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Opioids SWIM kicked hydro-oxy habit!!

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smutt butt

Feb 13, 2009
SWIM had a 300-350 a mn. oxy10/325 and hydro10/325 habit. About half and half for each pill. To get off at all SWIM would eat about 15 of either and then snort/eat 5-6 more throughout the day. SWIM would have to ration them to keep the WD away. SWIM then read about Kratom and decided it was time to cut WAY down. After ordering a 4oz. bag of the cheap PC/Bali Kratom and some 00capsules it was time to try it. SWIM went 1 day without dosing so the next morning the jones's started big time. SWIM took 15 00capsules filled with Kratom. About 1 hr. later the WD were GONE, yes GONE!!!!

This dose was followed for about 1 week and then gradually tapered down over 2 weeks. After about a month the WD's were manageable and sleep without being on anything was possible. The urge to eat pills goes away, at least for SWIM, with Kratom.

This was 3 ms. ago. SWIM still binges once a month but hopefully will keep it under control with Kratom. SWIM's neighbor was taken off of Oxycontin after 21 years of legitimate use. Kratom took away his WD's too.
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