Suicide by Metaformin ??


Aug 13, 2017
Would an OD on Metaformin, NORCO, and Soma be painful? And how much of each would a person have to take?
Would an OD on Metaformin, NORCO, and Soma be painful? And how much of each would a person have to take?

If they are opiates then it will cause respitory failure which pretty much means you suffocate unless passed completely out.

This forum isn't really for that, you should seek help if you are truly suicidal. There's a good section for that on this website.
An overdose of metformin alone would be the most painful thing I, as a metformin user, could imagine, and I've been plenty suicidal.

I don't know, OP, if you've been digging in someone's medicine cabinet for that odd mix, but it sounds like you haven't taken metformin before, to be including it. It's just a cheap generic drug for diabetes, that prevents your liver from releasing glucose after you eat. It also somehow blocks some glucose from being absrobed by your guts.

This means the glucose that you eat stays around in your guts. Where all the bacteria eat it. And grow, and poop. And go to war with each other over who will control the new glucose supply. The results is a couple years of cramps and bloating and truly epic gas. Whatever you thought was epic, is not.

Cancer patients enrolled in clinical studies to test it as an adjunct to chemotherapy dropped out to avoid more metformin. They chose chemo and an earlier death over metformin.

Your house and most of your neighborhood would probably be wiped out in the explosion from a metformin overdose; but keep in mind how long and painful it would be to develop the necessary volume. I imagine somewhere equivalent to being at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in terms of pressure, before your skin is finally stretched too thin for containment.

It's the equivalent of death from lactose intolerance, but from sugar intolerance. I don't recommend it.

OH yeah, the other drugs: if you try to OD on norco you'll just hurt pretty bad, wake up in the hospital with serious liver damage from the acetaminophen in it, and maybe have a shorter, but long life of complications from that. Bad idea.

Soma's just a muscle relaxer, right? Why would you want to pee and shit yourself if you're already depressed?
Kygator, consider this: It's more likely it's your life as it is being lived right now that wants to die, not you. Maybe you feel trapped and that feels hopeless and feeling hopeless is simply exhausting. It is quite rational to want it to end but you do not have to continue to play host body to a life that is not what you want life to be.

When I was suicidal (quite young) I was completely self centered. It is impossible not to be when you are in a lot of emotional or psychic pain. It would be like telling someone whose arm had just been cut off to try to focus on the person next to them. It can't be done in that state of mind. But, I believe it is also the snake eating its own tail. The more you focus on your profound loneliness, your disconnection to any real meaning, your tangled messes with family and the institutions you are forced to interact with (school, employment, the courts, whatever), the deeper the steel jaws dig into your psyche. So perceiving the trap makes the trap real. But none of this is you. This is what you do, or what you think or what you project based on your feelings--it's all on the surface of something much much deeper.

Once after my son died, someone told me that all trauma lives on the surface. I don't think I have ever wanted to kill someone as much as that friend when she said that. But I have learned to take the things that upset me the most and sit with them and ask them questions. Why did that upset me so much? Well, for starters it felt like minimizing a pain that is too huge to even name. But did it? We are ourselves on the surface and we are our deeper selves. Most of us have been trained by parents and society to only know our surface selves. But all we have to do is remember back to our earliest memories of childhood, maybe two or three years old, when we had no sense of what others thought, of how we compared or did not compare, of winning or losing. We simply had an excitement and hunger for experience. Sometimes the most nurturing thing you can do for yourself is to metaphorically set fire to the past and walk away with yourself intact.

I hope you will use this thread to share what has been making you feel that you need to end your life. Who knows? Maybe you are suffering a degenerative disease or you have a terminal illness. I am assuming this is not the case but assumptions can be wrong. whatever it is, you have an anonymous platform to at least try to express what has brought you to this conclusion.