terrified! just found out i have hep c

Neither drinking industrial bleach nor prayer will cure hepatitis C. Mods why are you allowing this kind of misinformation?
I was exactly in your position I found out I had hep c at a rehab and lost it but God blessed me with harvoni and I am cured which I never thought I would be. I thought hep c was going to kill me there are so many new cures you should try to find out and jump on.
Hey so yah it's curable and I can't get treatment because Medicaid will not cover it - it makes me very very sad

What about private policies.. what will they cover ts?

Hello Tacky,

please read publications from Jim Humble and his MMS. It cures Hepa C also.
And do not let irritate yourself from ppl how are saying this is poisioness. They have no clue.
It is only Chloride not Chlorite - Cholride is worldwide used to clean water bottles. It is food safe. Metabolizes in the body only to salt and oxygene.

If you wan't to know more. Can tell you long stories about this wonderful stuff.

Best Regards

Edit: Got a big fight with my medical care - they will not give me an ID card - so no doctor helps me. I have learned a lot of the human body. For 5-6 years it was only a hobby (survival training) - since them I am also using Chloride. But now since this year I have to cure everything by myself. Fuck big pharma. They make you often sicker then you even was or curing only the symptoms. I cured by myself for example: Every type of flue, Lyme disease, bacteria infections that I can not determine, wound infections even pain attacks, in the last years. In South Africa and India they cure always Malaria with this substance - because it is so cheap. I pay only 20 Euros for 200 ml. And you need only a few drops. Give it a try. I will be just oxygen and salt. I even sew sores - because as a hardcore survival man, sometimes you get heavily cut. (DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME) :)

--- As always - Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, what you do, do it on your on risk.

Neither drinking industrial bleach nor prayer will cure hepatitis C. Mods why are you allowing this kind of misinformation?

If you see something you feel is misinformation then please feel free to shred it and not the person who posted it to ribbons. Jury is still out on the prayer approach and I feel that every adult should have the right to follow whatever course of treatment they desire.

For those that choose to drink bleach in an effort to try and cure the diseases mentioned here and in other places I would look into also curing their insanity.. or does the bleach do that as well??

Can it get any worse?: industrial bleach as cancer and HIV cure
The man who encourages the sick and dying to drink industrial bleach
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