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Supernatural religious beliefs are the enemy of world peace, as shown by 5000 years of war.

Gnostic Bishop

Jun 23, 2014
Supernatural religious beliefs are the enemy of world peace, as shown by 5000 years of war.

Supernatural believing faith-based religious hierarchies have been lying so much to their people that the more vulnerable of their people actually believe the --- mythical, allegorical, imaginary icons that they are persuaded,--- against all logic and reason, --- to believe in as real. That is abuse to a mind.

A mind is a person’s most treasured possession and to allow liars and con men to effect and infect so many minds, --- should be made illegal, as well as a sin, --- but of course, --- the world is not ready for a moral religious lesson.

Logic, reason, logos, intelligent thinking, --- it seems, --- are no match against the vile con men who run the religions and the mythos they and the faith poison they use to damage precious minds.

We and our ancestors have paid a high price to the religious con men that have damaged so many minds. A huge price in minds, cash as well as; world peace.

Those con men should be censored.

Religions are a good thing. They have just forgotten that they were created to produce peace.

Not the God damned God produced 5,000 years of our war filled history.

While those same religions oppressed non-believers, women and gays. As the majority, the religious also impose poverty.

The supernatural belief fostered by the mainstream, --- immoral, homophobic, and misogynous religions, --- and their con men hierarchy, --- are not a friend to peace.

They should be outlawed as soon as possible.

This would allow what Jesus preached in terms of electing a human God.

Human Gods can make peace and I suggest we elect one, as in the Roman System, democracy; to bring peace to the world that we are God damned destroying for our children.

Their precious minds are in your hands.

Logos or mythos must be chosen by all.

Peace wants Logos, not mythos, faith, or an unproven supernatural concept of any kind.

Trust the method for peace that Jesus preached. Elect a God. A man. Jesus asked his people if they had forgotten that they were Gods.

Most had, but not the Gnostics who had taught the Roman Jesus.

Be a Gnostic and recognize the evil of religions, as well as the good parts.

I would prefer to focus on the good, but my love has created a great hate for the religious con men who harm so many.

That hate forces me to call them out, even as I recognize the need for community churches. Less so now as in the past.

Our world cannot afford to lose good minds to religious faith based supernatural thinking that is helping to destroy our world.

Peace and decent morality would like to prevail.

Be decent parents and people and tell your children that there is nothing to fear from the supernatural, because there is only good, in what you can imagine somehow; even if you do not see it in your imagination immediately. Think dreams.

Minds are too precious too allow frivolous impairment. Save yours by discarding faith without facts and the imaginary supernatural realm.



TL;DR --but--I agree that believing in fairy tales can be harmful, but it's far from this world's only problem.

I am agnostic. I think everyone is agnostic. The believers and non-believers both have doubts in the back of their heads sometimes. Pretty sure that makes everyone agnostic.
Organised religion and supernatural beliefs are not the same thing. There is a huge amount of research from sociology, anthropology and psychology that suggests shared religious beliefs and their associated rituals are positive at the individual and group level. Religious wars begin at the nexus of religion and politics (and therefore also economics) and it is simplistic reductionism to blame religion only for wars in which the religious identities of the combatants was different.
TL;DR --but--I agree that believing in fairy tales can be harmful, but it's far from this world's only problem.

I am agnostic. I think everyone is agnostic. The believers and non-believers both have doubts in the back of their heads sometimes. Pretty sure that makes everyone agnostic.

Same page buddy.

I try to be as brief as possible because I too dislike a TLDR.

You are correct that the vast majority of us are agnostic. More and more are turning to the ideology of Gnostic thinkers as they are proving to be superior. Laïcité has won the day but that is not yet recognized.

Mercy a tout Francais.

Most problems would be solved by a Gnostic Pope as our ideology is the top of the line.

Organised religion and supernatural beliefs are not the same thing. There is a huge amount of research from sociology, anthropology and psychology that suggests shared religious beliefs and their associated rituals are positive at the individual and group level. Religious wars begin at the nexus of religion and politics (and therefore also economics) and it is simplistic reductionism to blame religion only for wars in which the religious identities of the combatants was different.

A lot of sense.

That is why I try to separate the faith and supernatural based garbage religions from the more intelligent religions. Those being that put man above god, in recognition that we have created all of our gods.

The supernatural god religions are full of agnostics.

They begin to unite in atheists churches. That was predictable given that more are turning to logos and shedding the brain killing belief that myths are real.

My favorite guru blames religions, but it is more idolatry that is to blame, and the vast majority have always been idolatrous. Many are called away, but few hear it.

It is natural and I agree with Sadguru, --- that religions, as the body of their gods, --- are responsible for most if not all wars, along with other systems that are fascist in their ideologies.

The body does the killing, not an imaginary god. Man has the power to kill while god cannot, even if he were real.

I don't believe what I can't see but since I was a child I've seen demons and different dimensions. They don't require belief for a person to see them (or smell them). I grew up Christian but I'm an atheist now, I always was but I'm not forced to be indoctrinated anymore, and I still have demons that harass me. If you're wondering I saw an angel at the end of my bed when I was 10 and it sounds nice I guess but it scared me and I waited for it to go away

I don't like any of that stuff
So you are telling us what we should or should not believe or merely presenting facts?
So you are telling us what we should or should not believe or merely presenting facts?
If in a court, do you wish to be judged on beliefs, or facts?

I need not say more, but belief without facts, --- faith to some, --- is what has made the god religions so vile.

They have forgotten how to read their books, especially on how to treat women and gays.

Another person who can't understand the difference between ontology and epistemology.

The courts are based on human legal traditions, but even things like human rights are divinely ordained according to many secular documents. Look at the U.S. bill of rights, which speaks of inalienable, god-given human rights.

All cultures have their mythos. Not all cultures are at war. Most aren't.

Humanity thrives on epistemology. An epistemology doesn't have to make sense to you for it to be valid to someone else.

This notion of objective existence that applies to all people is what needs to go. Diversity and plurality reign supreme. Objectivist dictators are the plague of humanity, and they are found it all walks of life. Give them enough power, and they will try to make everyone think like they do by force.
Another person who can't understand the difference between ontology and epistemology.

The courts are based on human legal traditions, but even things like human rights are divinely ordained according to many secular documents. Look at the U.S. bill of rights, which speaks of inalienable, god-given human rights.

All cultures have their mythos. Not all cultures are at war. Most aren't.

Humanity thrives on epistemology. An epistemology doesn't have to make sense to you for it to be valid to someone else.

This notion of objective existence that applies to all people is what needs to go. Diversity and plurality reign supreme. Objectivist dictators are the plague of humanity, and they are found it all walks of life. Give them enough power, and they will try to make everyone think like they do by force.

Think low level mentally targeted inquisitions and jihads against vile women and gays.

Religions pick on these least able to defend themselves.

God religionists are moral cowards.

That is why they are dying out.

Think low level mentally targeted inquisitions and jihads against vile women and gays.

Religions pick on these least able to defend themselves.

God religionists are moral cowards.

That is why they are dying out.


Which religions? Not all of them are dying out. Some are as strong as they ever were.

Hinudism and all its branches, Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, etc.

The Catholic Church still has over a billion followers. Islam, even more.

I know you hate religion but it doesn't seem like religion is going anywhere anytime soon.

And what replaces religion on matters of being and existence? What has tried harder to explain these things? Not secularism, that's for sure.
How about science?

Fuck religion.

Science doesn't explain the nature of existence. No western philosophical system does, in fact. Most just say existence is a trick of language and don't bother looking at it.

Science can't explain ontology. Nor does it tell us how to transcend suffering.
Science doesn't explain the nature of existence. No western philosophical system does, in fact. Most just say existence is a trick of language and don't bother looking at it.

Science can't explain ontology. Nor does it tell us how to transcend suffering.

Neither does religion.
And what replaces religion on matters of being and existence?

Happily, reality instead of stupid supernatural garbage.

You speak as if the supernatural is where the answers are, when your own bible says nature hold the answers.

So do all the religions you named who put man above god, instead of putting a Yahweh, a genocidal moral monster, above man.

You like the evil supernatural based religions, while recognizing the worth of the better ones.

Science doesn't explain the nature of existence. No western philosophical system does, in fact. Most just say existence is a trick of language and don't bother looking at it.

Science can't explain ontology. Nor does it tell us how to transcend suffering.

In a dualistic universe, who would you foolishly not want to suffer?

The laws in heaven cannot be the same laws as here. We can die, dummy.

To think the supernatural hold our laws, when they are obviously different, is folly beyond words.

In a dualistic universe, who would you foolishly not want to suffer?

The laws in heaven cannot be the same laws as here. We can die, dummy.

To think the supernatural hold our laws, when they are obviously different, is folly beyond words.


"Supernatural" is just a word, and you're the only one here using it.

Every reply you've made to me is a non-sequitur. You're ascribing premises to me that you are actually thinking but I never said.

Did you once ask me what I actually believed to be true? Nope.

You put words in my mouth and then rebutted those very words.

Like all of your threads, it's the Gnostic Bishop show. We're all just objects in your drama.