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The Big & Dandy 4-HO-MET Thread - Part 2

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It's just with metocin that I have this lower than usual dose response though, as far as I can tell. I find I need a higher amount than others on many other drugs. This one just does something weird to me...
240sxlover, perhaps try 4-ACO-DIPT, it is slightly less visual, a bit shorter acting, is very euphoric. It has a nonchalant, funny and care free headspace. Had lot's of fun with it!
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Probably gonna take this tomorrow for Halloween. 30mg this time. Hoping I get some nice visuals!
Tried this beast yesterday at 20 mgs +/-. Wow. Just wow. Amazing visuals. It seems like DOC lite. I primed the pump with a bit of nasal mxe. It seemed to take slightly over an hour to start taking effect, but when they did - it. Was. Amazing. Seemed to have a few conclusions and new ideas at the end. Almost ego death area. I think I've found all the edge pieces, now I've got to finish the picture part of the puzzle. .....Wow...
Did it many times and always was all about laughter and fun. Mild visuals (but very colourful), no deep thoughts or ego loss even at 100 mg. Very stimulating and boring at high doses. Low doses (10-20 mg) are way to go. Bought from top EU vendor. It is comparable to 5-meo-mipt but more euphoric and enjoyable due the lack of body load. 4-aco-dmt is much deeper and stronger.
^12mg gave me very strong visuals. I have to wonder why this drug effects me so differently from others. Similar doses affect my roommate strongly too. But with my same batch, I've seen others need double what we need. Hmmmm....
Yeah I've never had a strong trip on it, even up to 30mg. The only time it got super psychedelic was when I mixed it with 2C-B, then I had some of the best CEVs I've ever had, truly beautiful, moving, storytelling and immersive. But all times I've taken it by itself, and once on mescaline too, it's had the effect of enhancing colors and making me feel in tune with my body and nature, but without much depth, unlike most 4-HO-tryptamines.
Lol. Wow. My first trip since 2012 was 9mg of this stuff on a bit of vodka. My room was flowing so much and so fast... I forgot how intense this stuff hits and how fast it hits... Then the ego death came, something really rare for me, it's happened maybe 10 times out of 150+ trips. It really drove the point home about my drinking problem and showed me how it would hurt those around me if I didn't stop and that it would be a lot sooner than I think.

Then my boyfriend calls me and I'm in tears because I can see myself how he sees me and how others see me. As an attractive, cute, fiery, loving, fun person and it made me cry because of the way i view myself as quite the opposite.

Took it about 1AM. May has well of been sublingual since I dumped it from the tray to my tongue and then tried desperately to get rid of the bitterness. But it was first alerts at 5m coming up at 10m peak at 15m then I lost track of time and probably came down around 6 and when I saw the doctor at 1PM all traces were gone.

I've been a chronic alcoholic off and on for years. I've decided to limit myself to two or three beers a day, no more hard alcohol. It's been 2 days and I had 2 beers the first day and 3 yesterday and I feel good about it.

It was weighed on Gemini 20 so it was between 9 and 11mg. It wouldn't surprise me if the Gemini was dead on because I remember my first time was 10.207mg on my SI-234 when I had it and the intensity was about the same, just without the ego death.

Quite a remarkable material. Not one I could handle often, maybe I should seek out some 4-ho-mipt for when I was to float on the clouds instead of get thrown into the thunder dome lol.
Sorry to be rude, but does it look to be the same? MET does not equal DET and I don't see how you would come to that conclusion unless you somehow got 4-ho-det, read these reports, and then hoped that someone misspelled something when telling you what you got.

Again, sorry for being sharp, but dude, c'mon.
Is this the same as 4 aco det?

Not at all, it's 4-HO-MET and 4-AcO-DET is 4-AcO-DET. :) They're in the same family but not the same substance at all. Also, 4-HO-MET is a hydroxy ester and 4-AcO-DET is an acetoxy ester so they're even further removed.
Here's the thing..when looking at 4 aco det in erowid they linked the tihcal to 4 ho det.....just wondered if there was a difference....sorry but I missed the met I met det
Ah okay, makes more sense. Yeah, the 4-AcO-tryptamines are not the same drugs as their 4-HO-counterparts, though they are similar. When these first becoming available, the prevailing idea was that the 4-Aco-tryptamines were just prodrugs of the 4-HO-tryptamines, in fact the Big and Dandies in this forum used to combine the two. But over time, as more and more people experienced them, it became clear they are separate drugs with unique effects.
I have a low dose threshold for this one aswell. It seems to be pretty potent too. A big difference from every 2-3 mg. 12-13mg not enough but 17-18mg too much. Here lately on my gemini scale, 15mg seems to be just right. As compared to 4-aco-dmt which doesnt seem to fit the same profile when it comes to potency which is a lot easier to figure the dose. Any where around 20mg for that one will suffice.
Besides 5-MeO-AMT I can't think of another tryptamine more potent for me... To think that 9mg did that... I'll have to watch my doses. While 20mg is not likely to pose any physical danger, o don't think psychologically I'd recover for some time after such a dose. 4-HO-MET is more potent than psilocin by a good bit if you ask me. And that is taking into account the fact it's fumarate. I'd put 4-HO-MET at roughly 1.5x that of psilocin. At least the pure white stuff I got as a fresh batch.
Hey I have bought numerous batches of this Chem and although this batch looks gorgeous it has a slight smell of fish food to it. I have noticed it before in a darker batch that smelled much stronger, this batch is has much less smell ��. Any body know why?
I don't know why, but I can confirm that mine smells pretty foul too. I mean, it's not That bad but it's noticeable when you open the bag.
Do most 4 sub tryptamines smells like this I can't remember if 4 ho mipt had the fish food smell ��. I would love to know
So I asked this in the 4-AcO-MET thread... but is 4-AcO-MET really superior to 4-HO-MET?

I'm trying to decide if I want to get more 4-HO-MET or stick with what I have and get 4-AcO-MET instead but the minimum I have to get is 5g so I'm looking for expert opinions here.

I love 4-HO-MET but I don't want to miss out on 4-AcO-MET but I want to be sure I'll like it... the only 4-AcO I ever disliked was 4-AcO-DMT. Can't stand the stuff.
Do most 4 sub tryptamines smells like this I can't remember if 4 ho mipt had the fish food smell ��. I would love to know

Smells like fish? I have heard of some nasty smelling tryptamines (open up a vial of AMT and you won't get that moth ball smell out of your room for at least an hour) but fish food... Something doesn't sound right.

If it helps, there is no real noticeable smell with my white batch I got.
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