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The Big and Dandy AMT Thread - 2nd incarnation

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Hmm, I guess I haven't tried... I've always just weighed it out as it requires a fairly high dose. It seems though that I've had issues in the past with chemicals that dissolve in alcohol. Actually, it was AMT I think (though I'm not sure). I seem to recall that I dissolved some in a bit of alcohol, which worked fine. Then I added some water so that I could drink it without burning my mouth, and it turned white and cloudy (I believe this is called "louching").

This was from last year so it's possible that it's some invented memory, as I ingested foolish amounts of AMT throughout that year.
Anyone else think that AMT and cannabis definitely have quite a good synergy going on? I've always felt nothing much off AMT (usually about 60mg) for a couple of hours then got bored of waiting and smoked a joint. It always kicks it right in for me when it almost seemed as if it was going to do nothing at all.

I find the progression of effects very strange on this drug. There are at least a few very defined stages ready to take their course over the night. What do they consist of for other people?
LSD and aMT

cubehead said:
Does anyone have any info or experience mixing amt w/ lsd?

In a couple months some friends and I are going up to Humboldt for a weekend. I was gonna be getting some 15mg doses of amt and sugarcubes with probably a single drop of liquid. I'm imagining after taking amt a couple times that it might add a nice mild touch to the lsd.

Any insight into this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ringing endorsement for the LSD/aMT combination here. I used it last night with ~150ug of LSD and 12mg of aMT intramuscularly at T + 1.5. I used it pretty much spontaneously simply because a chance confluence of events allowed it--and because I had not used LSD in a long time. I don’t take the night--alone in the apartment for a few hours followed by music and drinking with friends--to be a good gauge of the combo’s spiritual potential, which was, obviously, lacking under the circumstances. It was a great time though. Of all the psychedelics I’ve mixed with aMT (DPT, 4-AcO/ho-DMT, 2C-E, DMT, and ketamine) LSD adulterated it the least. It felt like aMT giving me a love bite.

Conversation was easy, thoughts were lucid and fluid (by my own judgment and the reactions of others), and I felt a very even positive emotional energy that remained strong throughout the night. If I do it again I think I’ll use the aMT first and take the LSD 15-20 minutes after first alerts with some pot to tamp down the stimulation of both of these drugs coming on at once. LSD is a good match for aMT because, for me, it’s the most formidable psychedelic that can come close to matching aMT’s endurance. At this intensity level it seems like an ideal combination for an up tempo day or nightlong event where you might have a few times alone or with a smaller group to enjoy the pair’s more contemplative side.

[Edit]: I'll also add that there were empathogenic effects beyond aMT's normally mild ones compared to something like MDMA. It was pretty similar to a very long more cost effective candy flip actually, or closer to it than anything else I've tried, including tryptamines like DPT (surprisingly not that good, but I think my timing was off) or 4-AcO-MiPT together with MDMA. In some ways it was superior. It would have been easier to have fully functional sex on it than with MDMA and LSD at a similar intensity I think, though quality-wise probably inferior due to lesser tactile enhancement (could perhaps be supplemented with a low dose of an amphetamine to fine tune this.) I may try that out at a slightly lower dose sometime over the next few months come to think of it!
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^Yes. I have IV'd aMT HCL at 3mg and then at 3mg again a half hour later, which put me at a fairly euphoric ++. I think if I had done it all at once it would have lasted about 1.5-2 hrs (I ended up drinking so it's hard to say.) I felt it quickly but it still took 10-15 minutes to reach plateau. It wasn't really any better than 10mg IM. For me IMing shortens the experience compared to oral to around 5hrs (at up to 20mgs.) That's an ideal duration, so I never repeated the IV experiment. Like LSD, there's really nothing to be gained from using IV qualitatively speaking either.
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If I ever get some AMT again (I refuse to obtain a quantity because I'll use it every day or two until it's gone), I will definitely mix it with LSD. I have always wanted to try the combo... I'm sure it would be absolutely stunning!
i indeed have tried this combo and found found it beautiful, the cisuals were much more dynamic and sharp if you know what i mean. The headspace was lovely until the crash, which needed benzos to help me sleep
Last question, how looks duration of AMT after IM ingestion? Is it shorter than oral?
I am thinking of trying a low dose (10mg) AMT trip on the first day of a 5 day music festival, just how strong would this be? will I be safe mixing it with other drugs? mainly ketamine but also uppers such as m1, mmcat, ethcat, mdma and coke. I will probably take some of those drugs while on the AMT and all of them through out the weekend.

I was looking for a low level trip which lasted for some time which I could use as a base for the other drugs if I wanted, does this sound like a good use for the AMT?
10mg of AMT will probably leave you wanting a bit more. But it should be pleasant. It's safe to mix with ketamine. AMT is NOT safe (I repeat, NOT safe) to mix with any uppers, period. It has MAOI properties and mixing it with uppers could cause a hypertensive crisis or at the very least a very uncomfortable experience.
ketamine and MAOIs are technically contradicted although it appears like combining AMT and ketamine is relatively safe.
Thanks for the information, I had assumed the MAOI propertys would be negligible with such a low dose.

Would it be safe to use uppers the day after doing AMT, if I ate the AMT at lunch time then started on the uppers at lunch time the next day (probably with little or no sleep)?

If not I may just stick to LSD and save the AMT for another time, unfortuanately I dont get many chances to take any long lasting substances due to work constraints.
Well, you would probably be safe with such a low dose, but I wouldn't want to combine AMT with stimulants... it would be too much stimulation. Have you used AMT before? A good solid dose of AMT by itself would be fantastic for your purposes, in my opinion.

Uppers the day after would probably be safe.
but I wouldn't want to combine AMT with stimulants

Well ( being irresponsible & all that) I've combined quite reasonable quantities of both with no obvious negative effects.
uppers the day after will be safe, but mind you that you will probably crash harder as your brain will be partially depleted of monoamines (AMT releases serotonin and dopamine).

10mg of AMT is quite nice, very euphoric and pleasant ride, some mild color saturation/brightening.
We noticed no problems whatsoever despite dosing several days on MDPV & AMT.

Sorry to be a twat like but that's what happened.

Then again maybe we're that fried that we aint sensitive enough to notice something as ephemeral as a "crash"
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AMT releases just as much serotonin as MDMA. Its likely a lot less neurotoxic though because MDMA's neurotoxicity comes about from its dual release of serotonin and dopamine (and AMT releases MUCH less dopamine) not to mention its method of action is drawn out over some few more hours.

Its still not a good chemical to abuse and should not be taken lighthearted. I'd say more than once a month is pushing it as far as long-term health goes, but then again I try to err on the cautious side of things since I really like it when my body is healthy/fit.
amt is the ultimate concert drug hands down. im not condoning this but i found 50mg amt with about a 1/4 the normal dose of mdma i take about 6 hours after the amt, to be absolutely breathtaking. i have never felt such euphoria before ever, the happiness was so pure and from the deepest part of my soul, every beat of my heart sent rushing my body senses, more than the first time i took mdma

i believe that amt does act as an maoi, but to a small degree, dont get me wrong tho, it intensified the mdma alot and definately has the potential to harm you if you arent responsible
oh man sounds good. I think as long as you keep the MDMA dose low you won't get into many problems.

Let me warn you though that the possibility for serotonin syndrome is CERTAINLY there with that combo though as you know.

Careful! Its also probably more important not to be somewhere where your body temperature will rise too much with this combo. Unfortuantely the people attracted to it will probably be at a rave or something similar where body temperatures soar (not good for drug toxicity).
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