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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

So does anyone else get ridiculously cold on benzos, especially higher doses? I I have a good amount of experience with them, but usually keep the dose down. I haven't taken a benzo in weeks now and was over-stressed yesterday so I popped 2 mg of clonazepam. It defnitely helped the stress and getting what I needed done, but I woke up this morning and I am freezing. I tried drinking some milk and it seemed so much colder than usual, to the point that I could barely drink it. I don't get why benzos drop my core temp so much, but if anything opiates raise it. Even though they are both CNS depressants.

mmmh. never noticed it, or at least not that I can remember, if you know what I mean =D
Just going to move this to the Benzo Megathread.

Questions like this aren't even really fit for OD at all.. its for specific HR questions, not "which drug is better?" threads. But instead of just closing it I'll merge it into the Benzo mega.
I'm so sorry! I'm still new here and all and I'll remember that next time, okay? Thank you so much again and I truly am sorry!
How would you rate Lormetazepam against Alprazolam and Lorazepam ?
And which has the most physical sedation of the three?

And also does Temazepam and Clonazepam work for treatment of physical withdrawal symptoms from GHB ?
Diazepam has a too long half life in this particular case.
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question: is it possible you can get more anxious then u were to begin with after using benzo's every day for about a week? i have been taking about 1mg xanax a day for about a week and the other day i was in public and it felt like i was about to have a panic attack, my heart started beating really fast and i couldnt get back home quick enough.
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That happened while you were on xanax or after you had stopped taking it after a week of using?
while i was on it, i had just been taking them at home to relax and then when i went out in public i nearly had a panic attack and felt my hands shaking and really uncomfortable anxious feeling, couldnt really focus on what people were saying because i was so overwhelmed by the anxiety.
while i was on it, i had just been taking them at home to relax and then when i went out in public i nearly had a panic attack and felt my hands shaking and really uncomfortable anxious feeling, couldnt really focus on what people were saying because i was so overwhelmed by the anxiety.

Could be out of your you're your comfortzone?
Well I think it's pretty clear that I've become dependent on temazepam and I will most likely start my taper either Sunday or Monday. I plan on using liquid to taper since I have 30mg capsules but only take half and I think this will be the best way to accurately dose. I'm thinking 30mg in 30ml in a whole milk and half n half solution. Any ideas on a comfortable taper schedule?

I've been using benzos (same as below) for two years with the first year dosing higher but on a strict twice a week schedule. This past year I've mostly been using either alprazolam .5mg or temazepam 15mg with the latter being the most used. I dose once a day sometimes daily for 2-3 days then skip a day or two or dose every other day. The withdrawal now starts early on the off days with it getting pretty bad the second day leading me to dose again. The Xanax has been gone for probably a month leaving me with temazepam and 30mg diazepam. I'm still being prescribed temazepam and I have a shit load built up so I can go as slow as possible, I'd rather not use the diazepam unless I absolutely have to. I'm also prescribed 300mg pregabalin a day which helps somewhat with the anxiety but not much else.
Hello folks,
I got a question about Temazepam, got the Normison 20mg jellies but not in a blister or bottle they came in a little bag.
Anyway its my first time even seeing them personally ive only had the solid Temazepam tablets before.
They look almost identical too these particular omega capsules:

Maybe even lighter and you can somewhat see through.
The normison pics I found they seemed to be very yellow and NOT see through?
Did I got the wrong products somewhow which I doubt or are this brand just different than some other Normison ive seen online?
I got myself some flubromazepam. I also have a rx for 600mg Tagamet horsepills and to valium 10mg bid. Will the tagamet work wonders on the flubromazepam? I know it's a little known thing, but I imagine we could just go with the information we have about bromazepam. I haven't had some bromazepam on hand since a couple years and I think back then I had gotten the info it was reactive to tagamet potentiation but not as much as valium and xanax.

If somebody tried this please gimme some feedback :D
Hey guys this is my first time posting so I don't know if I am doing this right. I have a question, I've been taking klonopin 1mg twice a day for a couple years now and works great for me. I'm 28 yrs old and when I was younger 10-18yrs old I was prescribed ritilan for a couple years then adderall. I stopped taking the adderall bc at the time I felt like I was just being medicated by my parents and now that I'm older I know they wouldn't of given me medication that I didn't need. I was a great student in school, on the honor roll etc. Well going to college these past couple years I've failed some classes I can never concentrate I'm always easily distracted, while at work, school and even home. My question is what is the best add/adhd medication to take with klonopin? I don't want to walk around like a zombie/robot like I did when I was prescribed adderall, but I want to be able to focus and concentrate like I used to.... any advice....
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Talking about the benzos being lethal I tend to disagree I had a rather greedy house rabbit that would eat pretty much anything. I was popping 5mgs of Diazepam ot of its blister pack and it dropped on the kitchen floor the rabbit used to run free around the house and the little yellow pill landed right next to the rabbit the greedy little bastard started to eat it. I could not get it to let go of the pill and within seconds it was gone. I was going to take the rabbit to the vets but thought I would get reported for animal cruelty even though it was a genuine accident.

I decided to watch the rabbit closely and make sure it was ok it stumbled around the house for a bit which amused the children (I did not tell them the rabbit was drugged). I put her on my lap and she slept the entire evening. I decided to put her to bed which she normally hated she would just go there purposefully to eat or drink and when it was our bed time she used to run cos she didnt like being locked in for the night. Smart creatures. Well we went to bed and when I woke up checked on the bunny and she was fine and lived to a grand old age of 9 which I hear is good for a rabbit
I'm currently in the process of tapering off temazepam and have dropped from 15mg to 10mg in the last 10 days. Does it make that big of difference in terms of healing if instead of a 10mg a every night I can get by on 5mg one night but then take 15mg the next day as long as the overall amount is reduced or is this simply delaying the taper? What about split dosing like 5mg x2 on some days?
I'm currently in the process of tapering off temazepam and have dropped from 15mg to 10mg in the last 10 days. Does it make that big of difference in terms of healing if instead of a 10mg a every night I can get by on 5mg one night but then take 15mg the next day as long as the overall amount is reduced or is this simply delaying the taper? What about split dosing like 5mg x2 on some days?

It is in your interests to keep the dosing as regular as possible - fluctuating blood levels will disrupt your taper. With this in mind and in light of temazepam's fairly short duration and half-life, split dosing might even be preferable to 10mg once per day. Generally speaking, taking an extra 5mg on one day and/or 5mg less the other will have a negligible effect, but if you start doing it with consistency you may notice an effect.
Hey guys this is my first time posting so I don't know if I am doing this right. I have a question, I've been taking klonopin 1mg twice a day for a couple years now and works great for me. I'm 28 yrs old and when I was younger 10-18yrs old I was prescribed ritilan for a couple years then adderall. I stopped taking the adderall bc at the time I felt like I was just being medicated by my parents and now that I'm older I know they wouldn't of given me medication that I didn't need. I was a great student in school, on the honor roll etc. Well going to college these past couple years I've failed some classes I can never concentrate I'm always easily distracted, while at work, school and even home. My question is what is the best add/adhd medication to take with klonopin? I don't want to walk around like a zombie/robot like I did when I was prescribed adderall, but I want to be able to focus and concentrate like I used to.... any advice....

Its different for everyone.
It is in your interests to keep the dosing as regular as possible - fluctuating blood levels will disrupt your taper. With this in mind and in light of temazepam's fairly short duration and half-life, split dosing might even be preferable to 10mg once per day. Generally speaking, taking an extra 5mg on one day and/or 5mg less the other will have a negligible effect, but if you start doing it with consistency you may notice an effect.

Thank you.
Hey. Best benzo for Weed panic attacks? I havent smoke dsince march 2013 after taking a bad E pill that made it the way that everytime i take a drag of chronic i feel like a mix of dying/fpanic attack/flashback from that shit ass pill. I took 3 drags of some B- grade weed back in septemebr whitout a big tolerance to benzos i popped 3 mgs of xanax and still had a panic attack. Havent tried on clonazepam. Keeping in mind i take minimum 2 mg kpins a day, used to take 10 mg of xanax a day, what benzo would be the better to block those attacks? I want to smoke some good weed and enjoy it. I was thinking roofies?
Hey. Best benzo for Weed panic attacks? I havent smoke dsince march 2013 after taking a bad E pill that made it the way that everytime i take a drag of chronic i feel like a mix of dying/fpanic attack/flashback from that shit ass pill. I took 3 drags of some B- grade weed back in septemebr whitout a big tolerance to benzos i popped 3 mgs of xanax and still had a panic attack. Havent tried on clonazepam. Keeping in mind i take minimum 2 mg kpins a day, used to take 10 mg of xanax a day, what benzo would be the better to block those attacks? I want to smoke some good weed and enjoy it. I was thinking roofies?

If you're on 3mg of alprazolam/clonazepam per day and still get a panic attack from smoking weed, then, dude, honestly - you probably shouldn't be smoking weed.

I'd be pretty much the last guy to tell anyone not to smoke weed, but in this case it really seems like you shouldn't. For whatever reason, you can't handle the weed right now - the answer to that is not upping your benzo dose, which already seems high enough to warrant tapering. It could be the benzos aren't helping because you've got a massive tolerance - very possible if you've been on them long as they eventually lose therapeutic efficacy in most people - and if that is the case, then taking more to cope with with it is a bad idea. You're already on a ton, and you're thinking of taking roofies to keep panic attacks away?

Alprazolam and clonazepam, along with lorazepam, are also the strongest anxiolytic benzos for me. Flunitrazepam is stronger as a sedative-hypnotic and muscle relaxant, but you're already on the best benzos for anxiety.
If you're on 3mg of alprazolam/clonazepam per day and still get a panic attack from smoking weed, then, dude, honestly - you probably shouldn't be smoking weed.

I'd be pretty much the last guy to tell anyone not to smoke weed, but in this case it really seems like you shouldn't. For whatever reason, you can't handle the weed right now - the answer to that is not upping your benzo dose, which already seems high enough to warrant tapering. It could be the benzos aren't helping because you've got a massive tolerance - very possible if you've been on them long as they eventually lose therapeutic efficacy in most people - and if that is the case, then taking more to cope with with it is a bad idea. You're already on a ton, and you're thinking of taking roofies to keep panic attacks away?

Alprazolam and clonazepam, along with lorazepam, are also the strongest anxiolytic benzos for me. Flunitrazepam is stronger as a sedative-hypnotic and muscle relaxant, but you're already on the best benzos for anxiety.

Thank you for replying. I dont take xanax everyday, i ahve episodes where i binge on it but my dail dosage atm is 4 x 0.5 clonazepam. Which i barely feel. Back in december i was taking around 10 mg of xanax a day with booze and shit. I just love weed and im pissed i cant smoke it. Im thinking fro example the mix between roofies + xanax + kpins should be good enough to kill the anxiety no ?