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The Big & Dandy Basic Mescaline/Cactus Questions Thread - Round Two!

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What's a good dose of synthetic mesc for someone with a bit of LSD experience?
Can you upload a picture? I'm inclined to believe your "synthetic mesc" is a 2C. I have never ever heard of anyone getting their hands on synthed mesc. If it is real you basically have one of the rarest compounds you can get your hands on. Otherwise it is an extract or an RC.

With a clean extract, i'd say 400mg is a fun beginner dose - you'll trip but nothing like LSD. The headspace is much more calm, even if it does become a bit muddled at the higher doses.
Can you upload a picture? I'm inclined to believe your "synthetic mesc" is a 2C. I have never ever heard of anyone getting their hands on synthed mesc. If it is real you basically have one of the rarest compounds you can get your hands on. Otherwise it is an extract or an RC.

It's a grey powder, I'm told (I haven't bought it yet). It's for sale on the biggest tor-hidden market, "t** s*** road", that takes bitcoins (anonymous digital currency) as payment. The user selling is Goldismoney, so if you know the site, you can check it out for yourself.

some comments:
"Came as a very pure white powder; perhaps a few tiny bits of tan coloration here and there. Legit stuff."
"Woah! Shipping was under 7 days, trans-atlantic. Product also looks cleaner then the last time I ordered(it was off-white/beige), now it's bright white!"

from a forum thread:
"I am sorry for the long delay in replying I went out of town to visit a relative that had a heart attack. I was only supposed to be gone for two days
so I didn't bring my computer. My relative died unexpectedly due to complications during surgery so I had t stay out of town to attend the funeral.

Just so everyone knows nessuno has his order. Of course he complains plenty but never posts that he receives. I was out of the lab and business for 13 days because of my relatives death. Altabird's is the only order that hasn't shipped and I have good reason. About 3 weeks ago I started purifying the mescaline via preparative column chromatography anyone who has ordered recently can see that the mescaline is more pure in fact I had it tested at 99.5% pure. Unfortunately, column chromatography takes a long time especially to purify 110g. Plus nessuno's order and everyone else's. I could have sent altabird less pure product but that wouldn't be fair as everyone else is getting fine product.

I promise there will be no more delays on any future orders. "

It sounds legit.

Thanks for the dosage rec.
That sounds to me like he is doing an HCL extraction and then cleaning it up, if so then I would go with a 300-400mg dose. My first time was 250mg of clean extract and I wished I had gone higher. If you can handle your acid you'll be a-okay with almost any reasonable dose of mesc.

The only reason I preach caution is because 300mg of mescaline is fun, but 300mg of an RC is gonna put you in the hospital.
How much powdered bridgesii would be roughly equivalent to a high dose of mescaline? I'm familiar with the compound just not prepared cactus
Not sure about the guidelines with this question, so I'll ask it and see what happens:

I want to grow San Pedro from a cutting-- where can I buy San Pedro? I used to get great, resistant cuttings from that one site that got raided, then stopped selling cactus.
No sourcing (even of legal stuff) allowed, so no one can really answer that, BUT I don't think you should have too much trouble finding a supplier - there are lots.
My first mescaline experience is approaching, and I'd like to ask a couple of questions. I have a foot of what's either san pedro or peruvian torch, the supplier wasn't clear and they look similar. At any rate, the potency is similar. I've left it wrapped up in my draw for several weeks, to dehydrate and potentiate.

I want to dry a 50g piece. Should I just cut 50g worth off the branch and dry it? Or will it shrink drastically?

If it shrinks drastically, and the same volume will get me the same trip (say, 400g fresh or 50g dried) would I be better off just eating the whole thing fresh?

Basically, looking to find out if I can get more than one trip out of the branch by drying it.

Also - and this is something I'm having surprising trouble finding info on... what's a reliable method of drying it? I'm thinking of just leaving it under my ceiling fan and switching it to full blast for two days. Alternately, could dry it in the sun, or cook it in the oven at 190 deg. Celsius.

Thanks to any and all kind responders.
The bulk of the weight of the cactus is water, so if you cut off a two ounce branch you are not going to end up with two ounces of dry product. It's not going to get stronger when you dry it, so yeah, you can choose between eating a pound of frech cactus or choking down a small cup of twiggy porridge. Or do an extraction.
Yeah, I didn't think so. What a shame, though. I might simply go with eating it fresh after all.

So to clarify: drying it doesn't at all change the potency, it just removes the large amount of water in the branch? 500 fresh grams is equivalent to 50 dried grams simply because there's no water in the dried product? I'm disappointed... I'd hoped to get three or four trips out of this branch. Thanks for your help.
AND NOW another question!

Eating it raw was a mistake, I made it through about 2/3rds before giving up and only had a mild, four-hour trip. If I store the remaining cuttings for three days (planning to give it another shot on Monday, this time drying and brewing into tea) and add them to another branch for a more powerful trip... will those bits of cactus be fine stored in dry conditions, concealed in plastic? Or do they need to be frozen? Don't want to lose their mescaline content - anyone who knows, I appreciate it again.
a cutting will be find in the open air....the only thing to worry about is if the cactus hasn't sealed it's callous. even if that's the case, it should be fine, but will need to be in a more sanitary environment and left in open air, so that mold or rot doesn't begin on the open flesh. as long as your cutting is 'sealed' you can leave it wherever.

you could experiment with the stressing technique, wherein you leave your cutting in the dark for a week or two, and knick it with a knife along the sides. from my experience, this dramatically increases the potency, but no one on blue light believes me when i tell my cactus stressing tale :/
It's worth a try, for next time. I did leave this cutting in the dark for about five weeks, too, but didn't knick the sides. Anyway, I'm relieved to know the remaining chunks of skinless cactus will be fine if left for a few days, thanks. Looking forward to the Monday trip even more than I was looking forward to this, rather anticlimactic, one.

(Mind you, while at the rather humble peak, a big dog chased me and I had to vault a fence; my shoe caught and I ended up upside down. While high. Not the ideal thing to have happen while tripping, but it makes for a good tale.)
lol, quite a tale....

skinless though....???
you should probably keep that in the fridge at least. that's what i was refering to about the callous, i figured it was a cutting with skin. lol, skinless, keep in the fridge...
Yeah, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Turns out you're quite right and it should have gone in the fridge. I was dismayed to get home and find the slices had hardened and browned. I cut off the greenest parts and threw them in with the new branch anyway, and boiled it down to about 600mL of chunky bitter soup. Hoping it will be easier to get down than copious fresh pieces... If you had a lovely cactus soup to scull, what do you reckon would be the best garnish for it? Cactus soup is my favourite.
i've never mixed cactus with much, lol, a unique flavor like that i wouldn't know what to blend with....lemon maybe..??

i remember reading a report years ago, of someone who cut a cactus into little strips and made a vinaigrette that he put on top of it...that sounded good actually. maybe you could make a nice balsamic reduction glaze to put over your bowl of soup.
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