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Suboxone Q


Jul 22, 2017
Sup guys. Ahead of this question i will not be Iving or snorting. Ive always found SL the best.

My question is:

Have done opiates for over 2 years except for a few weeks when i broke me leg.

Im sure my tolerance is almost 1 if not 0 by now.

Im never iving dope again (i saw that now) lol. But would 8mg pill or 12mg or 16mg get me rocked? Ive only ever liked subs when im not uaing them for WDs lol

Btw im aure there is a similar q i just couldnt find the thread.

Thanks in advance
if your tolerance is 0 then even an 8mg pill could be dangerous.
i would start with a 2mg, split it in half and work your way up, subs make people who havent had much exp with opiates very, very sick. and in cases of OD bupe is a difficult one to treat due to its long half life and slightly different mechanism of action. don't mess with it. start low, start slow.
Do not take Suboxone intraveinuosly. The Narcan (naloxone) in subs is broken down and destroyed by Ameilase (the enzyme in your saliva that starts the process of digestion). Naloxone is absorbed poorly in your GI tract and 100% IV, so you would be sick as hell if you shot a Suboxone. I was a heroin addict for 21 years, with pills before, during H addiction, and currently (for legit, severe chronic pain) and I can tell you that, in my experience, buprenorphine has no recreational value. I remember getting out of jail after doing a stint a few years ago (I forget how long I was in that particular time, but I think at least 6 months) and, wanting to get higher than the paltry 10mg of Xanax and two Lokos I consumed when I got home, I remembered several orange stop signs (the N8 imprint, 8mg Rekitt Benkaiser subs) I had on the stash for sick days. In the hopes of getting some kind of buzz, since I was at least 6 months fresh, I sub-L one and wait an hour. Nothing. I sub-L another and wait an hour, still no effects. Suboxone/Subutex have no rec value, and if you IV Suboxone, you will get 100% of the naloxone and be sick as shit. IV Subutex, which is just bupernorphine without naloxone (just in case you didn't know) has no advantages to sub-L, except an instant relief of WDs (not worth the risk of a nasty abscess if you miss part of your shot, and it's a pain in the ass to filter and make into a shot). Just some friendly advice from someone that has been around the block more times than I care to admit. Stick to it's intended purpose and ROA. I'm aware that everyone's body chemistry is different (people constantly tell me I'm stupid for doing 15 and 20mg intra-nasal Xanax doses, especially on this site, with a bunch of know-it-all, rocket scientist assholes that can't wait to tell you that you're stupid and WRONG, but high, intra-nasal dosages is really the only way I can feel anything from Xanax), but I'm just trying to keep you from getting abscesses and, even worse, wasting buprenorphine that will come in mighty handy when you get ahold of some real opioids and get a habit again (let's face it, it's almost certainly going to happen since you are wanting to get high with buprenorphine, the gears are turning in your head already).

As keeping mentioned, it's a partial opioid agonist. A lot of people think it's the Narcan that makes you sick if you're opioid dependent and take it sub-L before you are good and sick. It's actually the bupe itself that pushes full agonist opioids/opiates from the receptors, so it can get in, that makes you ill. Hope you see this before you IV buprenorphine. The stuff is chemically engineered to not get you high and keep full agonists from getting you high (unless you take a low dose of buprenorphine, like 2mg to get the yanks off until you score, and then shoot beyond it). Consuming buprenorphine for recreational purposes is a waste of a sub ime. On a side note, I have found that, despite what a Dr or Pharmacist will tell you, buprenorphine seems to make benzos weaker ime; take that for what it's worth, I just thought it was relevant, since they often say that buprenorphine is dangerous with benzos and booze since it synergizes and causes additional resperatory depression. I remember taking 18mg of Xanax before group when I was on a sub program, and they had little effect. Whatever you do, consider my advice (and I normally tell people not to heed my advice on drugs and dosages/combos if they care if they live). Seriously tho, don't try getting a buzz on subs, you'll just wast them and you will be kicking yourself for taking subs for recreation, stick to "classic" opioids/opiates if you want a buzz. Just trying to help ~downerhead. ;)
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Well before I got any responses I ended up doing my own thing.... I also only had access to subs so...

I took 4MG Xanax (2mg oral then another 2mg oral after my second 2mg Suboxone shot)
and IVed 8MG of Suboxone (over 4 shots)

Also smoked alot of weed.... always helps lol

Im not suggesting anyone try or follow in my foot steps but I do know my body. I didn't get a "Rush" per say from the IV Suboxone but I did feel it with in a few minutes and alot stronger than normal.

Like I had mentioned my opiate tolerance is down to nothing these days. But even when I did my first ever Suboxone years ago (before any opiate habit) I still needed an 8mg to feel good.... not nodding but good.

So overall I was surprised by the IV Suboxone as I did get pretty rocked from doing it that way. Then after I added some Xanax and Weed and found myself on another level.... in a good way.

So some people say they dont get much euphoria from Subs but I really felt like I did an OC80 (original formula lol) and then the Xanax made it much better (As expected). WooHoo for no tolerance lol!

Just wanted to report back from my original post. I appreciate the responses!
Also please understand this is a report / experience that I am telling. No dosages, No ROA, No Combination of any kind is suggested.
What is suboxone-l? Anyway, one of my biggest annoyances is when the typical drug addict that has absolutely zero knowledge stupidly states "subutex is the bomb man! It doesn't have the da da doh...blocker in it so you can still shoot dope and feel it and you won't get sick mixing it!!" When I try to challenge these idiots and tell them bupe actually can cause precip wd. And that subutex does not do this they righteously tell me I am wrong...haha addicts these sayar. I swear, I have yet to find a bluelighter in the real world that goes on this site