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Tryptamines The Big & Dandy Bufotenine (5-HO-DMT) Thread - The Truth is Out There

Vektor is correct. It is not open for interpretation or debate. Calcium Bufotenate is the calcium salt of bufotenine. Period. It is an irrefutable scientific fact.

As far as the code goes:

"any of its salts...whenever the existence of such salts... is possible within the specific chemical designation..."

Nothing vague about that. If a salt exists, any salt, the schedule applies.

Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Game over.

There is nothing to interpret here.

Was the bufotenin used in the 1950s prison experiments even synthetic bufotenin? Or is it possible they extracted it from plant/toad sources and were injecting the victims with something that was impure?
Some of you guys have been talking about this stuff for 7 months. Why don’t you just do some and stop talking about it? Or are you waiting for someone younger and more naive to come along and try it first.
Not including egor he had the balls to do it before talking trash for 7 months.
More of the people participating in this thread have probably tried it than they are letting on:\
squerll said:
I was always under the impression it was mildly psychedelic with harsh and possibly deadly side affects.

Things that a mildly or possibly usually don’t turn out to be much use, combined with possible deadly side affects make this one seem like a dangerous place with no rewards.

There seems to always be someone who likes to try things like this, I am interested in hearing more about it. But I don’t want any until the info changes, if it ever does.

Info on the subjective effects of bufotenin seem to be constantly changing.
Subjective effects are subjective. Fact is, Yopo and similar snuffs are all bufotenine and that is what causes their psychedelic effects.
this thread has been revolving around chemistry and law far more than it has been about the activity of a substance for a while.

I don't understand how anyone can suppose that having a different salt makes a substance legal. Faulty chemistry and law.

And now that they're going to change "positional isomer" everything is really about to fucking change.
Merged the two bufotenine threads together.

I also Big and Dandified it. It would be awesome if we could gather enough information and experimental data to shed some light on this age-old question!
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squerll said:
My definition of psychedelic is a substance that has the ability to produce insights and life changing experiences. Which I haven’t heard any of that about 5-ho-dmt.

Some people use the definition of mind manifesting but that is so broad it can include about anything. Unleaded gas and rubber cement can make you hallucinate images from your mind and make you feel like total garbage with no insights afterwards (which seems to sum up most of the 5-o-dmt experience reports) but I wouldn't classify them as psychedelic. I would classify them as toxic garbage. Which seems like what 5-ho-dmt falls under.
I guess I boils down to what is your definition of psychedelic.
I would say no it is not.
I'm not sure how anyone can say that (bufotenin is not psychedelic) when yopo and related snuffs are clearly psychedelic, and bufotenin is the only tryptamine present in any significant amount. Not to mention the recent report on bufotenin pharmocology by J. Ott which should have cleared up any lingering misconceptions about bufotenin that anyone may have had.

I'd take the reports (of purple faces and poisonings) done on helpless mental patients and prisoners with a grain of salt.
The yopo snuffs have bufotenin but it is mixed with other things, which makes it impossible to say it is only acting as bufotenin.

What about egors experiences? Sounds like toxic to me with no psychedelic affects
And that is what most of the other report say also.

You have a lot of speculations moringglory seed.

Do you have any real experience with this compound?

And I am still wondering why you are promoting this stuff in a public forum like you are?
Do you find promoting an unknown possible toxic compound in a forum frequented by young people dangerous?
I do.. It is defiantly not harm reduction.

Possible deadly side affect should never be taken with a grain of salt.
^^ Promoting a substance is not the same as stating your opinion, as you have done here as well. Bufotenine is certainly not proven to produce no effects and to be toxic.
Xorkoth said:
Bufotenine is certainly not proven to produce no effects and to be toxic.

Taken from egors experience reports

(with 10 mg, intravenously, over a 50 second period) "My face was suddenly very hot. I could not breathe fast enough."
(with 16 mg, intravenously, over a 3 minute period) "Almost immediately I felt a burning sensation in the roof of my mouth and I felt a tingling all over my body. My face turned purple, and my chest feels crushed. Everything has a yellow haze, and I was sweating heavily and I vomited. Words can't come. My mind feels crowded. When I start on a thought, another one comes along and clashes with it. I can't express myself clearly. I am here and not here. It has now been forty minutes and I feel better, but I still feel like I would like to walk it off, like a hang-over."

Sounds like the first stages of some very serous respiratory problems which is usually what kills people in drug Ods. Purple face is usually cause by lack of oxygen, which can cause permant damage, and be deadly.

In cambrage dictionary the definition for toxic is: poisonous
The defintion for poisonous is: a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it.

Their has been reports of 5-ho-dmt making people ill so it is documented toxic.
Sorry to be nitpicky but that structure is not drawn correctly. The two bufotenine molecules are not covalently bonded to Ca. It's a salt, and should be drawn as one...
treebear said:
Taken from egors experience reports

(with 10 mg, intravenously, over a 50 second period) "My face was suddenly very hot. I could not breathe fast enough."
(with 16 mg, intravenously, over a 3 minute period) "Almost immediately I felt a burning sensation in the roof of my mouth and I felt a tingling all over my body. My face turned purple, and my chest feels crushed. Everything has a yellow haze, and I was sweating heavily and I vomited. Words can't come. My mind feels crowded. When I start on a thought, another one comes along and clashes with it. I can't express myself clearly. I am here and not here. It has now been forty minutes and I feel better, but I still feel like I would like to walk it off, like a hang-over."

Sounds like the first stages of some very serous respiratory problems which is usually what kills people in drug Ods. Purple face is usually cause by lack of oxygen, which can cause permant damage, and be deadly.

In cambrage dictionary the definition for toxic is: poisonous
The defintion for poisonous is: a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it.

Their has been reports of 5-ho-dmt making people ill so it is documented toxic.

Keep in mind the experiences you quoted are from Tihkal and quite out of date. It doesnt mention the salt either:\
I'll give you that the yopo snuff isnt exactly "fun", but noone ever said it was and I dont think it will kill me in reasonable doses either. An entheogen producing nausea is no measure of toxicity.
Also, a couple of very brief reports of intravenous use does not mean that bufotenine is not worth exploring, or that it is toxic in every application.
What are you on? I don't promote anything. My stance is to drink milk, stay in school, and leave drugs to people like Mr. T.

I am just stating a fact.....yopo is a well established psychedelic snuff, it contains bufotenin as the only active ingredient (DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are present in only trace amounts...far too small to account for its activity), and yopo does not cause the 'toxic' effects shown in those flawed reports you cite.

"egors" experiences are quotations from the 1950s on mental patients. There are many factors to consider. However, the biggest is that a dozen experiences on mental patients do not override the fact that bufotenin-containing yopo snuff is a well established psychedelic, and has been used by man since recorded time with no 'egg-plant purple' faces or other toxic side-effects.

What reports have you read to show that yopo/bufotenin is toxic (beyond what you cited, which is already known to be flawed information), when bufotenin-containing yopo is used by so many cultures with no toxic effects?

I'm not promoting anything. To use or not to use is for others to decide. I feel nothing for anyone that goes out and snuffs strange seeds because they read about it on the internet.

PS...I don't know where you get this 'toxic' garbage. I am unaware of any deaths on record attributed to yopo or bufotenin. Can you cite any? In animal testing, 5-Ho-DMT is remarkably non-toxic and the LD-50 is quite high. That doesn't always correspond to humans, but where is the data to show that humans are any different?

treebear said:
The yopo snuffs have bufotenin but it is mixed with other things, which makes it impossible to say it is only acting as bufotenin.

What about egors experiences? Sounds like toxic to me with no psychedelic affects
And that is what most of the other report say also.

You have a lot of speculations moringglory seed.

Do you have any real experience with this compound?

And I am still wondering why you are promoting this stuff in a public forum like you are?
Do you find promoting an unknown possible toxic compound in a forum frequented by young people dangerous?
I do.. It is defiantly not harm reduction.

Possible deadly side affect should never be taken with a grain of salt.
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I think this is a great thread and given that young people are often immortal and experiment much more recklessly than those longer in the tooth, providing information that explores the ambiguous nature of the substances is certainly providing routes to harm reduction.

There is also the television program "Going Tribal" where they televised Bruce Parry imbibing hallucinogenic snuff with other tribemembers. He related the experience (IIRC) as a little nauseating at first and then very pleasant. You could see they were all having a good time at one point.