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The Big & Dandy Diphenhydramine Thread

Re: dramamine worth to whom?

StagnantReaction said:
From what I've gathered by reports of anticholin HPPD, they're not like normal HPPD.

There is no "normal HPPD"..

james_dean_dean said:
NAN probably doesn't exist. There's neither valid evidence to suggest there is nor evidence to disprove its existence.

So your claim that it "probably doesn't exist" also isn't valid, that's why I suggested to get her tested.. Aren't people always looking for lab rats like this?
Walkaway said:
> I do not approve of ketamine usage in humans though.
You call Dramamine "a good drug if used responsibly," so what is your major objection to the use of ketamine in humans?
>Why do you feel the need to post like that?
Re: Re: dramamine worth to whom?

Blowmonkey said:
There is no "normal HPPD"..

So your claim that it "probably doesn't exist" also isn't valid, that's why I suggested to get her tested.. Aren't people always looking for lab rats like this?

No, because her use hasn't been monitored by health professionals. She could lie (or miscalculate) her dosages.
I saw a girl on Montel Williams who had been in a coma for two weeks after ketamine usage. I dont think it had been taken in conjunction with other drugs either, possibly some alcohol. When I see ketamine I think, that looks odd. Maybe a drug that looks like that is more suited to animals?

> >Why do you feel the need to post like that?

Nostalgia, combined with an odd sense of humor.
Re: dramamine worth to whom?

StagnantReaction said:
You find that bizarre? I’ve been around a lot of kids who at one moment think DXM is the best substance ever created, but the next they stumble across mushrooms or a ‘real’ drug and suddenly that’s their favorite. This is not surprising, to say the least. OTC drugs, no matter their effects, will be gobbled up by altered state-starved kids who are subjected to a horrible society. It’s simply all about the availability, not the experience.

dudes in other words anticholinergics SUCK. get some real drugs maybe?
> dudes in other words anticholinergics SUCK.

My experience differs.

> get some real drugs maybe?

Define "real drugs?"
> Are there any known psychological or physical problems
> associated with using Diphenhydramine?

Yes there are. Among them: HPPD, behavioral toxicity (i.e., doing potentially lethally stupid shit while high), and death by overdose. While I think anticholinergics can be powerful tools for the shamanically inclined, they are most definitely NOT toys, and should not be used carelessly. I tend to recommend that most drug users stay the fuck away from them, and that those who find they can't resist their curiosity experiment sparingly and consciously.

If you're going to be using these drugs, I recommend that you invest in a good supply of cholinergic precursors (lecithin or DMAE are my favorites; YMMV) and always have a sitter on hand.

Happy travels.
This is one experience I still cross-examine in my mind because it was a dumb idea. Just smoke some marijuana... or find some mushrooms. ODing on allergy medicine isn't cool.
Anticholinergics are insidiously seductive drugs. They allow you to explore something very like a lucid dream state, to close your eyes and be immersed in a realistic dream-world with which you can interact. They even allow dream and reality to blend into one. Nothing else does that, at least not for me. This makes them fascinating and attractive. They're very Lovecraftian - dissolve ye boundaries between ye spheres - or something like that.

Trouble is, they are so uncomfortable and dangerous, and you have to treat them with the utmost care. I've used various anticholinergics, and have come to feel a healthy fear of them. I look upon diphenhydramine pills rather like a very, very hot chili pepper that I'm going to bite into.

Anticholinergics are the only drugs that led me to call emergency services. Alone on 600 mg diphenhydramine and 180 mg DXM, I thought I was having a heart attack. I called emergency, the ambulance came, and I was taken to hospital. In fact, I'd had a panic attack, and an ECG showed that my heart was fine apart from sinus tachycardia (normal with anticholinergics and not dangerous except if extreme).

I did exactly the same thing two weeks later. Same doses of the same drugs, same emergency call, same result. Stupid. Waste of my time and of the time of the emergency services.

Why did I do it again? Because, the first time, I discovered that I could look at at picture in a book, and see it as though it were a window into another 3-d world. The second time, I wanted to look at the illustrations in Jung's alchemical works, and enter through the images into the alchemical dream-world. I ended up in a hospital waiting room all night. Seduced, not by the promise of pleasure, but by the promise of knowledge, of new worlds open to exploration. And, despite being jilted like this, I still believe in that promise and may one day, when properly prepared, make another attempt.

Sorcerer's apprentice, anyone? Calling out forces which one cannot control...
Wow, you don't see many people mention Lovecraft these days...

I feel the same about diphenhydramine and it's being 'Lovecraftian'.
Angel of Death said:
You cannot have OEV's on DXM, period.
What the fuck, man?! Brains are different... Some people have visuals without even being intoxicated, so what the fuck are you saing here? It's ridiculous...

well I'va been throughdramamine (dimenhydrinate) wich is a "sedative anticholinergic anti-nausea"
suggested hallucinogenic dosage on erowid.org was 8 to15 pills
Me and a friend of mine tried 10 pills with very little results (exepting heavy sedation)...so I tried 20 pills, doubling dose isn't wise, I know, that's exactly how I learnt this rule because I almost died and still didn't get any effects exepting very heavy sedation, irregular heart beat (I thought my heart almowas going to stop, but Iwas lucky and didn't die). Oh, yess also, very fun because my blood wasn't circulating well: my extremities did turn blue (well, fingers were blue and....my balls turned brown 8o ). I had to take a hot bath to produce vasodilatation so things came back to normal on the sixth hour.
My friend had different results as he would beok with this stuff, so he did getacute delirium from 25 pills (at least) and with 30 his heart almost stopped too.
Here's how washis trip: he would want to say something, but he would say something completely different without noticing it, and as I answer his unwanted question he would hear something completely different from what I said....let me give you a few exemples:

exemple one:
me (sober): were do you go for vacations?
him (on 25 pills): well, my grandmother said...
me: what the fuck are you telling lool ?
him: yes, don't you know how to make podridge, don't you?

exemple two:
him (answering to a question I didn't even asked): no, horses arn't here
me: :| (feeling our discussion won't ever lead anywhere)
him: because the king is gone now you know hmfrr, why do you look at me this way, did I say something I shouldn't?
me:=D =D =D

exemple three:
him: it's late, I think I'm going back to my home now
me: you'reat your home now, no urge you know :| ...

and so on and so on....

he also spent great time to make cofee to an invisible woman he thought I was talking with..."she asked for cofee" he said when I asked if he was making coffee for him or for me...

he did speak to many invisible persons during the night (he wouldn't even believe me as I was telling him these people weren't real)...I remember him closing slowly a door for 15 minutes not to wake up 3 imaginary people sleeping in his bed...so fun but so strange as he didn't realize he was tripping and was so serious...yes, that's delirium.

the trip isn't euphoric at all, very very sedative, very dangerous for heart and blood circulation, and on the next day you don't remember much of how you spent your night...the only fun thing (if this is "fun") is the next day, when people tell you how psychotic like you've been acting, then you can think "well I was really fucked up"...to bad you didn't enjoy it as you were tripping and too bad you don'treally remember now.

I think the substance you want to try is very similar(sedativeanticholinergic pills right?... with a very similar name: dramamine/dimenhydrinate/diphenhydramine...looks like the same familly of compound if not the same)...my advice: don't (not fun and very dangerous)...much better drugs around.

Hey, So I Just dosed about 625mg of diphenhydramine, And this is my fourth time dosing, never this much though, plus mixing with cannabis. What Im asking is in your guys opnion what is the best way to remember the trip as well as enhance it =) Thanks
hm... you could have a video/audio recorder, or a friend to watch you. chances are you won't remember much...
Anticholinergics are not generally known for leaving good memory intact - they induce a delirious state, after all. Hope that dose is going smoothly for you. I find DPH (diphenhydramine) too uncomfortable even at sub-delirious doses due to the odd nervous tingle / "paradoxical stimulation" effect DPH can have at higher doses, and plenty of TRs scared me away from much interest in a higher dose anyway.

I do use DPH regularly at much lower doses as everything from allergy/sinus medication to a sleep aid. Many people find that, if the drowsiness of 100-200mg doses isn't too much to handle, DPH can also enhance orgasms in both genders and help with 'stamina issues' for guys. YMMV of course.
What form is ur dyphenhydro in ?I usually get a much better buz from the 50mg gels from Wally world.def better than the benadril caps.and you only have to take half as many.be safe
notebook, 1 full water bottle, warm sweater; stay mildly active.

i don't do diphenhydramine anymore. high doses would leave my vision and hearing altered/impaired for a day afterward. horrible body load with like only one hour of visuals. also risk of blackout.

one tip: eat your pills, and then stash them somewhere hard for you to reach. redosing won't get the visuals to comeback after they leave, only make you crazier. it's scary to have furniture speak to you.
one tip: eat your pills, and then stash them somewhere hard for you to reach. redosing won't get the visuals to comeback after they leave, only make you crazier. it's scary to have furniture speak to you.

agreed. im only wondering how you are doing right now, hopefully awesome and not too horribly delirious. peace! =D