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Suboxone withdrawals, any OTC helper meds?


Feb 28, 2024
I can make it about three days without suboxone before I cave in and take some. Is there anything OTC that I can buy that could help me with withdrawals? I have to be able to drive/function. I do have gabapentin and clonodine but I already have naturally low blood pressure so I really don't want to take clonodine during the day. I also don't want to take too much gabapentin. Is there any supplement or anything (not kratom or weed or anything from a smoke shop) that I can buy at a drug store or super market or amazon that would help? Or am I just SOL? Thank you.
Are you just trying to get off the subs yourself or are you completely out and have to wait for a script?

Here in Canada we have gravol which will help you sleep and help with any nausea (Dimenhydrinate) I use it myself, actually. Like I highly recommend you grab some (Was my go to when I was with-drawling from oxy and I still use it from time to time when I can’t sleep) I’d go with advil liquid gels for any body aches.

Just stay well hydrated and I’m sure you will be fine. Keep us updated, k? :)
As mentioned, dimenhydrinate (Dramamine in the US) can help, as can diphenhydramine (Benadryl), or loperamide. None of them are magic bullets, your mileage may vary. Black seed oil can be quite helpful, I still use it as an aid for my bupe taper, but it's said to help with withdrawal, among other things. Make sure you get a product from a quality manufacturer though, virgin cold-pressed, it should be translucent yellow, not coffee-colored.

If you can find any, hydroxyzine and mirtazapine are two relatively lightweight prescription meds that can help as well.

Good luck.
Are you just trying to get off the subs yourself or are you completely out and have to wait for a script?

Here in Canada we have gravol which will help you sleep and help with any nausea (Dimenhydrinate) I use it myself, actually. Like I highly recommend you grab some (Was my go to when I was with-drawling from oxy and I still use it from time to time when I can’t sleep) I’d go with advil liquid gels for any body aches.

Just stay well hydrated and I’m sure you will be fine. Keep us updated, k? :)
Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to reset my suboxone tolerance first and formost, but I'm also wondering if I can go for long enough..... maybe I can just stop suboxone completely.

I do have what you're talking about, I live in the states and we have unisom, which I do take but it affects me the whole next day - groggy, depressed, etc. but that might be preferable to other withdrawal symptoms.

Thank you!
As mentioned, dimenhydrinate (Dramamine in the US) can help, as can diphenhydramine (Benadryl), or loperamide. None of them are magic bullets, your mileage may vary. Black seed oil can be quite helpful, I still use it as an aid for my bupe taper, but it's said to help with withdrawal, among other things. Make sure you get a product from a quality manufacturer though, virgin cold-pressed, it should be translucent yellow, not coffee-colored.

If you can find any, hydroxyzine and mirtazapine are two relatively lightweight prescription meds that can help as well.

Good luck.
I do have hydroxyzine and am prescribed wellbutrin. My concern with the hydroxyzine etc is the grogginess, I have to drive a lot during the day. I guess I'll see how bad it gets. Thank you!
Right now the suboxone isn't doing anything for me, at all. It's not helping with cravings or energy or pain or anything. It's worse than a sugar pill because i keep waiting for it to help and it doesn't. I know my body is addicted to it even though it's not doing anything because I start to feel like crap day 2 and haven't been able to make it past day 3. I feel trapped. This is horrible.
I do have hydroxyzine and am prescribed wellbutrin. My concern with the hydroxyzine etc is the grogginess, I have to drive a lot during the day. I guess I'll see how bad it gets. Thank you!

The Wellbutrin can affect sleep on its own, cause or worsen insomnia. By no means am I telling you to stop taking it or anything, just something to consider.

Shit always made me feel creepy crawly like I was halfway in withdrawal anyway lol.
I was on suboxone before and i tapered myself off, the Dr. would have kept me on forever. I didnt even tell the Dr i was tapering, I just had him prescribe me the small 2mg pills so i could cut them up into smaller doses. I was also seeing another psyc Dr. and she put me on Gabapentin and Wellbutrin and i was able to completely stop the Sub and then shortly after dropped the other meds.

I'm currently trying to stop taking loperamide, went CT last week and lasted 5 days before i had to start again, thankfully I lowered my Loperamide dose by more than half. So it was worth it. i was taking Clonidine for withdrawal symptoms, i have a home blood pressure monitor that I used before ever dose of Clonidine. I happen to have stage 2 blood pressure, so the Clonidine really helped. Prior to going CT my BP was around 160/92 and while withdrawaling the Clonidine brought it down to around 100/60.

My diet is garbage so i recently bought some gummi multivitamins and gummi Magnesium and I think it may be helping, i feel fine right now. I actually just received a 1lb bag of ascorbic acid, i read it can help with withdrawals. I haven't tried any yet.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to reset my suboxone tolerance first and formost, but I'm also wondering if I can go for long enough..... maybe I can just stop suboxone completely.

I do have what you're talking about, I live in the states and we have unisom, which I do take but it affects me the whole next day - groggy, depressed, etc. but that might be preferable to other withdrawal symptoms.

Thank you!
I did that a while back too.. I went from 8 mg twice a day to 4 mg 2x a day. I sometimes even go down to 2 mg twice a day. Honestly less feels a lot better when it comes to Suboxone. I find when I was on a higher dose I didn’t feel shit.

Kudos to you for that, though. That’s great. Ah, yeah I know what you mean with the next day grogginess. That is one of the crummy side effects lol.
I did that a while back too.. I went from 8 mg twice a day to 4 mg 2x a day. I sometimes even go down to 2 mg twice a day. Honestly less feels a lot better when it comes to Suboxone. I find when I was on a higher dose I didn’t feel shit.

Kudos to you for that, though. That’s great. Ah, yeah I know what you mean with the next day grogginess. That is one of the crummy side effects lol.

It's crazy you mention this, cause I'm tapering right now, almost at the end - down from 16mg/day to 2mg (1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) and I dunno if it's just the relief I get temporarily from dosing, but I swear I think I feel it more at the low dose, even tapering, with an established tolerance and dependency. A LOT more, all things considered. Yeah, I'm some kinda sick the vast majority of the day, but for an hour or two a day now after each dose, I actually have a little buzz, which is more than I can say for when I was on 16. I mean, I knew that bupe has a crazy low response curve, the first mg one ingests being responsible for something like 70% of all receptor activity, I just didn't think it would be as pronounced lol, predisposed with a habit.
It's crazy you mention this, cause I'm tapering right now, almost at the end - down from 16mg/day to 2mg (1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) and I dunno if it's just the relief I get temporarily from dosing, but I swear I think I feel it more at the low dose, even tapering, with an established tolerance and dependency. A LOT more, all things considered. Yeah, I'm some kinda sick the vast majority of the day, but for an hour or two a day now after each dose, I actually have a little buzz, which is more than I can say for when I was on 16. I mean, I knew that bupe has a crazy low response curve, the first mg one ingests being responsible for something like 70% of all receptor activity, I just didn't think it would be as pronounced lol, predisposed with a habit.
I know exactly what you mean.. I get way more of a “buzz” when I’m taking smaller doses. I mean, I’m sure if we were on a lower dose like 1-2 mgx2 a day and we took an 8 mg We’d be absolutely blitzed to say the least 😆

I guess that’s what I love about Suboxone, it’s quite easy to taper yourself without too much of a withdrawal and if you want to dose up a little you can catch a nice little buzz. Nothing too crazy but sometimes it’s kinda nice 😊

You take yours in the afternoon? I find that if I do that I feel a little crummy come bed time. I usually dose my second dose after dinner and it will last me till the next morning.
I know exactly what you mean.. I get way more of a “buzz” when I’m taking smaller doses. I mean, I’m sure if we were on a lower dose like 1-2 mgx2 a day and we took an 8 mg We’d be absolutely blitzed to say the least 😆

I guess that’s what I love about Suboxone, it’s quite easy to taper yourself without too much of a withdrawal and if you want to dose up a little you can catch a nice little buzz. Nothing too crazy but sometimes it’s kinda nice 😊

You take yours in the afternoon? I find that if I do that I feel a little crummy come bed time. I usually dose my second dose after dinner and it will last me till the next morning.

Yeah, the only reason I don't take it later is I work evenings sometimes and don't wanna be miserable at work. So I'll take it right before I leave for work, and trying to keep a regular schedule I just dose at the same time even on my days off.

And yeah, I've had the odd day here and there where I fucked up on the taper and did like two or three times what I'd been doing lately, you could say the effects were rather... pronounced. 🤣
True, for me diphenhydramine when withdrawaling or tapering just seems to add to the tingles/rls feeling. But usually 1/2 a tab of diphenhydramine right before bed knocks me out.
Yeah, the only reason I don't take it later is I work evenings sometimes and don't wanna be miserable at work. So I'll take it right before I leave for work, and trying to keep a regular schedule I just dose at the same time even on my days off.

And yeah, I've had the odd day here and there where I fucked up on the taper and did like two or three times what I'd been doing lately, you could say the effects were rather... pronounced. 🤣
Lmaooo yeah, I’ve done that a time or two too😆 We could be doing worse things, huh? Lol

Ahhh, this makes a lot of sense now. I would probably do the same. Like I said in another post, that the subs are like a mood stabilizer for me “or so I think” 😛
I'm currently prescribed 16m (8mg twice a day) but I am not taking that much, it just doesn't help at all. So I'm trying to lower my tolerance to see if I can get any relief or just stop taking it altogether. I don't know what to do, I just feel miserable.
I'm currently prescribed 16m (8mg twice a day) but I am not taking that much, it just doesn't help at all. So I'm trying to lower my tolerance to see if I can get any relief or just stop taking it altogether. I don't know what to do, I just feel miserable.
Dude, I was on the same dose and I didn’t feel shit either! And it felt like the 8 mg evening dose would wear off hella quick and I was waking up almost dope sick.

I think tapering is your best bet. You know your body best and what feels right for you.
I can make it about three days without suboxone before I cave in and take some. Is there anything OTC that I can buy that could help me with withdrawals? I have to be able to drive/function. I do have gabapentin and clonodine but I already have naturally low blood pressure so I really don't want to take clonodine during the day. I also don't want to take too much gabapentin. Is there any supplement or anything (not kratom or weed or anything from a smoke shop) that I can buy at a drug store or super market or amazon that would help? Or am I just SOL? Thank you.
Loperamide (low dose) for physical symptoms like nausea/diarrhea/chills, valerian root/lavender for anxiety/sleep, melatonin or Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for sleep, and ginger root for nausea. A lot of natural or homeopathic remedies aren't going to be as strong or effective as a medication, but they will help some.
Clonidine helps during the day as long as you don't take too much. In the past, I've used .1mg 2-3 times per day without getting drowsy or lightheaded when kicking opioids. Gabapentin is a godsend IMO. I've completely skipped heroin WDs on a couple of occasions because I had tens of thousands of mgs on hand, but I wouldn't recommend using it in super high doses because of the possibility of rebound anxiety. But it can be super helpful for anxiety and sleep in reasonable doses. Depending on where you live you can order Phenibut legally online, which should act similarly to gabapentin as far as alleviating WDs, but be careful because it's possible to get hooked on that with prolonged use as well.