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Surge in ADHD diagnoses gets a red flag


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010

AFP - Doctors sounded a warning Tuesday over a rise in ADHD diagnoses, saying some children may be needlessly taking powerful drugs intended to correct a poorly understood disorder.

Writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), the researchers noted treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had risen massively in recent years, even though its causes are unclear and drugs can have adverse effects.

ADHD is a disorder blamed for severe and frequent bouts of inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. Children and young adolescents are those who are most diagnosed with it.

But some experts fear the term ADHD may "medicalise" problems related to a child's personality or maturity level, the effects of poor parenting or other home problems.

In Australia, prescriptions for the stimulant Ritalin and other ADHD drugs rose by 72 percent between 2000 and 2011, while in Britain and the Netherlands prescriptions roughly doubled between 2003 and 2008, said the paper.

According to the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), nearly one in 11 American children aged 13-18 and one in 25 adults are affected by ADHD.

The analysis noted that Ritalin and other drugs were meant to be used only for "severe" ADHD symptoms, which according to research data only occur among about 14 percent of children with the condition.

Yet "about 87 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD in the US in 2010 subsequently received medication," it said, warning of "unnecessary and possibly harmful medication treatment".

The study said the main ADHD drugs could have side effects like weight change, liver damage and dwelling on suicide. And the drugs' long-term impact, as a child moves into adulthood, remained unknown.

The story continues: http://www.france24.com/en/20131106-surge-adhd-diagnoses-gets-red-flag
I <3 the surge in ADHD diagnoses. I think Adderall should be distributed ad lib at every pharmacy and gas station, for free. Any country that does this will surely prosper.
I <3 the surge in ADHD diagnoses. I think Adderall should be distributed ad lib at every pharmacy and gas station, for free. Any country that does this will surely prosper.

To adults...

I damn sure need a boost some god-damn time... LMAO

Can't diss my coke though...
yeah... lets put our entire next generation on amphetamines... im sure theyll turn out fine...

i grew 14 inches in 1 year and a half after being taken off adderall back in high school.
yeah... lets put our entire next generation on amphetamines... im sure theyll turn out fine...

i grew 14 inches in 1 year and a half after being taken off adderall back in high school.

Yeah it cracks me up how they give that shit too little kids like its no big thing. Have there been any long term studies on amphetamines side effects in kids started at a young age and not ever coming off it.
I <3 the surge in ADHD diagnoses. I think Adderall should be distributed ad lib at every pharmacy and gas station, for free. Any country that does this will surely prosper.

Indeed, amphetamines in particular fight obesity, and imo offset heart disease despite any cardiotoxic effects themselves in overweight adults who are not elderly -- and in low doses benefit even non-ADHD persons in academic performance -- so long as they don't use them to forgo sleep for prolonged periods of time. The news media has really overblown the addiction issue with uppers imo. NDRI stimulants would benefit American society immensely if they were made GRAS [Generally Recognized As Safe - OTC available for purchase off the shelf - with or without 18+ codifier.. or even Special Restriction Product like Ephedrine tablets - behind the counter].

I wonder if technology would be the same today if it were not for mathematicians and physicists who purchased dozens of Benzedrine inhalers, and dumped a chip off the powdery wad at the end of the metal tube into their morning coffee for academic enhancement purposes. I would guess we'd be decades behind if they had relied only on caffeine.

SNDRIs are certainly a bit heavy on the euphoria side -- which for me at least decreases the ability to stay focused on mundane tasks but I understand how this is different for each person.
SNDRIs are certainly a bit heavy on the euphoria side -- which for me at least decreases the ability to stay focused on mundane tasks but I understand how this is different for each person.

Triple reuptake inhibitors? Like what?
^too short-acting to be therapeutic. Believe me I've tried. Plus when there's coke, all you want to do is do coke. It's not a means to an end.
^too short-acting to be therapeutic. Believe me I've tried. Plus when there's coke, all you want to do is do coke. It's not a means to an end.

That's why he was saying it is too recreational for therapy.

How you use a substance is purely subjective in my opinion.

I make a metered nasal spray. It is really not that taxing if you stick to smaller measured doses.

I do agree it is quite easy to spin far out of control...
I have a friend who tried using cocaine for a study drug when he couldn't get adderall. He didn't wind up addicted, but he said it made a shitty study drug overall.

dr rockzo in the house

speed has always been acceptable for some reasons. we give it to athletes, about every branch of the armed forces esp th air force, kids, its the number one drug in asia and look how industrious they are lol...

i have a cousin who is like 7 years older than me and even when he was young he had a really active imagination and would be flagged for adhd today, back then they tried to get him on some med, ritalin prob, but he didnt and it was the best option.
yeah... lets put our entire next generation on amphetamines... im sure theyll turn out fine...

i grew 14 inches in 1 year and a half after being taken off adderall back in high school.

People have been taking Dexedrine and Adderall, and Ritalin for ADD/ADHD for decades. They don't stunt people's growth.

It's purely coincidental that you supposedly grew taller after being taken off the medication.

Unless you were anorexic and intentionally not eating and starving yourself while on it there's no reason why your growth should have been stunted at all as height is mostly genetic.