TDS Social Thread v. RIP tobala & junctionalfunkie, we love you both

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man, ive never seen the social thread get pushed back so far...

i wound up sleeping from like 10pm until 2am the third and fourth so i missed all the big bangers.

ive always had a hard on for N.Z., all the pics and films ive seen from there remind me of nw washington state, but a country. what do you nz natives think, is it as admired for its picturesque natural beauty to you, as it is to some of us mainlanders?

i remember some shots from the north end, with massive waterfalls, foliage, and probably wild orchids abound.

do you know where im talking about?
an ex mod here had an amazing slide show from a loooong hike along the west central coast and bays i believe, into a french 'boating' community. mostly i remember just thinking, wow!
yeah, the big hot shapely river rocks, the cool clear water that caresses the stones flowing gracefully but forcefully, reflecting shimmering light, with shadow casting dancing trees over head, and ferns swaying, bending, brushing and cleansing the air.

the gushing climatic water falls winding and sliding from the mountains, through the fertile land feeding and becoming one with it. then, spilling over creating soft sinking moss from the misty spraying crash, smooth slick stones, drift wood plunging and stirring in the waterfalls under current, never being able to fully pull away.

its there... and the P.N.W. U.S.

Yeah NZ looks pretty awesome. I watched a show about Fjordland Nat.'l Park or something like that and it was breathtaking.

So many beautiful places in the world.....its a shame I won't get to visit all of them....
Pictures will have to suffice....though I am sure does not do the places justice...I'll have to pretend.
yeah, the big hot shapely river rocks, the cool clear water that caresses the stones flowing gracefully but forcefully, reflecting shimmering light, with shadow casting dancing trees over head, and ferns swaying, bending, brushing and cleansing the air.

the gushing climatic water falls winding and sliding from the mountains, through the fertile land feeding and becoming one with it. then, spilling over creating soft sinking moss from the misty spraying crash, smooth slick stones, drift wood plunging and stirring in the waterfalls under current, never being able to fully pull away.

its there... and the P.N.W. U.S.

Ha wow pip! Just wow. NZ Tourism are you listening?

I am so.sick.of.the.goddamn.clouds. I want some blue sky dammit!!!!! :!:(
no, im practicing writing some of my own.
in hopes for 2 tickets... 14 + hours on a jet, in a seat, sounds like one of the worst things i could do for myself though!
Hola DS.
I haven't popped in here in awhile and you all have been so supportive lately.
Nothing really to say though :(
*hugs for ya pillthrill* everybody says this ALL the time, but if the last few years have shown you anything - things get better. They go up and down. But they go UP! and that's the special key to life :) Nothing is forever and everything changes. Don't forget that! It could change for the worse, or you can try your damndest to make it change for the better.

That NZ trip sounds good good good pip! While you're at it cross that teency stretch of water and come see us in Oz! Me and n3o are verrrry close you know.. *plants the seed in yours and ocean's heads*
We have good distraction techniques over here to take away all the resulting pain.. (coz I'm so sure that helps you :()
*subliminal whisper* Yes, you want to come to this part of the world, oh yes you do.. *repeat subliminal whisper*

p.s tiger air is bringing in standing seats you know..

Yeah NZ looks pretty awesome. I watched a show about Fjordland Nat.'l Park or something like that and it was breathtaking.

So many beautiful places in the world.....its a shame I won't get to visit all of them....
Pictures will have to suffice....though I am sure does not do the places justice...I'll have to pretend.

I'd like to go to Interlaken in Switzerland. It seems like a cool little ski community.
^Switzerland does look pretty awesome.......
Speaking of cool ski communities- We went to Breckenridge (Colorado) last summer-
It was pretty awesome there.. Beautiful.
I enjoyed my time in NZ, immensely. I was only there for 36 hours, and this was in Auckland (largest city). I basically checked into my hostel around 8am with an 8pm outgoing flight the next day (after being held at customs for over an hour because they didn't understand the concept of an extended layover).

But the first day I did some great sightseeing and then got a free meal and beer at the hostel bar around 7pm. Met up with two cool girls during said meal and they invited me out on the town with them. So we spent basically sunset to sunrise pub-crawling, taking random photos, etc. Tons of fun.

Then I decided that I wanted to go all out (I had a 12 hour flight out of Auckland so I figured that I'd stay up and then sleep the whole flight). Spent the morning by the harbor and walked around areas of the city I had not covered. I booked a ticket for myself on a bus which took a scenic route to the airport (about an hour from the city) so I could see some of the countryside people rave about. I fell asleep instantly as soon as I got on the bus and was awoken at the airport by the driver :|

Still though, I have good memories of NZ, if only in one city, and hope I can go back one day.

And concerning Switzerland, ahem, my avatar/heritage ;) Never been there, though. I just cheer for their atheletes!
*hugs for ya pillthrill* everybody says this ALL the time, but if the last few years have shown you anything - things get better. They go up and down. But they go UP! and that's the special key to life :) Nothing is forever and everything changes. Don't forget that! It could change for the worse, or you can try your damndest to make it change for the better.

That NZ trip sounds good good good pip! While you're at it cross that teency stretch of water and come see us in Oz! Me and n3o are verrrry close you know.. *plants the seed in yours and ocean's heads*
We have good distraction techniques over here to take away all the resulting pain.. (coz I'm so sure that helps you :()
*subliminal whisper* Yes, you want to come to this part of the world, oh yes you do.. *repeat subliminal whisper*

p.s tiger air is bringing in standing seats you know..

standing seats, that would be much much better, with a tread mill, oooh; that would be no problemo.

yeah nz and oz are very close, separated by the most dangerous teency body of water! hah, there are too close destinations, i really really want to go to africa, cape town, then a camping trip. god all the pictures, then asia, and the flowers especially orchids.

when we do travel it would be an injustice it seems for ireland to not be priority, france is difficult, because im acquainted with a good share of ozlanders, but, the french country side, restaurants, vineyards, the alps! paris...

we have hardly explored this endlessly beautiful place we live in, and there is around one million acres un explored by any human.

you could take pictures in different areas here and you could convince some one it was ireland with the foggy sheer cliffs, japan shore line and hilly wind shaped land, or nz compared to its green lush and fairytale/nome inhabited hills, valleys, and forests, the netherlands have the same climate, and we rival them in out nook, with their tulip fields, and produce export.
so much of the land is entirely similar.

plus a strong dutch community, especially the county we live in.

the bl nome would of done well here.
Ah, standing seats. They'll be great for reduced prices :) And for some reason everyone's in an uproar. If you don't like them, then don't order standing tickets lol.
Yeah, I think it's like 1.5 times the amount of rows. So if there's normally 15 rows of seats, they could have around 22 rows of standing people.
Morning TDS. I hope all is well with everyone. Here's hoping a good day is had by all today.

<3 :)
Thats good to hear Captain. Agreed Jekyll, nothing wrong with waking up in a good mood. Its not been often thats happened for me so I'm gonna keep smiling and make the most of it.

Here's to good days with hopes the trend continues for all of us not only through today but the days to follow.
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