Ten Tips for spotting depression (in kids, but the idea is the same)


Indefinite break from BL - contact other admin
Feb 22, 2000
When I find something useful, I like to share it. While I don't read my fiance's DSM-IV book or other psychology and counseling texts, I DID make the mistake of reading today's paper. It had the same title, but it was addressed to depression in KIDS. Some of the same things apply to everyone. Here's what I found, and if it helps anyone, it served it's purpose:
1. Depressed children don't always look depressed but thier behavior may change. They may develop angry outbursts, disciplinary problems in school, and aggressive or negative behavior.
Well, that kind of goes for everyone, some of us are better at wearing a pretend happy face than others. I wouldn't say that everyone should be scrutinized, but pay attention to things that may reveal a conflict or 'a disguise'.
2. Sleep changes. Children and younger teens may oversleep, while older adolescents may have trouble falling asleep.
I know some people sleep to avoid dealing with life. I've been one to spend days seeing how long I could stay in bed. I've spent days not venturing outside. Looking back, yeah, I had things I was depressed about, but I'm not sure this "sleep changes" is a great indicator. Then again, some people are in such mental and emotional turmoil, they just can't fall asleep - another trap I've found myself in before. Some people need a lot of sleep, others don't. Just take it into consideration when wondering about a friend or yourself - has the normal sleep needs changed?
3. Appetite changes. Significant weight loss or gain (as much as 25 pounds) in a few months. Although it can vary, older teens usually lose weight, while young children and teens may gain.
This is an other trait I've seen in myself. Whenever stressed or upset, I run to food (usually chocolate). Just keep an eye out if anyone has significant weight changes up or down in a relatively short amount of time. It may not be just depression though, as there may be medical conditions or drug addictions at work as well. Weight fluctuations are indicators of something, just find out what that something is.
4. Irregularity of bowel movements. Withholding or accidents in children normally old enough to control their bowel movements.
Um, I don't know about this one. Maybe for small kids, but for most of us I think this doesn't really apply.
5. School problems. Sudden negative changes in interest or performance, including a drop in grades, disciplinary problems, lack of completing homework, etc.
No comment, beat to death.
6. Extended bad reaction to crises. A reaction more severe and longer than would normally be expected following a death, divorce, or a move to a new school.
Everyone reacts differently, so just because someone recovers sooner or later than you would don't judge them to be stronger or weaker. Just be on the watch if it takes an abnormally long time to get over things, or if there is an abnormally strong advrese reaction to things. Then again, what's normal?
7. Loss of interest in old pleasures. A child loses interest in activities they previously enjoyed.
Not to be confused with just growing up? I don't know about this one, other than taking a lack of interest in things in general is an indicator that something is wrong. Furthermore, if old pleasures don't bring any smile any more - can anything? Maybe worth asking.
8. Change of friends. The child may give up old friends or may spend time with friends percieved as less desirable by parents.
I'd say it's more of giving up old friends rather than finding new 'bad' friends. A lot of people retreat into themselves and drop their friends when dealing with depression.
9. Expressing a sense of hopelessness. Take seriously when young children and teens verbalize that they have no hope for the future.
This is a serious note for anyone at any age. Please, never take such expressions lightly. It's better to spend a little time and find out it's not that serious with the person than to blow it off and wonder later if there was anything you could have done.
10. Pysical complaints, such as stomach aches or headaches, especially if accompanied by a withdrawl from typical activities.
I guess, some people use these ailments as an outward expression for the mental pain they feel. A way of asking for help without really knowing what the problem is.
When symptoms persist for more than a couple of weeks or if there is more than one, take action. Talk to the family doctor and get help.
One free resource to help children themselves is an innovative web site, TeenCentral.net, created by KidsPeace.
[This message has been edited by TheLoveBandit (edited 13 August 2001).]
except for 4. i can sing songs about all of those.. damn sometimes i wish my parents would have never met

i have a hard time getting rest. it fucked up my life pretty bad.
i dont eat much, sometimes i dont eat for days. i dont even take drugs, though i look like iggy pop
im not dumb, though i failed in school period.
unimportant stuff drives me nuts, while pretty bad stuff doesnt even bother me (im too lazy to care, im just cold as ice)
oh boy.. i did so many things.. juggling, programming, sports, tournament chess (yes, sounds weird, but it trained my brain), general information, electronics, friends... its all gone. i look in the mirror and see a stranger.
friends? none. i had so many, and was welcome everywhere. i dropped them all. every single one... couldnt trust them anymore, considered them to be fake and boring. small character-wise flaws like everyone has them made me cancel every friendship.
hope.. in what? i dont even know whats going to happen in 20 minutes. and i dont care either
stomach hurts, head hurts, i feel like a 90yr old after getting run over by five battle tanks and a truck..
sorry if you didnt expect anyone to reply to this thread, but i just felt to share. delete if you wish

[This message has been edited by infinity (edited 15 August 2001).]