Taking Suboxone after using Xanax to sleep though withdrawals.


Apr 28, 2014
im planning on getting clean tomorrow, I’m going to try to knock myself out with benzos to get through the first 36 hours or so until I can take a sub, but I’m worried about any possible negative effects from mixing them (respiratory depression, etc.). As long as I don’t take the sub within a few hours after my last Xanax do you think it would be safe? What would be the best course of action? Also please move thread if it’s not In the right place, I’m fairly new and not good at navigating the site yet. Thanks
You would probably be safe, but I am not a doctor so I can't give you a definitive answer. To be honest, this is something you should consult a medical professional about. obviously the more time between doses is safer, but I would think once the sedative effects of alprazolam wear off you would be fine but I am not certain.
im planning on getting clean tomorrow, I’m going to try to knock myself out with benzos to get through the first 36 hours or so until I can take a sub, but I’m worried about any possible negative effects from mixing them (respiratory depression, etc.). As long as I don’t take the sub within a few hours after my last Xanax do you think it would be safe? What would be the best course of action? Also please move thread if it’s not In the right place, I’m fairly new and not good at navigating the site yet. Thanks

I was still on prescribed benzos when I got on Sub, so I continued to take them while I was inducting. You'll be safe from the risk of respiratory depression or over-sedation probably by four hours after you take your last one. If you actually take enough benzos for 3 days to stay continually asleep and your total dose is pretty high, I'd give it maybe 8 hours from last dose, as they do collect in your system a bit. Remember to drink plenty of water (when you're awake, of course! :\)

Even at such a short time on them, you'll be sort of anxious and shaky the first day off, likely, which is probably a good way to look when you see the doctor, since they want you in withdrawal. However, try not to give in to the temptation to medicate that nasty-benzo-withdrawal feeling that will last a day or two with more benzos! I got into serious trouble with that, and had to cold turkey kick them after several years of taking several daily for anxiety and sleep. I swear I did not sleep for a month! Good luck with your kick and Sub--I've been on it quite a while and it's been a lifesaver.