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Super Important - Drugs and Driving

omg i only just read that thread just now and it really shook me up a bit...u really do have to be so careful :(
drug/drive stories like that, really REALLY piss me off.

It's the equivelant to someone posting a message somewhere going "Drugs are so bad! My child of just 16 died from an ecstasy pill".
I used to drink and drive home from mate's place while wasted on many things.... yeah I am a fuckwit for driving while under influnuce.... until the day younger brother had his car crash...:(

It happened about two and half years ago..... While My brother was living up in Yeppoon, about 30-40kms north from Rockhampton, he went out party all night at Rocky's pubs, and he got home very drunk at my mother's house in Rocky, stayed there for a hour or so....smoked few pipes of MJ he thought "he felt fine, sobbered up", then he hopped into the car... which was my mother's friend car, and he drove along the highway (the highway between Rockhampton and Yeppoon is notorious for endless crashes, its one of the dangerous roads in Central QLD) he later admitted to me that he was driving at 150-170km/h 8o and somehow he nodded off, and fell asleep while driving over 150km/h in 4-5am in the morning, the car went off the road, and rolled 3-4 times and slammed to a tree, and he was somehow trying to get out of the car, and a car drove pass saw the smashed up car, and they "two msyterious strangers" rushed to him, pulled him out of the car.....30-45 secs later.... the car exploded.... fuck! he a very very lucky mother fucker and the "two msyterious strangers" rang the police and they disappeared before the cops, fire and the ambos arrived... while my brother passed out on the grass several metres away from the car fire...

He ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks with broken ankle, ribs, tailbone, and fuckloads of brusies all over his body... his ankle was in plaster for 2 months.....

That made me think again when I go to mates places for a piss up, I often ask my friends to take my car key and hide it, because somedays I don't trust myself, so it will force me to sleep off and stay alive!

Still to this day..... we still don't know who were these "two mysterious strangers" who saved my brother's life. :\

He went to the court and lost his licence for almost a year and about $2000 fine....

And he is still paying off the car damages to date that he fucked up my mother's friend's car.... because the insurance company paid a new car for her, and then the insurance company turned around and sued my brother then later settled out of the court and he's like got other year to pay off for the car.. he's paying something like $30 a week or something.....

Now my mother is no longer friends with the friend whose car was damaged by my crazy brother... yet I still love my brother.

Think again guys when you hop in the car while under influnuce or even you THINK "felt fine/sobered up"..... mind works in funny ways when you are actually tired.

Cheers for your time reading my post.

Urbanhog %)
drug/drive stories like that, really REALLY piss me off.
It's the equivelant to someone posting a message somewhere going "Drugs are so bad! My child of just 16 died from an ecstasy pill".

ummm... Raas... who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you talking about? there's a massive difference, that being when you drive fucked up you risk the lives of others, not just yourself. kids taking pills and dying is shit, but they did it to themselves, knowing full-well how dangerous pills can be. my old man was killed because some idiot made a wrong choice, and he had no chance to do anything about it. this is a harm reduction website, and i'm fucked if this is not a legitimate forum to tell people why they shouldn't drive on drugs.

this thread was never intended to be some sensationalist piece of media-abuse. for your information i've been a bluelighter since a few months before my father was killed by a scattered driver with, to quote the doctor who examined the driver's blood, "high levels" of MDMA in her system at the time (disregard my user info, i was previously under a different alias, registered since Dec 2000 and with almost 1000 posts). it's not some bullshit herald-sun story, it really happened, my life (and others) has been profoundly changed by it, and frankly your attitude is fucking offensive. pull your head in, arsehole.

i hope i meet you some day so i can break your fucking teeth.
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Raas: You're a fucking tool. Don't post in this thread again please. You're obviously too dumb to understand this sort of stuff. On a harm reduction message board, this is probably THE MOST relevent thread you'll ever get, and if you can't see that then I seriously pity you and hope that you never have to go through what DQ has gone through just to finally get the point.
wow. it really makes me think about driving with lack of sleep. as i have done it before and passed out quite a few times doing it. good thing my buddy had the sense to tell me to pull over and switch with him since he had some sleep while i didnt. you really dont think about it much until it hits home. and reading this on bluelight hit home enough for me to rethink what and how i do stuff. im glad to see your still holding in there DQ i can only imagine how hard it has been for you and the rest of your family. but i hope this thread can change peoples attitudes towards driving while on drugs or even lack of sleep.
I don't know if DQ reads this board anymore....but if he does, I hope he doesn't mind me posting this.

I just heard on Triple J that the sentence has been handed down for the woman who was driving the car that caused his family so much sadness.

I didn't hear the whole report properly as I'm at work, however I did hear that although she is going through ongoing psychiatric treatment as a result of her actions, a 'custodial sentence' (don't know what that is) had to be given of 2 years and a few months in jail for dangerous driving causing death :(

With no disrespect to you or your father DQ, but I do have some sympathy for the girl. Yes she did a stupid thing, but it's something that unfortunately lots of peple do every weekend. She'll not only be carrying the guilt of what she's done with her the rest of her life, but she also now has a 2 year jail term to deal with too :( All because she decided to drive home from a party with no sleep.

Yet another reminder to everyone not to drive after parties. please please all of you think before you get behind the wheel of a car.

and DQ if you are reading this....my thoughts go out to you and your family. Now that it's 2 years down the track I hope you're all coping OK and that this decision has eased the hurt that you've had to deal with. I hope it's provided some closure.
a tragedy for all involved.

However, I think she got off lightly. A custodial sentance? wtf?
A couple of people have beaten me to it, but here are the two main links i've got:



The full jail sentence was about 4 years and 9 months, with a non-parole period of 2 years and 3 months. We were actually surprised with the severity of the sentence, we'd been told to expect about 12 months.

With no disrespect to you or your father DQ, but I do have some sympathy for the girl. Yes she did a stupid thing, but it's something that unfortunately lots of peple do every weekend. She'll not only be carrying the guilt of what she's done with her the rest of her life, but she also now has a 2 year jail term to deal with too All because she decided to drive home from a party with no sleep.
Miss Apple, i agree absolutely with what you've just said. I wish i could describe the obvious effects this accident has had on this woman. She's now got clinical depression (and is on anti-depressants); she has broken up with her partner of 7 years (who was the passenger in the car at the time of the crash); she's an emotional wreck; she's lost a lot of weight (apparently). I was present at the committal hearing, and at the sentencing hearing and at the actual sentencing, and everything i've seen leads me to the conclusion that she's a good person who made a stupid mistake, that almost anyone could have made, and it's cost her an incredible amount in terms of the crushing guilt she suffers. And to make matters worse, she'll be spending the next couple of years in jail. and she's got a 10-year old kid.

this decision has eased the hurt that you've had to deal with. I hope it's provided some closure.
My own feeling, and i suspect that of my family, is that the jail sentence is materially irrelevant to how i feel about the incident. i feel terrible for Ms Satalich and her family, because they are all obviously suffering with her, and i don't see how a jail sentence is a good thing, EXCEPT i hope it makes people sit up and take notice about how serious driving while sleep-deprived is. i know a lot of people who drive when they shouldn't all the time; and i hope this makes them sit up and say "shit, i really shouldn't do that". i suppose it's good to have some closure, but that's a pretty minor concern, for me anyway.

so yeah, basically it's been a tough week for all of us, but i suppose the outcome is satisfactory.
this thread has been here for a bit now...i like the fact it keeps getting bumped because i keep reading it...but im always sorry it is always bumped cause something sad has happened.

DQ: you have my deepest sympathy.

i've read this thread a few times now, and all i can say is that i don't believe that more things like this dont happen more often. we all see it, everyone who goes to parties like kryal and altona, everyone drives, and its fucking stupid. public transport is not that bad, and if you are going to drive to somewhere like kryal, why not get a motel room, taxi it to anf rom the motel, that way you are not endangering anyone.

with this new saliva testing that cops are going to enforce, i think that it is gonna to double the risk of scattered/fucked up driving rather than enforce safe/sober driving.

think about it, at somewhere like kryal everyone pretty much leaves at the same time, cops are gonna pick random cars to do these tests on so everyone is going to try to leave with the crowd so they have more chance of NOT getting caught. the people who stay for longer until they think they are ok to drive are going to get caught, as they will be coming out with less of a crowd so their chances are likely to get caught as they wont be 'with the crowd'. so this means more totally fucked people trying to drive.....

please be safe everyone :)
i'm not sure about that logic. i think that if people know they are likely to be drug-tested on their way out of a party, they'd be less likely to drive home... which can surely only mean less people driving home fucked?

and let's not forget the other VERY important point that driving fatigued is just as dangerous. in this case, the drug effect were deemed irrelevant, and the conviction was based solely on the case that the driver was culpable because she knew she was too tried to drive. then she fell asleep, and a number of lives instantly went to shit.
yes i spose, but it is inevitable that people wont give a shit about drug testing and take their chances driving as people do with alcohol, so when they know that heaps of people are gonna leave they are gonna leave too regradless of whether they are too fucked or not, to reduce chances of getting caught....

and i do agree, driving fatigued is also extremely dangerous, but how are they ever going to test for that.....? we can test for drugs and alcohol, but never fatigue.....it sort of makes me wonder, who is more responsible/better to drive a fatigued person who has been at an all night event and not taken anything or a person who has also been at an all night rave but is not fatigues at all because they are so methed up??

*NB: I dont think either are safe...but just a random thought :)
well to test a fatigued driver could be done via ways like; a reaction test, a sobriety test etc. They may not be actually impaired by a drug but tiredness/fatigue can have the same effect on drivers.

Also, read this if you want to :) http://www.voidd.com/three.htm