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Ethnobotanicals The Big & Dandy Datura Thread

damn, sounds like bad dry mouth ;x how is it if you eat the seeds? and how many seeds should you eat?
Stay away from the seeds.

You're supposed to consume another part of the plant, but I don't know what it is exactly (silly me :().
sexyanon said:
Stay away from the seeds.

You're supposed to consume another part of the plant

Says who? All parts of the plant contain scopolamine. Seeds are/were commonly consumed by many cultures in the New World. Obviously the seeds contain a higher quantity of scopolamine, so you would need to consume much less than if you had eaten the leaves.

How much less? Who knows. The scopolamine content can vary from plant to plant, leaf to leaf, and even from the time of day it is picked. This is why (as well as the general nature of the experience itself) experimenting with this plant is downright dangerous. This one should really be left to the shamans.

If you must work with datura, I recommend you follow Jamshyd's advice and smoke a tiny quantity. This way, you can at least titrate the dosage (to some degree anyway) and reduce the chances of winding up naked in a field, smoking invisible cigarettes, and talking to your ansestors. 8(
me and 2 of my friends were chilling at my house and decided to go smoke some of this amazing weed (headies) in this graveyard by my house.

it was around 1 am so it was pretty dark and we were heading back when we all saw this blinding light for 2-3 seconds, it made us all jump and sort of stumble to the ground..

i dont know if this was supernatural and actually real or just a hallucination because of all the THC we'd consumed, but it had a weird feel to it that i had never felt on any of my other trips 8o

we didnt know what to believe..plus the fact we had all witnessed it at the same time makes me think even more it wasn't just a hallucination.
please do yourself a favor and stay away from datura. Just have
a look at the reports on erowid and 90% of the users tell you not to
do it....could this be a wise advice?

If you decide to do it anyway, you NEED a sober sitter to watch you at
all time. The delirium induced by this plant can possibly endanger your
life or the life of others.

Be very careful
Sorry morninggloryseed for being so ambiguous. :(

Not to start up an argument (chime in if you want to), but wouldn't the Old World have better uses and knowledge about the plant rather than the New World? When I hear New World, I think of ignorant Europeans who have no knowledge of plants and the likings compared to the Old World people.

mgs - I'm a tad bit confused. So it doesn't matter what part of the plant you take? Or is avoiding the seeds and using a portion of the leaves the best route?

Oh, and lsdod, one more thing. It is required by Bluelight law for you to write a trip report about this strange plant. ;)
Old world = Europe
New world = N & S America

Shamans in the new world are very skilled at what they do.

It doesn't matter which part you use (leaves or seeds) as long as you significantly adjust the dosage. The effects of each are the same, but leaves are significantly weaker in potency as compared to seeds. So one would use much less seeds.
sexyanon said:
When I hear New World, I think of ignorant Europeans who have no knowledge of plants and the likings compared to the Old World people.

Well thanks! :D
datura burgmansia made me go outside and sit in the street in front of my house naked one time. or atleast thats what the cops told me when they were searching my house and taking me to jail. that 1, 48hour trip costed me over 4000$ . datura is not worth it. DON'T DO IT!!!
Is it me? Why do more than half of all datura trip reports feature the person winding up naked outside? It's a lovely plant, but I sure have no interest in trying it.
Hmm jus tout of interest is the deadlynightshade you are referring to the same as the deadlynightshade you get growing in the UK which kind of looks like berries growing out of the ground? If so a relative of mine ate about 4 of them when he was 7 and went mad and was frothing at the mouth for hours before being takne to hospital, I'm thinking it must be differnt though because it would be deifnaltey recognsed as something hallucinogenic as opposed to something compleatly toxic..
yes rasclatt, they are the same plant. also deadlynightshade can be toxic in relatively small amounts. 1 dry gram of atropa belladonna leaves will produce an almost 48 hour trip. and a little more might cause death.
First, I'd have to disagree with the comment several posts earlier that Daturas/Brugmansias are not dangerous in terms of toxicity, it's well documented that the dosage curve is pretty steep and that a strong dose can be quite toxic or potentially lethal. It doesn't help either that there isn't a reliable way to to determine the concentrations of the anticholinergens in the plant, even throughout the same plant.
Also, while different people at different times and places have consumed different parts of the plant matter, most recepes Ive come across involve brewing a tea from the seeds (and sometimes leaf matter).

While Datura probably has a higher concentration of atropine than Brugmansia and one may be a more potent anticholinergenic plant, I'm pretty confident that the difference between the two would be one of degree rather than dimension. Both involve the same chemicals in different concentration.

Another point of interest is that dramamine, gravol and certain other over-the-counter antihistamines appear to contain anticholinergenic deleriants. I haven't put this to the test, nor am I in any hurry to do so, but I imagine that the intoxication produced by these substances would be comparable in terms of their effects to small doses of Datura or the like.

In any case, it's been quite rightly pointed out by a few people on this board more than a few times that trippping on anticholinergens far more often than not leads to dramatically unpleasant experiences. This is most of all the case with Datura and her relatives. While some of strong head in ideal set and setting and specific purpose for the experience may well have a pleasant or constructive experience, taking it for purely recreational experiences or to "get fucked up"seems to almost invariably lead to horror stories.
Deleriants aren't acid and I think any comparison to any dose of LSD or her analogs would be completely baseless. From what I understand, the only level on which they might be comparable would be how both substances can cause dissociation and loss of context of the world around one. However, unlike with deleriants, a person on LSD is usually quite able to distinguish reality from hallucination, and the possibility of a toxic overdose is pretty much never an issue.
Id think long and hard about your motives for messing around with Datura. Personally, sitting in a room with a buddy, looking away to light a cigarette only to find that the person whom I took to be present had disapeared entirely in the brief moment during which I diverted gaze sounds pretty unpleasant and not like a particularily great kick. There's also a lot of trip reports with people reportedly finding that "they aren't quite the same" weeks or months after ingestion. Granted, LSD and other psychedelics can cause perspective and paradigm shifts in people which sustain long after consumption. But in the case of deleriants, the sustained state is more often described as a prolonged state comparable to some kind of mild psychosis. Granted, these reports could be overembelishments. But given what I've heard and understand of these drugs, I'm inclined to believe them. I may try them at some point, but not in anything less than an ideal set and setting and within a context where I have something I specifically hope to gain from venturing down that path. For now, they just seem extremely menacing and potentially quite dangerous.
"1 dry gram of atropa belladonna leaves will produce an almost 48 hour trip. and a little more might cause death."

Not neccesarily true. The reason Erowid and many other sites avoid specifying dosages for Datura and the like is because two plants grown beside each other in the same garden under the same condition could have dramatically different concentrations of anticholinergenics. Sometimes distribution within the same plant is radically uneven.

The only resonsible way to determine dosage with Datura is to take a bunch of seed or whatever you want to use.. ground it and mix it (to distribute concentration evenly) ... and start with a very conservative dose and slowly work your way up. after you're done with that batch, the particular dose determined means nothing in relationship to any subsequent batch.
Does anyone here like belladonna/datura

Where I live , there are datura trees growing all over the place. Of course this means that when i am bored, I run up to someone's yard and pick a leaf or two for munching purposes.

I find the effect to be quite pleasurable at "museum-level" doses. It provides a sense of well-being that lasts all week; it is an effective, natural, long-lasting, antihistimine (i have bad allergies), and it gives you crazy lucid dreams. What's not to like?

Does any one else feel the same way? Or am i in the loner category here.

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I'm bored repeating myself, but I guess it's better if I do so...

OK, first I want to say that belladonna (Atropa Belladonna) has exactly the same effects than datura, but belladonna contains much more atropine than datura (which is not good as the interesting compound in solanaceae plants is scopolamine as it is more hallucinogenic and less toxic than atropine)

So, here I'll just cut and paste what I said about datura as it is exactly the same thing for beladonna (and other solanaceae as Mandragora Officinarum aka mandrake, Hyoscyamus Niger aka henbane, Brugmansia spp. aka tree datura)...I mean same risks, same effects (exepting that belladonna and mandrake are the most toxic ones: they have also been used as deadly poisons to kill people), same preparation (not tea!! make an ointment!), same advice about increasing dose progressively...the same.


Datura Inoxia (also called Datura Meteloides):
this is the one mexico shamans use for visionnary purposes, probably the best specie to be used

Datura Metel (also called Datura Fastuosa):
another specie used by shamans

Datura Strammonium:
said to be more toxic than the two other species, it's the one that was used by european middle age witches

Note that there are many other species of datura but these are the most famous one (and "tree datura" is refering to another specie of solanaceae plant: Brugmansia spp.)


Datura ?
Well, I believe all of you are responsible people. So I know all of you
have been making lots of researches (on bluelight AND erowid.org) before even thinking about using such a dangerous (who did say poisonous ?) drug.
So, I would say that any of you who would think about using datura is aware of this:

Datura potency vary greatly from one plant to another (including between two plants of the same strain)...

MUCH better using the seeds since their potency vary much less than leaves & flowers (wich potency may vary greatly from one to another)
This doesn't mean seeds aren't dangerous. They are.
Note that roots portency also doesn't vary much so it's ok too.
BUT (!!) as someone previously said that
" the root has an adittional additional alkaloid, apoatropine, which is extremely toxic, and likely to prove lethal even when taken in very small amounts, and by small amounts, we are talking 0.5-1mg or so"
then I guess that for belladonna you should REALLY avoid using the roots (I think that considering this, if you're not stupid, you won't use the belladonna root).

Datura dosages often vary greatly from an individual to another.
Some would get complete delirium with 30 seeds, other would need as much as 200 (!!). So if one would need 30 but use 200 as a friend who used 200 successfully told him to do he would just overdose...death can occur in two ways with datura: from cardiovascular troubles (greatly increased heart rate, up to 150bpm, and severe hypertension) leading to haemorrhage, heart failure... OR from overheating up to 42-43°C !
You'll HAVE TO start with low dose (20-30) and work your way up progressively until you find your OWN dose (for me it's around 100 seeds with datura strammonium, the only specie I've tried)

Smoking leaves/flowers is said to be the safest way to use datura but I tried to smoke datura stramonium leaves, flowers and seeds with NO results. Just a very slight high feeling. Maybe this could work if your plant is very concentrated but I doubt it would give any hallucinations, I think at most would you get a high and weird feelings.

So here is how to get hallucinations:

The WRONG & most dangerous way to use Datura (& other solanaceae) is to take them orally (eating the seeds or making a tea)... hospitalisations and death have often happened with oral use.

The ONLY "SAFE" (note the " ") way has to be the way people who used datura for thousand years have choosen:
Shamans & european witches believe the good way to be transdermal use in the form of an ointment wich is spread over specific parts of the body.

The wise guy knows the only way to choose to be the shaman's way (not
the "people on the internet" or "friend of mine" way)

Yess, shamans & witches know what they are doing.

Datura has two active principles. One is "good" for tripping. The other is not. The good one can pass through the skin. The bad one can't. So using datura transdermally is the way to keep the bad one out of you're body (that sounds great because you don't want this one to be in your system)
Don't ask me how could shamans be aware of this, centuries ago...

Ow! People on the internet claim they have been using a tea successfully ? Congratulations ! (note that some didn't had any congratulations for their tea because they are no more here to tell anyone about their own tea-death story )
Fun, isn't it ?
So don't listen to internet people saying stupid things like "make a tea, drink it, that's a great high, it worked for me"...because it was fatal to many.

SO, I hope nobody is fool enough to use datura orally when they know it's not good for them

...& here is the ointment recipe (so nobody has any excuse for not doing it):

-Crush the datura seeds in a fine powder.
-Place the powdered seeds in some lard (= pork fat).
-Add some organic soot (how to make it: see below).
-Blend well.
-Cook over a gentle heat (below 100 °C) for 2-4 hours while stiring regularly.
-Let sit for a week (at least) in a dark place, stir regularly (several times a day).
-Filter (see the note below).
-Keep the fatty ointment in a sealed glass jar, in a dark & cool place.

Note: you'd better handle the ointment wearing gloves (since the ointment is absorbed through the skin).

How to make organic soot ? Just place some lard in some aluminium foil to make a foil parcel. Place it in the ambers until the lard is completely grilled (you should obtain some black organic soot).

How to use the ointment:

Witches used to spread it...
-over their temples
-under their armpits
-over their vagina
-just behind their ears
-over their neck
-over the interior part of their forearm
-over the left part of their stomach
-over their calves
-and under their sole (of the feet).

NEVER spread any on your forehead (risk of death).

I would suggest starting with only the temples & armpits (very suitable areas for transdermal absorption).

Note that the calves & sole are for producing a feeling of flight (I don't know about other areas specificties).

NOTE (!!) that there is a more elaborated preparation (and probably SAFER) for the ointment explained in castaneda's books (in "The Teachings of don Juan" or "A Separate Reality", I don't remember which one exactly)...

I never tried any ointment myself: I only tried 60 seeds orally, and as it didn't produce any hallucinations and was so damn unpleasant, then I just stopped experimenting with it, but many reliable books about shamanism and entheogens I read do claim that making an ointment is the safest way to go if one would want to get hallucinations from solanaceae plants, and they say that oral use is just too risky (the ointment is the shaman & witches method so I just trust it).

Always keep in mind that there is no "safe" datura trip. This is a VERY dangerous drug. Be careful.
HAVE a trip-sitter !!! (you won't be able to control yourself)


1)because the effect is more like toxik than hallucinogen, it's not much enjoyable (you feel sick, no ophoria effect at all, you vomit, your eyes can't see clear so you can't read anything even if it's writen in big letters, your mouth is completely dry, so you drink a lot but you can't piss anymore, your body temperature rise and you may get feverish (!), so does your blood pressure, your heart rythm become faster, your in complete delirium so you don't understand anything of what's happening around you, you don't realize that your hallucinations aren't real so you don't even have fun hallucinating because you don't know you are, and you almost don't remember your night on the next day,
the only "fun" thing is that later on you can remember "well last night I was really fucked up and I had real hallucinations, I don't remember much of all this, I didn't have fun doing this, but now it's really fun to think about how fucked up I was".
Also unpleasant because the delirium state can last for 3 days (yess with dry mouth and inability to piss...) and then there is an additional period of 3days-1 week you cannot see clear (you can't read) because your eyes are still fucked up.
Note that regular use both fuck up your mental and your body (serious consequences!)...and by the way, there have been a few people who stayed stuck into their trip for month after one single use.

My point is that datura isn't for fun, it has nothing to do with a recreational drug, the only use of interest could be visionary shamanic practices, and even in this case I would rather take something else (shrooms, peyote, salvia are both much more fun and much more safe than datura)

2) because there have been GREAT amount of death with this plant for many reasons:

-dosages can vary greatly from one people to another . for instance, one would need 30 seeds to hallucinate while another would need around 150-200 ! if someone (who would need no more than 30) had no experience with datura and was told by a friend (who successfully used 200) that 200 is the right dose, he may probably die (overdose from heart attack or overheating)
You have to start with low dose (30 seeds at first) and increase progressively (wait 3 days between each trials).

-plant potency can vary greatly from one plant to another, depending on the growing location, the subspecies, the harvesting period...for instance, green fruits of solanaceaes are said to be much much more potent than mature fruits... (so even if you know your dose with one plant you've tried, it can be different with another one)

-different parts of one single plant can have very different potency. Better use seeds because their potency doesn't vary much.

-because people don't know that shamans and witches who used datura for centuries all used to take datura transdermally (absorption through the skin in form of a fat cream) and almost never used it orally
Why? because there are two different active drugs in datura : atropine wich is very toxik and a little hallucinogenic, and scopolamine wich is very hallucinogenic and less toxic than atropine. So the one you want is scopolamine only. The problem is that if you use datura orally, you get both in your body, unless you use it transdermally because only scopolamine can pass through the skin (atropine will stay out of your body this way).

-because people are so delirious that they kill themselves making stupid things (like swimming in such a delirious state, or passing through a window...)

-because people arent' aware of drug interactions and contraindications:
you must never use datra if any cardiovascular troubles, if glaucoma, if on antidepressants.
you must never mix datura with any medecine or drugs (even weed is said to be a bad idea !) because this could rise your blood pressure so hard that you would die.

-also note that doing any physically exhausting activity (such as dancing at a rave) can be dangerous on datura (risk of rise in cardiac rythm(& blood pressure) or rise in body temperature wich are both already much higher than normal when you're on datura)

So : read ALL informations on bluelight.ru AND erowid.org before considering about trying such a dangerous toxic plant!!!
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i was thinking about trying datura, but after making a post just liek yours on BL, and readng what every1 has experienced(trip reports and such), im never even gonna go near the stuf.

only beneficial way of doing datura that i can see, would be if u wanted to get yourself thrown into a mental home.
wow, what an essay. Anyway I tried a bit of the stuff once and it was fun except that I got really anxious and got all red and hot feeling. I want to try belladonna though, because it sound crazier, and a lot more fun than datura.
hahaha you just didn't understand: as belladonne is much more toxic than datura (too much nasty atropine in the plant) then it means that it is much less fun than datura (if datura can be considered as "fun"). Belladonna will give you exactly the same trip (not more fun, not less fun than datura: just delirium) but with much more nasty toxic side effects (dry mouth, fever, overheating, heart troubles, inability to piss will be increased) and that's all it is about. You get it?