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The bad way to handle a Crash.


Aug 2, 2023
Well... When your feeling the effects of a Crash from Coke or Ritalin the bad way to handle it is to drink alcohol. Even though it's the quickest way to resolve the symptoms. There's been plenty of times in the past I've used this method to handle a comedown, but in actuality it's a bad thing to do. There's are a lot of people though who use this method and say there's nothing wrong with it. So, do you think drinking alcohol is a good way to handle a Crash ?
My preference after hard stimulants or hallucinogens was usually a therapeutic dose of benzos or z-drugs. After that, an opioid. But, if neither of those options were available, at the tail end of the crash I’d drink 24 oz of beer and that’d usually do it…kills two birds with one stone so to speak (alcohol settles the mind and you get rehydrated)
Not alone. If you're crashing from meth/coke/whatever, alcohol in sensible amounts (max amount a 330ml six pack - not wine or spirits as they dehydrate you too much) can be useful.
For me a good crash consists of:
Just before my last pipe of crack, or when speed has worn down to the point I'm not high but the residual stimulation is there, I take benzos or zopiclone. Don't take zolpidem or shit will get really trippy and weird. Long lasting benzos like diazepam or clonazepam are good, but shorter acting ones absolutely will do the job; they just tend to hit harder and faster, and can leave you feeling anxious and irritable when you wake up. If course you can mix and match a little if you are experienced with benzos.
After the benzo, it's nice to have a shower if you really need one. By the time you're out, the benzo is starting to work, then I will have a few beers (like 3-4) and if you're so inclined, a little joint. The benzos will help prevent anxiety, but if you don't like weed or get paranoid easily this step isn't needed.
Have some food whilst you're all monged on benzos/beer and watch a nice familiar movie that you love.
IME I'm normally falling asleep before the end of the film (hence why you shouldn't pick something too gripping) and will go to bed and pass out for 10-12 hours, bumping into walls on the way.
As long as you don't drink more than a few beers or equivalent, you should wake up fairly fresh.
I actually like the comedown from meth/crack as much as I do the stimulant as long as I have the right tools for the job!
i always used to smoke weed, but that will be a weird maybe uncomfortable high, but i always take it for what it is and enjoy it... the trick is i have to have a hobby to keep busy like creating art or playing music. i've had times where i've done mantra chanting and stuff too. get me withdrawing and get me smoking some weed and i'll sound like john lennon doing "cold turkey". lol.

i don't ever take stuff that i can crash from after getting hit by a car and messing up my back though. hang overs and crashing has become way worse with head aches and pins all over my body.
Well... I do know that if you are already drunk and then do stims you wake up feeling like shit the next day. There's nothing worse then waking up the next day after having a Speedball night.
Well, a "crash" being before you have slept but are mostly down and feeling it, benzos.
A crash being after you have slept, the next day when you are depressed and tired... pot, pot, food, pot.
Man i would snort very strong amph sulphate, redosing constantly while drinking and could sleep on command with flualp and a few hits of a fat j. Nothing better than feeling your muscles finally relax after a festival night