Tamoxifen and Clomiphene


Mar 21, 2013
Okay so I have a question about Tamoxifen and Clomiphene being added on to TRT. I've been on 100mgs of Testosterone Cypionate for 4 years now and have brought up the issues of low sperm and my nips being sensitive and puffy and hurting all the time and my endo has talked about Tamoxifen for the nip problem and estrogen and Clomiphene for the sperm issue but I I know that HCG is far better than Clomid and most of the time Clomid isn't preferred. He is also pretty bad at dosages so I wanted to know if you guys had to what would you suggest I dose the Clomiphene at. 40mgs every other day or less? And what about Tamoxifen? Just stick to 20mgs for that and just run both for 4 weeks and see what that does? It's what my endocrinologist had discussed before but I wanted to mention it on here to see what you guys thought because he's old school and I am not sure if that makes any sense or if it would even help my problem and I don't know why he's so against prescribing me HCG when that's clearly the better option if I want my balls to truly be cared for being that I've been on Testosterone for 4 years. Granted I've only been on 100 this whole time but still suppressed. I don't know why any doctor wouldn't mention HCG to begin with. But I just need advice on dosages if you guys were to run both for 4 weeks what would you suggest?
Maybe it's because my morning coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but what exactly are you looking for?
Google "Clomid Crazies" - it's scary stuff IMO. I've habitually used methamphetamine and testosterone and stayed relatively mentally together. Clomid more or less sober & I was a lunatic with dangerous rages.

For you- test cyp 100mg weekly? I assume the avatar is some hollywood figure or sports figure- if it's you, I don't even begin to believe that 100mg a week, nor does anyone else who is informed. Anyway, I use enanthate which is slightly more potent (not just faster but more 'concentrated' - not by much.. and I may have that wrong, it may just be the amount of oil you inject is greater to reach 100mg) but from 9years on a TRT+ scheme, I feel I have some experience.

#1 - Use HCG on cycle. 400-500IU twice a week. It up regulates/re-awakens your natural testosterone production, so you should really reduce your test cyp dose by 10-15% so as to be comparing apples to apples as to how you feel. It should also get the sperm count up. How much I'm definitely not qualified to say.
#2 - use micro doses of arimidex - like a quarter of a milligram! break up a 1mg tablet- a day after your shot, and also aromasin 5mg (break up a 25mg tab with a knife) 2 days after your shot. Switch em back and forth, front load with half a milligram and 12.5mg if you like. These are really small doses. You won't get this advice from many places I admit. We're making tiny changes. But changing from cream in your coffee to skim, over the course of a couple years, makes a difference. As does this.
Maybe it's because my morning coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but what exactly are you looking for?
Looking for answers because quite honestly I think I'm done for. I can't ejaculate worth shit and I think my fucking balls don't work like at all.. that's really what's been bothering me and I'm worried. I wish my endocronologist would of told me about HCG but he's old school and he doesn't understand any of that shit neither and everytime I suggest something he rejects it. So now the question is.. am I fucked if I have been on 100mgs for 4 years of Test Cyp without HCG? Is the Clomid completely worthless? And would the clomid cancel out the Testosterone injection or make my testosterone numbers increase even more? How would that work?

And osft to answer your question, that is me on the avatar.. I didn't know if you were complimenting the picture or insulting but I take it calling the avatar a hollywood figure or sports figure would be you're complimenting me so thank you.. I appreciate it! But yeah.. that's only on 100mgs test cyp I kid you not I'm not taking anything other then that. I've always managed to put on muscle faster than most the guys at the gym but I care more about gaining my strength back but am limited due to my back problems and broken shoulder.
Yeah I'd go for hcg with tamoxifen. The hcg will raise your estrogen on its own, and if you're having nipple sensativity already itlo likely make it worse. The tamox/ralox will help prevent that
It will. But if you're running hcg you wouldn't need the clomid. Clomid itself has some shitty side effects that I would try to avoid if possible
What kinds of side effects? If it’s like being on a emotional rollercoaster ride then yeah I’d say that is one shitty side effect. I don’t think I’ve actually been this emotional or at least not for a long time but it’s also because I lost two loved ones and right now I don’t know what to make of my health. So you think there’s a chance I could still make sperm if I find an endocrinologist to put me on HCG? Even though I’ve been on trt for 4 years without it?
What kinds of side effects? If it’s like being on a emotional rollercoaster ride then yeah I’d say that is one shitty side effect. I don’t think I’ve actually been this emotional or at least not for a long time but it’s also because I lost two loved ones and right now I don’t know what to make of my health. So you think there’s a chance I could still make sperm if I find an endocrinologist to put me on HCG? Even though I’ve been on trt for 4 years without it?
Yeah lots of people experience emotional ups and downs on clomid not to mention vision disturbances while using clomid. For me it would be a last resort for fertility.
As for hcg, I would say yes it would still be of benefit. Since your body hasn't been producing LH for years, your testes should be nice and sensitive to it unless they're fried for whatever reason. I believe genetic freak has posted about about why we can lose fertility permanently but can be protected by taking taurine and royal jelly.
Fuck :/ k I guess I’ll get some taurine and royal jelly and find a new doctor and seek counseling because I’m on just hanging by a thread man life’s too much right now