Testosterone and Thoughts

7g's is an insane ammount... Anything more than 4 and things get a bit crazy....

Indeed. I was supposed to be playing baseball. I quickly found out I was going to be sitting in the grass puking for serveral hours.

I could hear a dog barking from like a mile away. And the swing of the bat against the ball was echoing over and over. I thought I was going to die.

Kids, don't try that at home, lol.
A lot of people on here talk about it causing "aggression".

In my younger days when I took it, it made me exceptionally friendly. I'd tell jokes, entertain people, and go out of my way to help people. I'd go out and mow everyone's lawn on my block for free, and put patterns into their yards.

I was much more patient with people. I would genuinely listen to their problems, and think of ways to fix them.

If anything, I think it caused almost the polar opposite of aggression--it's as if it turned me into some sort of public servant.

But for what it's worth, I was nervous about taking it, so I only took about 50-100 mg/day. Also, I only took it for about a week or two.
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A lot of people on here talk about it causing "aggression".

In my younger days when I took it, it made me exceptionally friendly. I'd tell jokes, entertain people, and go out of my way to help people. I'd go out and mow everyone's lawn on my block for free, and put patterns into their yards.

I was much more patient with people. I would genuinely listen to their problems, and think of ways to fix them.

If anything, I think it caused almost the polar opposite of aggression--it's as if it turned me into some sort of public servant.

But for what it's worth, I was nervous about taking it, so I only took about 50-100 mg/day. Also, I only took it for about a week or two.

What the hell? Which kind of test did you take now BA?

Why don't you come mow a pattern in my yard
LOL to the above 2 posts =D

A week is nothing! For me, the short fuse and mild agressiveness has come on only after a month on my cypionate script. Still, it's quite manageable, albeit weird since I've grown up as a very patient and caring person. I'm glad I'm a bit of a prick now, does that sound machismo of me>? :p
Yeah, at that low of a dose, and that short of time, the "effects" were probably just psychosomatic.
I was on a deca/test cycle and I felt like superman. Some little thing would happen and it would piss me off so much, but it would feel so good. Nothing crazy like "roid rage," more like me thinking "oh man, I could so mess you up right now." I got crazy horny and felt like a sexual tyranasaurus. Lastly, I felt like a monster in the gym. I loved it, and would def. do another d-bol/test cycle, but I had some problems at the border and won't risk trying to bring them across again.
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I was on a deca/test cycle and I felt like superman. Some little thing would happen and it would piss me off so much, but it would feel so good. Nothing crazy like "roid rage," more like me thinking "oh man, I could so mess you up right now." I got crazy horny and felt like a sexual tyranasaurus. Lastly, I felt like a monster in the gym. I loved it, and would def. do another d-bol/test cycle, but I had some problems at the border and won't risk trying to bring them across again.

that sounds absoloutely beautiful
I'm sure you have noticed, but Gaian Planes was banned from bluelight a few weeks ago, a few weeks after he made this thread.

I think I noticed what he was talking about a little bit in one post- where he was disagreeing with someone on a fine point in their post on nutrition or diet-- but basically they were in agreement. Gaian really posted aggressively and confrontationally, and I thought, a bit out of character for him, because he was usually one of the nicest posters.

Then he posted that someone should eat their cat, which I thought was just funny, but in the banning thread in the lounge some moderator mentioned that the cat thing didn't relate to the banning, but it was about posting physical threats to another bluelighter.

I know that the 'roid rage' myth thing basically exists as a media hype vehicle. But do you think it could be possible that Gaian Planes did suffer some agression side effects, to the point where we even witnessed them on this forum? Do you believe it could happen Or is that idea completely impossible?
I'm sure you have noticed, but Gaian Planes was banned from bluelight a few weeks ago, a few weeks after he made this thread.

I think I noticed what he was talking about a little bit in one post- where he was disagreeing with someone on a fine point in their post on nutrition or diet-- but basically they were in agreement. Gaian really posted aggressively and confrontationally, and I thought, a bit out of character for him, because he was usually one of the nicest posters.

Then he posted that someone should eat their cat, which I thought was just funny, but in the banning thread in the lounge some moderator mentioned that the cat thing didn't relate to the banning, but it was about posting physical threats to another bluelighter.

I know that the 'roid rage' myth thing basically exists as a media hype vehicle. But do you think it could be possible that Gaian Planes did suffer some agression side effects, to the point where we even witnessed them on this forum? Do you believe it could happen Or is that idea completely impossible?

NOTHING is impossible ;)

I find myself saying things that, before TRT, would've sounded quite out of character for me. Roid "rage" is definately a fact of life for some people...
still, I'm never violent or overly agressive, so I'm happy as fuck with the results :D
Makes me either angry, horny, or depressed. As far as takin em my favorite cycle if six weeks of test prop and tren ace every other day. lean mass and fast.
Been on 250mg test e every week for over a year and a half(HRT) done blood work everything is good, more confidence, more/harder boners, higher sex drive....as for the mood swings....never had aggression from test, you have to be a dick/dousche to begin with if you do...some people use being on steroids as an excuse to be mean /lash out for attention of w/e reason...they're just idiots and shouldnt be using plain n simple.
HAHA. i hate it when guys use steroids, reason being the fucking temper tantrums about NOTHING. Its like girls on their periods. sorry just had to say it.
I wouldnt say it makes me more sexual per-se, im already a deprived uber sexual 18 year old male, dosent get much more horny than that.

More than anything it makes my go hyper, feel like running around, climbing trees, shouting, punching people...stuff like that.
I wouldnt say it makes me more sexual per-se, im already a deprived uber sexual 18 year old male, dosent get much more horny than that.

More than anything it makes my go hyper, feel like running around, climbing trees, shouting, punching people...stuff like that.

lol...You should find some sport to safely release all that energy into! :D
Did a Dr. prescribe cyp? Just curious as to what you had to say to get a steroid that strong prescribed to you in your twenties.
Did a Dr. prescribe cyp? Just curious as to what you had to say to get a steroid that strong prescribed to you in your twenties.

you have to have multiple blood tests done to confirm that your natural test levels are low before you will be prescribed test
All this business of it making you feel 'whole, complete, happier' seems completely alien to me. When I was on it I felt horny, yes and perhaps a little more motivated in the gym, but this wasn't because of the testosterone, it was because of the fact that I was on it.

In short, no, it didn't make me feel any different. Just a little more horny than usual (okay, a lot more).
These days I can't handle much of it. A small therapeutic dose makes me feel better but 500mg/week or more and I feel like crap, everything annoys me, emotions run wild, crappy anxiety,etc.
Not me! The more test the more the benefits increase. Although I've touched the big G per week just once and still felt amazing on it. My wife loved it too. ;) Nowadays though, just regular old TRT for me. And life is good.