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Tarot cards- Do the spirits hate me?


Dec 25, 2014
I've been doing tarot for about 6 months, and I'm starting to think that the spirits don't like me and are trying to fuck me over. I don't really wanna explain everything that happened that I was doing the tarot cards about because I get really upset just thinking about it (adding this in after I finished the rest of the post: Just writing this alone made me cry, which is why I'm not talking about what was happening). Basically I wanted something that I couldn't have, and it was completely unrealistic to believe I could. It was making me really depressed, last winter was the second lowest point in my life. The cards kept telling me how to make what I wanted happen, but in reality it was out of my control and couldn't happen no matter what. They kept making me want it more, so I kept chasing it. They'd tell me I'll get it soon, many times, but I never did, and yes I did what the cards told me to. They just kept giving me hope that turned into disappointment and misery. Is it possible that the spirits or whatever I'm communicating with through tarot cards just doesn't like me and wants to make my life worse? Sorry if this was confusing because it wasn't detailed enough.
If I would be you I would skip doing Tarot at all.

You might be communicating with beings whose intentions you can't understand at all and who are being malevicious and just want you to dance in their tune for their entertainment instead of you finding on your own what you want and what you are able to get.
there is something about tarot cards that is like giving your power away. I'm very interested in the spiritual nature of existence but I have no interest in tarot cards. All that stuff becomes a form of magic and starts to take you away from yourself. Next thing you know the cards become more real than reality. I've rarely seen anyone better off because of it.

Prayer is much more powerful, direct and experiential if you ask me.
Im basacly an aethiest, all i really belive in is that supernatural beings may or may not exist because they interact throughb you through tarrot.. I'm on 10 mg of lorazeoam, 2 other drugs that potentiate it, i took 2 mg of lorazepam about 20 h08rsa ago, and now im on a mahor adderall IR crash which makes the lorazepam stronger. So like i can;t really finish this. ill come back later

EDIT: Wish I remembered what I was gonna say here :/
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You don't have to abandon it though. If it's spirits you're interacting with attract only the best. Make it clear what you want to interact with. Best if it's a felt request instead of an intellectual one.

Good luck
I'm not clear about how spirits are part of this.

Tarot cards are a projection tool. Some psychics use no tools at all while others need something material like cards to project their impressions onto. That's why readings can seem so variable.

So it's not that the spirits hate you, it's that you're hating yourself or really struggling to accept what your own psyche wants to tell you.

I do think cards can be useful for divination purposes, if you use the right deck and the right tradition.

One thing most readers agree on is that doing your own cards is a lot more difficult than doing someone else's, and can really fuck with you if you're not careful. Better to have a proxy.
Also worth noting is that drug abuse, especially addiction, are tremendously negative forces for you energetically and also in terms of the external situation of your life. If I were you I'd work on getting yourself to a good place emotionally and health-wise, and the things you want will be more attainable.

It's not that "the spirits" don't like you, that is you removing the responsibility to improve your life from yourself. You have the power to change your life, and no one and nothing else does. It has to come from within.
I've been doing tarot for about 6 months, and I'm starting to think that the spirits don't like me and are trying to fuck me over. I don't really wanna explain everything that happened that I was doing the tarot cards about because I get really upset just thinking about it (adding this in after I finished the rest of the post: Just writing this alone made me cry, which is why I'm not talking about what was happening). Basically I wanted something that I couldn't have, and it was completely unrealistic to believe I could. It was making me really depressed, last winter was the second lowest point in my life. The cards kept telling me how to make what I wanted happen, but in reality it was out of my control and couldn't happen no matter what. They kept making me want it more, so I kept chasing it. They'd tell me I'll get it soon, many times, but I never did, and yes I did what the cards told me to. They just kept giving me hope that turned into disappointment and misery. Is it possible that the spirits or whatever I'm communicating with through tarot cards just doesn't like me and wants to make my life worse? Sorry if this was confusing because it wasn't detailed enough.

Maybe it's less a matter of the spirits hating you and more of the Tarot not really doing squat? Something to consider.
Maybe get some objective evidence of Tarot cards working and re evaluate your experimentation with them. The only time that you should go off and trust something spiritual is if it has happened to you. Real evidence is empirical, not anecdotal.

Preach to yourself with experience, preach to others wih evidence.