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Opioids Suboxone & Percocet


Oct 25, 2021

I have an important inquiry and ask that responses please be from knowledgeable and/or experienced sources. My pain management NP won't be available to me until late tomorrow, so I'm itching for an answer.

A while back, my Dr. prescribed me Suboxone as a trial to see if it would help with my chronic pain.
It was not a success. So, I've finally been approved for Percocet. I am a rare person who needs it for pain resulting from chronic orthopedic issues. Do I enjoy the euphoria? Yes, of course! My question is: Can I make a direct switch from the suboxone to the Percs, or do I first need to wean off from the Sub? I've started a very, very slow taper with medical assistance that will bring me off the Suboxone completely by November. I know I can go cold turkey from the Suboxone for 3 days before the Perc would I even be effective. My question is, but do I "have" to do it that way (3 day wait before Perc), even if the perc is not yet effective? Or can I just switch right from the Suboxone to the Percocet, which will eventually become effective once the Suboxone is out of my system. I would not look forward to a three day cold turkey because that will mean withdrawal symptoms during that timeframe. Very curious about this. Thank you!
the hard part of Suboxone withdrawals don't hit until around day 10-11 in my experience and you will be ok taking the Percocet right away its just not gonna hit you very well and your gonna need to take more which will raise your tolerance pretty fast...but if you can stick to taking them as prescribed you should be fine ....just my 2 cents from my own experience
Ok to go from subox to Perks but absolutely , positively, for the love of God not from perks to subox! (For 12-24 hour or untill WD has fully in effect ) Precipitated withdrawal is a living hell on earth ...
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