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The Big and Dandy HBWR/MGS/LSA Thread (Archive start - 4-14-2008)

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have a bag of morning glory i think i will grind them up and soak them in vodka for a while then hold the solution in my mouth, when the time is right maybe take a moclobemide before hand. Its amazing, with the wealth of anecdotal info on LSA people still have not reached any consensus on the best method of admin.
for me HBWR was not even psychedelic it was just sickening delerium but i know there is more, so im giving it a second shot.
I'll most likely be trying LSA (in the form of morning glory seeds) for the first time, tomorrow.

I have 6 grams of Heavenly Blues. I'm planning on just throwing a bunch in my mouth, chewing them up pretty well, swallowing, and repeating until I get them all down.

I expect nausea, and I have a question about purging. Say that after 10 minutes, the nausea is to the level where I really want to puke. Will that 10 minutes have been enough time for my body to absorb the LSA?

Basically I'd like to know... how soon after chewing and swallowing the seeds would you need to puke to lose a noticeable amount of potency in your trip?

I just don't want to yack 5 minutes after swallowing them and end up with nothing but a nasty taste in my mouth.

I'm not easily prone to puking IME. I've also read that throwing up is a good thing and will alleviate you of your nausea and allow you to enjoy the trip much more.

So I guess I just want to know when the optimal timeframe to throw up is.

Why not just grind up all the seeds and throw it into a bottle of juice then just down that? ^
I don't think I'll have anything sufficient to grind the seeds with.

I don't have a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle. And I'm not about to purchase either of those........either.

I guess I could fold paper over them and just try to crush them with something heavy and blunt.

I guess I don't really mind having to taste something nasty in order to experience something awesome.

I've chewed on benzedrex for ~10 to get all off the prophywhatever into my system as fast as I could. (Although that's nasty as hell and I don't know if I'll ever do it again, haha). I chew and swallow my green Thai kratom leaves (veins and all, lol) out of the tea that I make because I figure that my tea preparation methods aren't the best; and I probably can't go wrong with chewing and eating the stuff. I actually like the taste.

But if you have any good recommendations of grinding morning glory seeds up into a fine powder without a coffee grinder then please share. =D
I would just imagine it would take forever to chew all the seeds up.

Hmmm, well you could throw some juice and the seeds in a blender?
Unfortunately, I just broke my blender last week.

I appreciate your advice, though. Do you really think it will take that long to chew up 6 grams of seeds?
It won't take too long to chew em up, though you should hold out on puking til like 45 minutes or as long as possible... please do puke, though - not barfing tends to make the trip physically unpleasant.
Pretty good. This was my first time with LSA. It certainly is sedating, but I would also have to agree that the mental clarity that comes with it rivals that of LSD. It's also much more empathogenic than LSD.

I didn't take a really high dose, but I pretty much got the effects that I was hoping for... some insight and a fresh perspective on my current situation.

I'd definitely be willing to go on a date with her again in the future, but I think I'm going to be seeing a lot of her sexier cousin here shortly.

Definitely a good experience though. One to add to the repertoire.
Heh, at 4 hours it should JUST be reaching a peak. I wouldn't necessarily speak about your trip as if it was fully developed yet
funny, i've still never had to purge from... well anything except dxm+alcohol so long ago, but not even 12g morning glory... what is WRONG with my stomach? :D
You're one lucky bastard, just like me :D

I've only barfed after ayahuasca, a kratom OD, and too much alcohol ^___^
Morninggloryseed, do u know of anywhere that sells capsules bigger than OOO? I have a massive tolerance to LSA containing seeds and would need to eat 15-25 g of Heavenly Blues (Burpee brand) for a good trip and that would take a LOT of capsules to fill. I'd love to find a company selling much bigger capsules.

I was also wondering if it's just me or does MG feel more stimulating, more visual, less heavy, less nauseating, and less muscle cramp inducing than HBW? IMO these differences suggest MG and HBW have a pretty different alkaloid profile.

I'd love to see how HBW/MG/Rivea would synergize together... (drools)

So, still few of you have tried using MAOs to boost LSA containing seeds? I want more feedback on how Syrian Rue, Harmaline Hcl, Moclobemide, Deprenyl, etc combine with LSA containing seeds. Theoretically, since Deprenyl at a dosage above 10 milligrams starts being an MAO-a inhibitor it should potentiate LSA seeds right? It's MAO-a inhibition that potentiates psychedelics right?

I'd be relucant to combine Deprenyl with HBW because I'd fear Deprenyl would increase the vasoconstriction, muscle cramps and make my pulse rise too much. I combined an MDxx compound with HBW one time and though very enjoyable, I felt too sore, too speedy and out of breath and like my muscles were too tight.

Oh and remember, folks, vasodilators like L-Arginine help immensely with HBW muscle cramps.
I'd love to see how HBW/MG/Rivea would synergize together... (drools)
Never tried the Rivea before, how does it compare to the other two?
I already told you this, wizard, but for everybody else, I dosed about 5 g syrian rue seeds and 150 rivea seeds, with very mild effects. The seeds were crappy. Really crappy.
Yeah so I'm not going to use your Rivea experience as an example of its effects since obviously you got pretty bunk seeds. I was curious if anyone on the board had gotten real profound effects from Rivea. Did Rivea at least give you less nausea than MG/HBW? A lot of people claim Rivea gives them less nausea than other LSA containing seeds.

I'm planning to do MG again soon and was wondering what's you guys usual dose with Heavenly Blue seeds? I've got 25 grams of Burpee seeds in my fridge and am not sure whether to take 15, 20 or 25 grams at once. My usual dose of HBW is 20-25 seeds (and no this isn't bc I get weak HBW, this is because I have a massive tolerance from tripping on it constantly last year).

I'm not sure what preparation method I'll use for MG. I know for sure I'm not wasting my time with an extraction. I'm trying to think of the easiest way to swallow ground MG seeds. Should I just toss n wash (dump the seeds in my mouth and wash them down), mix the ground MG with a beverage (preferably something that masks the taste and texture like a snowball, frappucino, icee or smoothie), or mix the ground MG with a food like pudding, yogurt or peanut butter? I can handle the nasty taste of MG; it's the texture that grosses me out (so thick and gritty). And the nausea is bothersome for a few hours then I let myself vomit. If only a company made ENORMOUS capsules I could fill with MG :(

Does MG have a similar onset and duration to HBW? Last time I did MG it didn't seem to last nearly as long as HBW tends to for me. And is it just me, or does MG feel more stimulating and visual than HBW?

Hopefully, eventually we'll all find a really good source for Rivea.
Does a coating need to be taken off of HBRW seeds? I heard that there is a toxic coating on them somehow. Is it okay to just eat the seeds?
FreedomOfTheMind said:
Does a coating need to be taken off of HBRW seeds? I heard that there is a toxic coating on them somehow. Is it okay to just eat the seeds?

Yeah, just eat the seeds. Removing the coating doesn't do shit. It's a common urban legend that removing the coating will help with nausea...
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