great for a lazy night at home, with or without company. It doesn't cause the social anxiety that most other psychs give me. Its more of a social lubricant. Brilliant ideas just come pouring out.
quick questions:

anyone have any experiences with mixing GHB at the tail end of a DOC trip? somehow, after the 12h mark, i get the feeling that during the comedown somehting like a nice relaxing dose of a downer might not be such a bad thing....

also, any taste differences between the freebase and the salt form of DOC?
Not with DOC specifically, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't be pleasant. I've done it with 2C-B, 2C-E and others.

Freebases are sometimes less bitter than salts, but this rule is often broken.
So... Lets say the main effects drop off at +12h...
Would there be any use in tryin to add dpt int a trip? Any safety concerns? Would tolerance be too high to try to add anything?
Phenethylamines generally don't build a lot of tolerance so that probably would work, but damn, it'll kick your ass.
So... Lets say the main effects drop off at +12h...
Would there be any use in tryin to add dpt int a trip? Any safety concerns? Would tolerance be too high to try to add anything?

might wanna get your DPT in earlier than the 12hour mark. phenethylamines don't cause much tolerance, but DPT seems to be more affected by tolerance than other psychedelics i've tried.
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