• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

That Wacky Modafinil

From my experience; I wouldn't deny that its possible for people to be modafinil-dependant in the short-term to complete tasks "I can't do this without modafinil, so I wont do it".

Yeah the drug is bound to downregulate or upregulate one of many neurotransmitter that cause withdrawal. Wish we knew fully what it was -- my bet is on mesolimbic DA release and up regulated GABA receptivity.
The times I've taken it, I rush like crazy (*booming and zooming*)and have a horrible come down, then, as a cherry on top, am gifted with a huge, honkin fever blister the next morning. Like clockwork. Every time. I wouldn't take it again and it nearly turned me off of all 'nootropics'.
Meh, I can take it and fall alseep immediately and continue to sleep through the night. Did it once by accident. It's never caused any sort of insomnia in me.
I haven't read the whole thread but in my opinion it's just an orexin agonist with a few extras thrown in for good measure. It makes sense that it's the first one discovered and of course everyone runs around like headless chickens speculating upon what it could do but in the end the simplest answer is probably the right one.
And those dogs with no orexin receptors, well they probably just felt the DAT.
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It definitely can't.

More importantly, there are two people here I know that were going to try it for this purpose, but I haven't heard back from them.

Less useful info: when using this combination, withdrawal sets in about 15 hours after the last dose, and much worse. Where I could usually go 30 hours without noticing any withdrawal symptoms, and 48 hours before I'd start having the horrible increase in RLS symptoms, with modafinil involved, RLS and yawning and eye-watering start kicking in after that 30 hour mark.

thank you for posting your data!! i cant take amphetamines at the time, so i am going with a nuvigil script instead to go along with my suboxone script. im not sure if the good experiences i have had with the combo are placebo or what, but i clearly remember one time when i felt something much different from my usual dose of suboxone. i never noticed that WD set in much quicker though.. will write back more... again that is some awesome data!!
I figured I'd weigh in on the discussion, as I've been perscribed various forms of modafinil (Cephalon Brand, US Generic, Modvigil) and even Adrafinil). I know ancedotal evidence doesn't carry much weight, but there isn't much unbiased, pure scientific data out there and there was even less when I first had to figure out my treatment plan with my doctor years ago. I concur with the general consensus that the Cephan brand (ie, "the real deal") seems to work the best, and has a very "clean" feeling for me, (I don't get headaches or overly jittery). Going chronologically, Adrafinil was *somewhat effective but at the standard dose, did not even come too close to producing all the same positive effects as Provigil at the max dose (600mg?). Then , when modafinil went generic I received a script for this and, it seemed to be reasonably effective and provided about the same benefits as the real stuff. Modvigil,is an interesting product, from our copyright-ignoring friends from India. Taken at a "usual" dose (300mg) it was not terribly effective, but bu increasing the dose (say 600) it compensated for the lack of efficacy and gave basically all the positive benefits of the real stuff. (I can't find the quote where someone asked "Can Modvigil's weaker effect be compensated by increasing the dose?" and one poster said no, but IMO this is possible.) The only negative effects are a slight occasional headache, easy squashed with two ibuprofen. Note: A dose-increase compensation will NOT do any good past the max recommend dose of Adrafinil

While I HAVEN'T had as much exposure is to Nuvigil, I have sampled a few doses. However, they were 100mg, on the lower end of the recommended dose. Since I experience the best effects on the upper spectrum of the dose amounts with the Cephalon product, unfortunately I cannot offer a solid opinion other than "it was decent, no negative effects at all." There's also other Indian pharmacies producing modafinil, Modalert being mentioned as one of them. I wouldn't expect it be drastically different than the company I had sampled.

While the Indian pharmacies haven't exactly received much praise on this thread, one of the positives about Modvigil, despite needing a bigger dose, is it lasted longer than Provigil. (upwards of 14+ hours.) Also, it passed the "urine" test but it's not quite as potent as the Cephalon brand, although this could easily be explained by how much I had to drink that day. Adrafinil lasted the shortest (6ish hours) and I often re-dosed it. I have no experience with insufflating (snorting) this substance, though it may warrant a trial in the future. I would only consider snorting the substance a "worthwhile" choice if it resulted in a significant increase in absorption vs oral (methylphenidate actually is good example). Additionally, I did notice an increase in mood, most pronounced in the Cephalon product. Reading speed increased, as did writing. Whether or not my writing got better or just "came to me" quicker, I cannot say. Thus, I could see this as an addjunct medicine for treatment-resistent depression or possibly to counter the troublesome side- effects of an SSRI's.

While it's only been used to treat ADHD investigationally, I could see it having a decent potential to be a success. For one, it would not require re-dosing in a school setting, although this really isn't an issue for the other usual choices to treat ADHD with increased use of time-replease capsules for Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexidrine. When dosed properly, and the drug is functioning like it should, I was highly motivated to complete tasks, along with the ability to stay on-task for a period of time. Of the three common "stimulant options" to treat ADHD, the only one I see even being comparable to Provigil is Dexidrine (dextro-amphetamine) and this medication is not often scripted by doctors, choosing Ritalin or Adderall instead. (ASIDE: One ADHD treatment I found actually VERY useful with essentially no negative side-effects, ironically is Desoxyn (methamphetamine.) It's obvious why this is not a popular choice among the medical community and rarely stocked in pharmacies.. However, it was extremely effective, no jitters or increased heart rate, increased ability to complete tasks and even, IMO an increase in things like the quality of writing which isn't just a boost in top-down processing.)

I believe this drug has a lot of potential to treat a variety of ailments. The original poster's statement that "it is the most mentally boosting drug" he's ever had I believe is accurate, (perhaps with the exception of Desoxyn). However, the title of the post "That Wacky Modafinil" is apropos as the drug seems to change mental processing different ways in different people. The only way to get some real good answers would be some large-scale, longitudinal studies examining the drug's effect on different people over varied periods of time.. Or you could just see for yourself ;)
Where do they make a 100mg nuvigil? According to my info they make 50, 150, 200 and 250, but I see a people online saying they took 100mg, so I assume they meant provigil or took 2 50's
Armodafinil is available from various vendors as a research chemical. You also have Indian manufacturers violating copyright law.

Hi all :),

well, im new here, this is my first post too.

Why in here you may be wondering, well the reason i made the account was to update my experiences of modafinil and to keep a check on the interactions with the other drugs i take (all legally). I have been taking bupe for 11 years now, started on 16mg now down to just under 4mg daily and i also take propanolol (which i stopped for my modafinil experiment), 50mg diphenhydramine every night, oh and some nitrofurantoin daily but that's neither here nor there.

I decided to try modafinil as i, for a very long time now, have had significant mental health problems that affect my concentration, ability to read, social anxiety, sleep patterns, amongst other things. I literally cannot read one page of a book any longer, my mind wanders and i have no hope of stopping it, how im meant to finish University at all never mind with a decent degree when i can't read i just don't know.

I have in the past spent time on a psych ward, on anti-psychotics, been told i am mildly autistic/aspergers, no wait its schizophrenia, no it must be adhd... you get the idea - currently we're back to a diagnosis of as again as it runs in the family... Regardless, apparently im fucked up and no-one knows why. So im trying to help myself.

Its my first time trying modafinil today, so far i have taken 100mg. I'm definitely feeling different, much more awake, happier but not euphoric (not like speed), and fingers crossed i may even be able to read, write and get my essay handed in on time!

I'm a little concerned about the contraindications modafinil and buprenophine may have, the internet says there should be none but wiser people here in this thread seemed to think there may be. I haven't yet taken my daily dose of bupe, im trying to put it off (much more successfully than normal!) just in case.

Does anyone have any other experiences of bupe and modafinil together? im nervous about getting wd quicker than usual, i probably cant handle that...
Or any information about the mixing of the drugs i listed here and modafinil? Or any advice at all for that matter :D
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^My advice would be to talk to your doctor and develop a plan to increase your suboxone dose if you go into withdrawal before your next dose. You might be more succeptible to an interaction because you are on a low dose of suboxone.
Well, that was an interesting experience... I think that might be one of the oddest things ive ever taken, wacky it certainly is!

I didn't take much, 100 mg on the first day, split into two, once at 13.00 then again at around 16.00.
Firstly i noticed that i didn't have to run to the loo like id read i might, i was a little disappointed, ive been taking bupe for so long that i was kind of looking forward to be able to go, lol.
It kicked in relatively quickly, id say within 20 minutes but i hardly ever eat anything so that might be why. It certainly helps with fatigue, wasn't tired once which was great.
On the first day it didn't do much for my ability to read, cleared my mind a little, well not really cleared but quietened it down a bit which was pleasant. I noticed that i could definitely concentrate on one thing and not get distracted as easily, unfortunately it was the wrong thing (spent the day reading Bluelight, so not wasted but no essay completed...). Note for next time.. get your shit together first! Oh, and for the most part it actually made me feel pretty good, happy and calm which was great!

It did get a little weird later on though, i noticed a little bit of aggression/annoyance after my second 50mg but that passed quickly once i realised and got it in check. I oddly had no trouble sleeping at all (didn't even need the diphenhydramine), although it did kick off sleep paralysis a couple of times which is never fun :(. I also had a funny (both sorts) dream that this little cartoon guy (kind of looked like a minion) with a hammer was running around in my brain fixing my neurons, tbh i was rooting for him but perhaps he wasn't in there for long enough.. Oh well, there's always next time!

I took 50mg again the next day at around 15.00 and that was pretty good, i got work done and I've even managed to read half a chapter of a book which is pretty unbelievable for me so im happy. If i could increase on that it would be awesome. Didn't take any on the third day but still felt a little different and got work done too! Back to normal on the fourth day.

As for the interactions with the bupe, i waited till after 19.00 before i took it, which is normally a little late for me as it can make me a bit hyper. Well, i crapped myself, i thought it had kicked it off (which im pretty sure it cant), i felt pretty weird and was freaking out a little, but i managed to calm myself down and just ride it out. I had no wd's but i didn't get my usual buzz that i get from the bupe, which was a bit shit and put me off. Also putting me off was the fact that i had to stop my propanolol, which i don't enjoy taking but i take for occasional episodes of svt. The second night i had a too hot bath and my heart was racing like mad. Managed to stop it myself though so it was okay, but that can get a bit scary. Not sure if it was the hot bath, the moda, the lack of propanolol (which is slow release so should've lasted a while after my last dose anyway) or a combination of them.. :?.

I didn't write my last post correctly, my apologies. I take everything prescribed but the modafinil which i got elsewhere, oh and the diphenhydramine which i buy from the chemist. I'm getting desperate, im paying for a degree which i can't complete because i can't read. Am in my second year, have already had to resit my first, i need to sort myself out so i can complete the degree to the best of my ability and not throw my money away!
I think there may be potential for me and modafinil but i am going to go and let the doctor know exactly what is going on and see if they are willing to help me first. I no longer get treated at the au and see my GP instead and she's normally pretty good although she knows nothing about buprenorphine and relies on me to lead the way, most of the time anyway. I'm not sure how she's going to feel about prescribing me more meds though...

Thanks for the advice :), i shall mention that when i go to see her.
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I take 200mg on 3 - 4 days per week to combat extreme daytime fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. It "feels" like it's doing literally nothing, but I'm usually getting to work on time and staying awake all day. So I guess it's either effective or an extremely good placebo.

I developed a rash after about three weeks of use, but it's not the death rash (SJS) and it hasn't gotten worse, so I'm just putting up with it.

I've heard that it's being considered as an ADHD med, but it doesn't do anything for my terrible concentration. I'm just not asleep. Oh, and the few times I have fallen asleep again after taking it, I've ended up with an excruciating headache.

I'm really interested to see that people think the generic is less effective. I've been taking a generic, but may request the brand name and see if it works better.
You kind of already did, do you have something novel to post?
Regarding chloral hydrate, yes, at least in the UK, as of 2015, it is listed in the september edition of the BNF for chloral hydrate. Its definitely still around in the UK unless discontinued within the past three years.

Edit-Ham-do you find DA agonists like pramipexole help with the RLS caused by active opioid withdrawal?
Just guessing here, because there are some apparent reports of stimulants helping with RLS. But likely, not really. That is unless is broken down in NE and then E as dopamine is.