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Synthing MXE and arylcyclohexylamines

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Sep 9, 2012
Ok, so recently I got burned for a relatively large amount of money on one of these new dissociatives (o-pce) that are out there to replace MXE. The stuff was completely insoluble and likely completey cut as I felt next to nothing on large doses.. and i've read this one is supposed to be the most potent. I would like to try o-pcm, but I hear mixed reviews of that one.

Anyway, it got me thinking.. and I know this is no easy endeavor.. but how difficult would it be for us to synth our own arylcyclohexylamine for personal use? Are the reagents that rare or is the process that complicated? Are the instruments out of reach for consumerists? Now I don't know much chemistry.. but I can certainly follow a recipe or technique and learn along the way.

Granted, I would need more information of the synth process. Are there books or any information related to this that are available? Chem forums online of the deep-web where chemists share their information? What can we gather on this?

MXE is the best drug experience I have ever had. It woke up a sense of spirituality that I have a hard time forgetting. It trumps everything else aside from possibly DMT. For me it is almost a kind of sacrament, unparalleled with anything else out there. If I only had the knowledge, the skill could be obtained over time.. has anyone even attempted to synth their own chemicals?
Sorry if I didn't read the rules. Is synth discussion not allowed? I'm from the US, so MXE is not scheduled as of yet where I'm located. Maybe without the details of sourcing reagents, etc.. what are peoples experiences in cooking for themselves?
Hi there, synth discussion is not permitted on bluelight so I've closed this thread.

Please read the rules before posting again.
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