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Well, no concrete facts here, just what I heard (I think that it was Dr Karl on JJJ). Sudafed used to contain a type of Pseudo ephadrine that was similar to speed. Truckers used it, dodgy pill bakers used it, apparently students used it to stay up late (not me though!) and apparently you could take 1/2 dozen and have a pretty top night. But recently they were forced to change the recipe by the government, and the chemicals were modified to remove the speed style effects. Now all the effects people claim to feel now are bullshit.
But who knows, I did find these links - very interesting stuff!
http://www.guild.org.au/news/june2000.html (8 stories from the bottom!)
or here is the search link for Sudafed at pharmacyweb.com.au -
Hope this helps...
I'm sure they still contain psuedoephrine. It says so on the pack. Maybe they added something to make extraction harder. The big fuss was because of the amount of clandestine labs being found that were extracting psuedoephidrine from Sudafed and other psuedoephrine containing tablets, to make methamphetamine... or amphetamine.
The result was that Sudafed is no longer available in large packets. They used to come in packs of 90 and 60. Now 30 is the most you can get. This means it's more expensive to buy the same amount and you look heaps more dodgy buying 60 packs than you would buying 20.
Heh I just read those links. Can just imagine the trains of people going in... "uhhhh I'll have the same as whot my mate just bought thanks".
Direct mail companies are heaps cheaper than pharmacies anyway. (Not that I use them for bulk Sudafed purchase, I use them for all my non-prescription pharmaceuticals... cos they're cheap)
Search result 7 (from the last link) states that Sudafed containing a non-extractable form of pseudoeff was close to release at the end of '99. I'm told it hasn't worked.
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 01 February 2001).]
Sudafed = ghetto speed = shit, except when you are extremely hard up!
Anyway from Ecstacy.org
"Ephedrine was discovered by K. K. Chen, who was looking for a substitute for Adrenaline as an anti asthmatic. Chen was curious about Chinese herbal medicine, in particular ma huang. He and other Lilly chemists quickly isolated ephedrine, and verified that it widened bronchial passages.
Since Adrenaline couldn't be taken orally, and had a hell of a side-effect. Ephedrine seemed vastly preferable. The rarity of ma huang quickly sent chemists scrambling for a synthetic ephedrine, and sometime in the 30's, one of them stumbled on Amphetamine.
Amphetamine was also a bronchiodilator, and could be inhaled directly, delivering the relief within seconds. It was marketed under the name Benzedrine and quickly became a legal, over the counter, recreational drug. Ephedrine is found in the form of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride in an over-the-counter drug called Sudafed. About 3 tablets (60 mg each) have a similar effect to a wrap of speed.
Ephedrine is a prescription drug with a maximum dose of 60 mg, but according to the British National Formulary an overdose produces restlessness, muscle spasms, racing heart, dry throat and cold extremities. It is "not recommended and should be avoided whenever possible". Note that the recreational dose is several times the prescription dose, and is potentially dangerous for people with weak hearts. Physical effects last 3-4 hours with gentle comedown, but you may feel high for several days".
I think ma huang = mini-thins
I dont think that straight ephidrine would be any more dangerous than speed.
Ive had some big nights on both and its the nights on speed that have been the most worrying. Im not talking about pseudoephidrine, but ephidrine.
I think in Australia ephidrine used to be used but they swapped it for pseudoephdrine becuase it doesnt have the same speed like effects. In Bali they still use the real stuff because its cheaper to produce so you can buy it over the counter.
I think its crazy personally.
All the effects people r describing are peripheral nervous system effects.
The pseudo is doing next to nothing when it comes to your brain. You r just making your body speed up, high BP, racing heart, sweats, that sort of thing.
As remmy pointed out ephedrine is not pseudoephedrine. The difference is extremely small, i wont go into what it is. But ephedrine is way better. Ephedrine either releases more of the body's stimulant chemicals, or more of it gets into the brain (probably what happens), or both.
Its like taking L-amphetamine (this stuff used to be in nasal inhalers before being taken off the market as people were converting the L drug into the D).
U get all the body effects; but what is the point without the major CNS effects of D-amphetamine. (dexies)
Pseudo is nothing like amphetamines. It isnt an amphetamine, but its close. Its beta-hydroxy methylamphetamine. Yes, a little OH group is all that separates your sudafed from argubly the hardest drug out there. Thats why there is so much controversy over it. As people are happily converting it to meth in their bathrooms.
Perhaps it is this reason y people confuse pseudo with speed. Or say its legal speed. Its not what it is, its what can be done with it.
This substance does not stimulate your brain. Maybe u seem more alert as your heart is racing and your blood pumping faster.
It is a decongestant; in higher doses maybe a killer of people with a weak heart.
This sounds like the same as taking an overdose of SSRIs coz they r like a legal form of MDXX. bullshit.
I dont think u can compare pseudo to dexies.
Here we have one tablet of 5mg vs another of 60mg.
There is no contest about which is a potent CNS system stimulant and another which is simply not.
Acidifying your urine will accelerate the excretion of amphetamines.
Acidifying your urine will accelerate the excretion of amphetamines.