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The Aus Social Fishingpersons thread

How come you lot don't consider carp a sport fish but a pest species?
Yeah I know it ain't native neither is zander here but it became a sport fish.
I'd say because it is a pest species rather than a sport fish?

WTF is a Zander? Apart from a gay computer game character.

Not me in the pic....18lbs one caught in Grafham which is a water reservoir where you normally go fly fishing for pellet pigs (rainbow trout) hence it probably got that big by eating them. Gets called a pike-perch to since it resembles both of them.

Carp get fed like kings here , strawberry flavoured boilies etc... and treated like kings once caught.
Hopefully lostpunk will chine in here (not sure if he keeps up to date with this thread seeing as he is a vegetarian ;))

European Carp, and to a lesser extent Koi... are as you say, a pest or feral fish here. They breed prolifically and take over habitat of native fish, animals and crustations. I'm pretty sure it's the way they feed, they kinda sift feed and it silts up the water. They even completely destroy native water plant colonies. I have noticed though that as you say Arnold, European people love the fact we have carp here and fish for them a lot. But I guess we are spoiled here will all the amazing sea food we have and we don't have to rely on freshwater species. I've never tried carp but I've heard it's average, and if I caught them in any numbers I definitely would destroy them and not release them.
I don't think I'd consider eating a carp any time soon. Especially while my freezer is full of Spanish Mackerel, Barra and Flowery Cod anyway :D

Is it illegal to release carp like it is with tilapia?
^ Crap sorry, I forgot to reply to your pm. (and other people, sorry!)

I've been waiting for this rain to clear up before I go fishing again. The fresh is meant to be good because it washes all the bait fish down to the mouth of the estuary and you get more fish congregating and thus causing the food chain to attract bigger fish and different species in.

Oh yeah, and my angling club mate told me Australia salmon are shitty eating, but okay for fish cakes :)
Oh yeah, and my angling club mate told me Australia salmon are shitty eating, but okay for fish cakes :)

the king salmon i get onto just down the river at my place are beautiful eating.

i've caught em, cleaned em straight away, cut a few nice size steaks and cooked straight on a fire setup and kept on fishing:) all you need to take along is a lemon or two and some herbs of your choice.
Yeah, I've found those salmon to be quite good. Very often carrying parasites tho, I think you can just eat them if you're brave enough but I like to keep an eye out for them and pick them out ;)
I used to fish quite a bit without much success and now I fish with no success!!!!
Haha!! Without a boat in Sydney its pretty hard to catch fish IMO. All the wharves are packed, theres litter everywhere (if you take it with you to the rocks/wharf take it home with you.

If I'm lucky i will catch a small snapper or a small bream. My enthusiasm for fishing has dropped over the last year.
Caught some nice silver perch, bream and small (56cm) school mulloway yesterday.

Using soft plastics on 2kg gear.

the leaches caught me :(
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^ Nice.... will have to drop a line in next time your up mate :)
For sure, I'm really keen to nail some big pelagic species and some flat head next time i'm up in qld.

I look forward to camping and not freezing my ass off like we do in Vic :)
Where in QLD are we talking? It's so fricken windy up here at the moment I feel like I'm not going to go fishing again at this rate :\
This time of year is when you get the big taylor (or so I'm told)

This time of day is perfect but yep, it's bloody freezing.
Saw some nice sized trout in a river near Lake Eildon yesterday, but didn't have my fishing gear with me :(

Where in QLD are we talking? It's so fricken windy up here at the moment I feel like I'm not going to go fishing again at this rate :\

SE Qld

I'll gladly take winter Qld wind and high teens-low 20's over antarctic wind, rain, hail, snow and single digit day temps in alpine Vic :)

The air is colder than the sea water down here at the moment!

I'm sure you can find a sheltered area to fish if you look hard enough :)
This is true, but WTF is the point of living right next to the GBR if you can't get out there? ;)
Not wanting to go into it too much NickyJ, but your heating bill would be a good start when it comes to reasons for living beside the GBR, whether you can get out there or not.

I was stoked when it got to 11 here the other day and I could wear jeans and a jumper with no jacket.

I quite enjoyed living in Tannum Sands (near Gladstone) and Cairns in winter in years gone by. I guess only a jaded local would complain hahaha
Haha, my complaints are purely from a fishing POV I assure you. Loooooooove it up here this time of year, apart from the wind the weather is beautiful :D

Unfortunately I have little sympathy for people who live in cold climates, it just seems like sheer insanity to me ;)

On topic: Woohoo! Fishing rocks! :D
Just fish off the beach with a dirty big surf rig.

Wind and fishing go hand in hand where I come from.

I am quite used to fishing for Australian Salmon and Gummy Shark with a 20-30 knot on shore wind.

Or... Buy a massive boat that can handle choppy/swelly conditions ;)

The latter may bankrupt you though hahaha