Mental Health swith anti psychotics


Nov 19, 2018
im sic of intrudin racing thoughts
wot ccan replace seroquel xl 200mg eithminimal withdrawal
I ont want the typicals

is amisulpride good
cant take abilify,dont rly want olanzapine
im sic of intrudin racing thoughts
wot ccan replace seroquel xl 200mg eithminimal withdrawal
I ont want the typicals

is amisulpride good
cant take abilify,dont rly want olanzapine
Dude there's nothing wrong with you if you have racing thoughts. Everyone gets racing thoughts. It's probably because you aren't satisfied with you're life or occupation. Now if you have a mental disorder then I guess if you want go ahead and take the pills you need. But if you just got trapped in the mental health system like I did you should learn how to enjoy life without medication. They diagnose people with all kinds of stupid shit just so they can make money. I had a mild anger outburst at one of my psychiatry sessions and later because of that wad diagnose with schizo-effective and psychosis . Lol they have too much fuckin power man. I don't see things or hear things. They simply just want to make money of pill prescriptions.