Venting Take Meth Psychoses Seriously. Schizophrenic states HAVE A BASIS in reality - no matter the sketchy ideation or "no fucking way" factor!


Dec 22, 2015
Meth psychosis is not only out of this world, it obscures other people's realities about YOU and inspires them to eventually ACTUALLY start fucking with you!

The problem is, the timing of things, the intentions why, the extent of your not delusional suspicions being enshrined to "fuck you you're crazy" because of the 75% of it that IS delusional. Etc, etcetera.

Then there's the fact that you're literally spending all your time watching for and trying to hack them away from YOU.

Sometimes there are really shifty and shifty people though, especially in in drug game, who think it's okay to demonize someone in a psychotic and vulnerable state. They think it's funny, or justified, or anything BUT a mishandling of a vulnerable person. Sometimes people get seriously victimized in this process. They really do.

Unfortunately, Sometimes people on crystal meth do cause honest to God, shit-disturbing, even seriously  criminal disturbances in their living nightmare. People take offense justly so j
just enough so that people in a psychosis are rarely taken seriously no matter how right or wrong they are.

Protip: It doesn't matter. Whatever is in someone's head, that's their world and psychoses have a way of making the presentation and a normal response to stimuli like fucking with them seem bent out of reality.

#2 You cannot deal with someone properly without being down to speak on their level. Whether you're belief or honesty in doing so is there or not. Truth and lies or delusional is NOT the point right now. Figuring out what the fuck is going on and knowing when to either fuck off or call a professional is what's on the table.

People do gaslight each other into believing the big bad meth head is so bad that a lot lot real disturbances against the user BECAUSE of this stigma go into non-reality in favor of inhumane treatment. It's disgusting.

This happens in a serious and frequent level of occurrence which goes on to say in our international to globalized opinion says the facts vs what the meth user is saying saying  never winds up in the meth users favor. Autoguilty. Benign. Less than worth a listen  as people focus on their behavior.

I swear to God - Sometimes the people here in their psychoses do wind-up to having true legitimacy in the kernel of their presentation what's happening to them. I've had some horrible, shitty fucking things happen to me with people taking advantage of me in this state.

Persecution complexes don't mean there's no persecution. It doesn't matter the hypocrisy of pointing it out and trying to defend your character and life. People who run down vulnerable, possibly unstable people are garbage human beings. People who criminalize the drug user and play into their insecurities which can present ANY way for ANY reason - they're social parasites. Far more than any "junkie".

People in this state need help. You have  no idea how fucked up this world and the people in it actually are if you think there is  no validity to my words, or their words here because someone is acting like XYZ. People in this state are subject to humiliation and dissent on a regular basis because their words and actions in a meth psychosis are seemingly unreal and suspect themselves.

Did you know that you can be in a psychotic state, and also absolutely spot on about what people are doing and what they're doing TO the psychotic person. There's a lot of commonalities with schizophrenia and also with other meth psychoses that suggest this mind has common ground amongst many people. That suggests there is something to REALITY in this state of mind.

Even if the details are off, or the reasoning seems to be down to some sketchy mysticism and the ego seems out of whack.... get this.

The second you vilify, humiliate, or negate someone who's feeling persecuted in some way you're making them right. In your own small way.

Now imagine what someone who's close personally might do.
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I can actually tell when I'm in meth psychosis, like I'm acutely aware of it. I hear music from my air conditioning or fan or heater, I see bugs crawling up the walls, and I see *the shadow people*

It doesn't stress me out all that much. I know it's a given by day 2 minimum, always by day 3 and if I overamp always. And I know it'll go away after I sleep that night and if I don't take anymore meth.

To me it's a pretty simple equation.

Why am I hallucinating?

Oh, I shot up a bunch of meth the last couple of days and haven't slept. More meth and less sleep equals more psychosis. More sleep and less meth equals less psychosis.

Like I'm fully cognizant and coherent, I'm just hallucinating while it's happening and I can't achieve anything. Last time I got it, it took my support worker an hour to get me to shower, then we went to the store so I could buy more yoghurt. 4 hour shift and that was all we achieved.

I don't fully understand how people can't be aware that the meth caused the psychosis, unless they forgot they took meth or aren't aware they are psychotic.
Their is a cruel sport in UK prisons. Some prisoners will give another, usually much younger prisoner Spice (or whatever you term synthetic CB1 agonists) and mess with them.

I cannot understate the dangers of Spice. For years my job was to interpret NMR & GCMS data and almost every sample of Spice contained dimers, trimers and polymers. Their high melting-point means they will be pyrolyzed producing nitroazmines and all manner of dangerous junk. Expect a spike in cancer cases.
Their is a cruel sport in UK prisons. Some prisoners will give another, usually much younger prisoner Spice (or whatever you term synthetic CB1 agonists) and mess with them.

I cannot understate the dangers of Spice. For years my job was to interpret NMR & GCMS data and almost every sample of Spice contained dimers, trimers and polymers. Their high melting-point means they will be pyrolyzed producing nitroazmines and all manner of dangerous junk. Expect a spike in cancer cases.
Yes, Spice, K2, etc is some serious shit. As a former social worker, I have seen people thrown into psychosis from smoking this. Bad news.