The 90's/early 00's grunge, numetal, punk, shoegaze, alt and more thread!

Siamese Dream was one of my three "safe" albums when I was testing my limits with psychedelics. Still one of my favourites, can't hold on to a bad mood when I hear the opening drums of Cherub Rock.

I know exactly what you mean! I've had to turn off so many songs during a trip because it just wasn't vibing with me (or was too intense)!! :ROFLMAO:

can never go wrong with siamese dream, one of a few albums that always make me very nostalgic

Layne Staley may have the best voice I've ever heard when it comes to grunge rock... it's like he sings in high and low pitches at the same time. His voice is so unique....

*may* be my favorite tool song ever

try to catch me listening to this without banging my head against the car window

I've already posted this song.... but this live version is SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

McCready on the guitair solo!!! Golden era of good shit.