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Taking LSD while on psyc meds


Sep 21, 2016
I have been wanting to try out LSD; however, before I do this I wanted to know how psyc meds (Zyprexa and Effexor) effect the drug. Is this a bad idea for someone on antidepressants?
Hey Lux5000, welcome to Bluelight. :)

Well, I can't speak from experience, but I can say that I've always heard that serotonin reuptake inhibitor therapy weakens the effects of psychedelics, and that traditional antipsychotics have been used medically to abort psychedelic experiences. Olanzapine also has high affinity for 5-HT2A, so that could really interfere with the mechanism of psychedelics. However, venlafaxine (Effexor) is a dual serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, so it's harder for me to guess what might happen there.

At the very least, I would imagine that if you wanted to take LSD you would probably have to not take your pharmaceuticals at the same time, or at least the olanzapine, if you hoped to achieve a full effect, but I could not possibly say whether or not that would be a good idea. If you are on an antipsychotic for issues related to psychosis it would probably be wise to acknowledge that LSD is going to be doing the exact opposite of what your medication does to reverse your symptoms. If you are dealing with something like depression without those kinds of symptoms it could be less risky, but I still couldn't make that call, I would just encourage you to think about it.

There are a lot of people on here with a lot of experience with a lot of different drugs, so hopefully someone with similar experience will be able to give a more educated response as well!
^ Sounds about right and good points all around...

Effexor will diminish LSD effects too most likely, though I think Zyprexa is a little more reliable in counteracting trip effects because it acts on those same receptors psychedelics act on - monoamine reuptake inhibitors occasionally vary a bit. But with both these together you can probably forget about it.

As was said: it's questionable whether it is smart to begin with considering the reasons for taking these medications.

Do not go off your meds. Discontinuing psychiatric medications that rely on building up a stable blood plasma level is pretty irresponsible and messes with the efficacy.

sorry, it's too bad : |
As the others already stated, Zyprexa will severely diminish the activity of LSD since their mechanisms of action are direct opposites:
* Classic Psychedelics in general primarily act as agonists at the 5HT2A and 5HT2C serotonin receptors, with LSD in particular also agonizing a wide range of other serotoninergic, dopaminergic, and adrenergic receptors.
* Modern "atypical" Antipsychotics in general primarily act as antagonists at 5HT2A and 5HT2C serotonin receptors, with Zyprexa in particular also antagonizing a very wide range of other serotonergic, dopaminergic, adrenergic and other receptors.

Serotonergic antidepressants (SSRI's, SNRI's, tricyclics), too, tend to diminish psychedelic effects, although not nearly as strongly as antipsychotics.

The problem with hallucinogens is that they are capable of so much more than just causing spectacular visual and auditory hallucinations - in the early days, they sometimes used to be called "psychotomimetics" as they can indeed cause states of significant emotional dysregulation where your own feelings of isolation, frustration, doubt and despair are brought to the forefront of your mind and greatly amplified; this can be very valuable under the guidance of a therapist, but also extremely dangerous when unprepared.

Seriously, read, for example, the experience reports on DOM/STP in "Pihkal":
There was the magnification of light, color and odors. It was all very pleasant and beautiful, except that I had an overwhelmingly negative feeling. This at times grew to considerable intensity, and I feel it was clearly due to anger. At times the negativity disappeared completely, and I broke into the most enjoyable, even hilarious experiences. I alternated about 50-50 between joy and discomfort. As the evening drew on, I became withdrawn and pensive. It seemed clear that I had made all the wrong decisions--choice of partner, place to live, isolation, no meaningful activity. The greatest shocker was that my practice of meditation, which is one of my central focuses, and which I thought had brought me much peace and understanding, seemed to be a delusional solution to my unhappiness and isolation. The experience continued unabated throughout the night with much tension and discomfort. I was unable to get any sleep. I hallucinated quite freely during the night, but could stop them at will. While I never felt threatened, I felt I knew what it was like to look across the brink to insanity.

Not trying to be snobbish here - I myself absolutely underestimated these aspects of the psychedelic experience too, as well as the steep dose-response curve of some of these substances (ex.: 225 µg of 1P-ETH-LAD was exponentially more intense than 150 µg).
I'm on citalopram, and I still trip balls on lysergamides with no reduction in effects. ymmv
Yeah with SSRI's ymmv, but with antipsychotics less so. Effexor is not exactly an SSRI but that's why I said it is less reliable on reducing a trip but won't help your case.

Some people can trip on SSRI's, others get no effect, but it's also possible to get changed effects from some interaction that can cause problems. It's not that harmless.
Don't know about the effexor but I do tripped while I was on Zyprexa. Make sure the last dose is long ago so the Zyprexa don't cut down your trip.