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Talking to parents

While I've never told my parents, I act on the assumption that they know. It has been rare in the past for me to get anything by them, so if they ask me any direct questions I'll give them straight answers. Thankfully they are yet to ask.
I'm lucky that my parents where very much the long hair, hippy type when they were young. Many a photo in the old albums with my dad smoking something unlikely to be tobacco.
Airwalk, it sounds like you've got a reasonably open relationship with your parents (ie: open discussion of cons/pros drugs). If they are yet to ask you a direct question then I don't think they want a direct answer.
Good Luck
:: www.guerrillanews.com/cocakarma/ -- a must read ::
Hmmmm well i told my mum about takeing E, She was relatively kool with it. I mean she doesnt agree with it but then again she doesnt Encorage it!
I think its better that she knows that way she knows what im up to and can ring and chech that im going ok! + Know she knows why i order vitamins from New Zealand....lol
(Ill never forget the conversation we had on the phone one night at a rave, i was talking to her for an hour about utter shit and how much i loved her...lol!! This was a few weeks after i told her.)
I guess not all parents would be the same with this situation. Its good that your parents know these things, yet they can use it against You. Like when i come home at 5am from star city casino!(like id take drugs there) she goes U been taking X!! Which that pissed me off.
Hmmmm Id say keep it to yourself. Depending on what your parents are like. My dad on the other hand if he knew!!!! WATCH OUT~
As of this morning my theory that my parents know I use drugs was proven. I came home at about 6 in the morning and went straight to my bedroom to chop up a bowl as I normally do after a night out. Problem was I was a bit worse for wear and woke everyone up struggling to get my keys out of the door. So in walks mum. "Gee your eyes look all spaced out, whats wrong with you, what pills have you been popping this time?" Now this is the first time they have ever said anything to my face about drugs but it was casual as not a note of anger or any such thing. She just wanted to know what I'd had.
The funny thing being I honestly hadn't had a thing except for some alkemahol so thats what I told them. Which resulted in her telling me I was lying to her "I know what you get up to when you go out, you dont have to make up little stories". So the first time I tell the truth about my night I get told Im full of shit. I find that quite ironic. But at least I know now that they do know whats going on and they arent quite as nieve as they make out to be.
The only problem is I know see that they always just asume the worst and that if I go out I must be taking drugs. This bothers me somewhat so I'm now trying to syke myself into having a really frank discussion with them and tell them exactly what goes on. But I'm worried how they will react to this so I dont think it will happen just yet. At least I know they know I use drugs so nothing should really shock them, but still It will be a hard thing to do.
A couple of months ago I was seriously considering telling my parents that on occasion I have been known to indulge in "the ecstasy" and perhaps other fun chemicals. But now I am really glad I didn't. Unless you have truly open-minded parents I don't think it's worth the hassle. If you're fully independent and not living at home and feel compelled to be upfront with your olds about your weekend activities then all well and good.
well...i must say that on this one i am with cowboy macSTAR!!! i have but three words:
becuase once u do, they just worry too much, bring it up all the time, and even make ur life a hell (for a while)...UNTIL u tell them that u r over it all and that u dont touch eccies anymore. this helps a bit...but they NEVER EVER fully believe u...so they search ur room and find your stash and flush it down the toilet!!!
and no matter what...they are never cool with it. drugs are drugs and they are bad. so unless u have extremelt cool parents that peak with u at earthcore
u shouldnt tell!!!
just my opinion.
Was just diggin thru sum posts and found this interesting one.
Has anyone ever had any really loved-up pills together with a parent? Or even been peaking around your parents?
I've toked up with mum and dad before and it was pretty silly, but I think that if I was all loved up around mum I would end up in some sort of "I love you so much" conversation and strangely end up remembering it all after the comedown. Ugh...
hey I was actually just thinking about this thread and i wander into drug discussion and somebody's bumped it... lovely.
Airwalk, did you ever tell your parents? Or after re-assessing did you decide not to? If you did tell them, how did it go?
I once dropped some strong liquid at home, planning on having a quiet introspective evening alone in my room.
Just as I was coming up I was summoned to dinner, no excuses. I spent the whole powerful peak at the dinner table, god it was intense.
my parents know
i told them strait out
my mums a doctor but shes a very open minded doctor
she even wants to try e :)
im not sure aboout her trying it tho would be a bit weird
my dad at first thought ppl on drugs destroy things i explained to him while on e ure in a happy euphoric mood im not sure if he believes me
mum is the easiest to talk to about drugs dad is a bit sketchy at times but thats ok with me
I am so jealous of anyone who has told their parents, and they are cool with it. I know that i can never tell my parents about my drug use. My mum would never be able to look at me the same, as she already suspects it and thats enough to upset her. My dad, is just a complete nut. He has told me, and my friends on numorous occasions that if he ever catches me on drugs that he'll break my elbows (elbows?) and throw me out. And he's just crazy enough for me to know he'd do it. He's even told my best mate that if he finds that my best mate did them with me, he'd do the same to him.
So in conclusion, i hate lying to my family, but i like my elbows so i guess i'm just gonna have to deal with it :(
Here's my 2 cents. The only people you should talk to about anything you shouldnt be doing legally are the people you are doing it with. Dont stress out those who love you. Especially if you arent eating them in thier presence. Always tell someone with you what you have done in case it goes bad though. In my reckless days I once did a lot of blow (about 0.5g) in one hit and told my mate just in case I had a heart attack. Seemed like a good idea then and still does now. At least that way the ambo's would have known how to treat me. Be safe.
I like Pill Puppy have been informed that if my father ever found out i used drugs then my 'arse would be out on the street'. I know that this would never happen but i can already see the look in my parents eyes.
No i think that little fact will stay with me.
One of my friends on the other hand never had to say a thing. Came home one day and his mum told him that she had given his set of draws away (stash spot), as the colour was draining from his face she adds 'Don't worry i just moved your gear into your other draws." :)
It was all organised and laid out... never another word said!
Telling my parents has been one of the best things i've ever done. I decided after hiding and sneaking around the best thing to do was to tell my parents.
Most parents react with denial when they discover their golden angel is not so golden. I did not want to come home one day and tell my parents I need help and for them to react with 'OH my God.. i'm a bad parent' or 'How can this be.. my son would never do that.' They would then go through the stages of anger and blaming it upon others instead of dealing with the situation at hand.
It may be a selfish reason, but I wanted them over with the feelings of anger and denial so that if anything happened they would be able to react with an open, clear and knowing mind.
Yes, they were shocked and even a bit disappointed. They wanted to blame themselves and say how they had failed. I explained to them constantly that they had not failed. I had just taken a different path to what they had expected. They did loose trust in me for a while but I worked extra hard in other aspects of my life to show them that I have not let the drugs take control of me.
Today, my parents will still sit me down and ask me directly what my consumption is. I am still to this day able to sit down with my parents and tell them if I need any help. I fully believe that if for any reason I was in trouble I could go to them and ask for help. They would be able to react with a clear and level head and give me the assistance I needed....... Of course this will not stop them from kicking my ass later.
I have a few times tried to get my mum to try taking stuff. I tell her you can't say you don't like it until you have tried it for yourself. If it was that bad there wouldn't be so many people in this world trying it.... Pity she is very sick atm.. and can't risk anything like that.. (sigh)
I advise any person who think their parents are open minded to consider telling them. They may be angry but i'm sure they will still love you and respect your decisions. Make sure you prove to them that your social choices are not interrupting things like work and schooling - work hard/get good grades. Show them at the end of the day you are a responsible adult.
In my mind, if my child came to me and told me they take drugs I would be more proud of them for having the guts to tell me than I would be angry for them taking stuff.
See yas!
I could never tell my parents, and even though I've rolled the idea around in my head for the last couple of months, its really come up as a bad idea.
I used to joke to my mum about growing pot and stuff at home, and she would joke back (i hope) about buying me hydroponics stuff, but since then my relationship with my parents has grown very distant. I avoid speaking to them about my life as much as i can. My mum would be shocked, if I said i had tried any drug recreationally. My dad would murder me. He is _the_ most conservative person i know. Amazingly, he's tried to stop me from growing a beard and sideys, which did not stop me trying (I cant get the beard to work - doesnt grow long enough).
I wish i could let it all out, but the relationship i have with my parents is very fragile, and I would hate to be responsible for destroying it.
Other than that, my parents know i get pissed occasionally and I have been around them under the influence - hopefully they didnt notice.
Good luck to all the people who shall tell or are considering telling their parents.
I've been watching this thread and I've got to say:
Part of the fun of drugs is that they are "naughty". If you tell your parents, and let's say they are 'cool' about it and you get some tacit approval for doing them, they are no longer "naughty". Or at least, their "naughtiness" is diminished somewhat. Therefore, they are no longer as fun.
So don't tell your parents.
^ Not for me. I don't use drugs because of the rebellious side associated with it. I use them puerely for personal experience and thats all.
BTW I never did tell me parents. I do think they know but sometimes that diplomatic silence helps everyone sleep better at night.
Just thought I'd add my bit. After careful consideration of the good and bad which could result in my 'fessing up to my parents (particularly to my already shakey relationship with my dad) I won't design a conversation in order to tell them.
I've also decided I won't outright lie to them anymore, because I respect them too much. Basically if they ask me, I'll tell them straight, if they don't they won't ever "know". But I'm never going to slip in that suspicious little line at the end of a really good description of what ecstasy feels like (ie what the attraction is to it) "of course, I've never tried it". ;)
yeah, it's a tough one. I am starting to suspect that my dad may have some inklings. I know for sure a couple of friends parents have suspicians.
I have been, over the last year or so, trying to slowly educate dad on the fact that it isn't such a big deal, that a lot of people do it, most people are fine and the whole scene is pretty friendly (without saying that I've tried it myself).
Taking pills is something I don't think I would have ever done when my mum was still alive cos she was a lot more vocal about my late nights and drinking. I know my dad worries, but he doesn't say that much about it so for me it is a bit easier cos there isn't so much conversation about it.
There have been a few close calls with things being left lying around that shouldn't, web pages that shouldve been shut etc but I think like most parents, because of the image "drug taking" has, confirming what your kids get up to is something they'd rather not do.
If he asked me straight out, I guess I would tell him and then I could explain the situation to him, but I think me coming right out and saying it without prompting would just cause too much trouble. I don't want him to worry about me too much and I know he would if he knew.
I actually told my sister about what Ive been doing (not all the details, but the general idea) which was a bit of a weight off. She's been living away from home for a bit and I think it has opened her eyes to the world...I know there's no way I would've told her a few months back!!
so...I think if you have open minded parents maybe it's a goer, but in general, I don't think you should tell them unless you are caught out.