Suboxone depression? I feel hopeless


Apr 15, 2013
The only info I see on suboxone depression is either buried on reddit or sites saying it helps depression. Probably sponsored by pharma.

All said, I am miserable and starting to regret I even bothered quitting. I never had any legal issues and have had the same job 25 years.

I'm just miserable and don't know what to do about it. I went from 24mg of suboxone to 8 now over 4 months and never had wd. I am trying to go lower every day but honestly I am really missing at least being super happy with unlimited opiates like half the month, then where I am now for 10 days, and miserable for 3-4 days a month. Better that than just always being miserable!

Anyone else get depressed from suboxone?
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Yeah eventually the back and forth euphoria/dysphoria cycle starts to make you depressed, amongst other reasons. It kinda takes a while to get back and use those natural endorphins that you're not used to having to rely on.

I've found it hard to feel motivated after quitting opioids, but I do know that black seed oil does help a lot for me, getting past the opioid wds and paws.
I've found it hard to feel motivated after quitting opioids, but I do know that black seed oil does help a lot for me, getting past the opioid wds and paws.

I've seen a few people write this. In whats sense do you notice it helps? Thanks.
I haven’t experienced a serious depressive episode since I went on suboxone 3.5 years ago. For me I think the drug eliminates the highs and lows I used to go through. Unfortunately I rarely experience joy, or really any emotion, but it’s probably a fair trade off considering I used to get depressed to the point of complete inactivity.

I know it’s common advice but the best thing I did for my depression was pushups. Anytime I started to get depressed I would force myself to do 10 or 20 pushups, sometimes I would do 300 in a day, it really seemed to help.
I've seen a few people write this. In whats sense do you notice it helps? Thanks.
It's a pretty strong anti-inflammatory, it doesn't really take the withdrawal away per se, but it's the only thing that actually solves some of the peripheral side effects and takes the edge off. Runny nose, etc
It's not powerful but it works better than taking another opioid as then you're just on a merry go round.
Anyone else get depressed from suboxone?
I definitely do a couple days after I run out.
I may grab some once or twice a year as a safe opioid from the streets but if I dose for more than a couple days I can expect the depression and other symptoms of opioid WD.
Think I am dealing with this phenom now. Got 8 8mg strips and took a little over a week to use em. Although I am just accepting the possibility that I may have clinical depression, I can tell that it is caused by a lack of something cause I know withdrawals way too well.
Ive only heard this from the ones on illegal bupre tbh. When the bupre run out and you cant get more and youre on like day 2 you always think about hmmm, should I stop? Then it hits you that it takes like a year atleast to get back to normal, so you shoot some more tex
From what your original comment says, correct me if I am wrong, you're saying you would rather be taking opiates for half the month as much as you want, and then feeling kind of shitty for 10 days or so then miserable for a little bit?

It makes sense you would feel that suboxone is making you depressed if you compare it with being high on opiates. It's not a legitimate comparison. Anyone would really be happier with an unlimited supply of their favourite drug half the month if they only felt miserable for 4-5 days.

I think bupe definitely dulls peoples ability to feel things, there's no doubt about it. But I think that a lot of people (I think @deficiT has mentioned this too on a very old thread and I agree) that for some people, myself included, having the dulling of emotions can actually be helpful if historically you are used to experiencing really really extreme emotions a lot.

That being said if the med is not right for you, it is not right for you.
The only info I see on suboxone depression is either buried on reddit or sites saying it helps depression. Probably sponsored by pharma.

All said, I am miserable and starting to regret I even bothered quitting. I never had any legal issues and have had the same job 25 years.

I'm just miserable and don't know what to do about it. I went from 24mg of suboxone to 8 now over 4 months and never had wd. I am trying to go lower every day but honestly I am really missing at least being super happy with unlimited opiates like half the month, then where I am now for 10 days, and miserable for 3-4 days a month. Better that than just always being miserable!

Anyone else get depressed from suboxone?
Suboxone is an anti depressant but a central nervous system depressant. Try kratom, its OK to take it with sub too. Gabapentin is great for being sad also. Id try kratom in coffee.
Edita, tldr:
I just fucking hate life right now, maybe because I am only like 5 months on suboxone and just quit a bad nicotine and (gum of all things) habit. I drink too much, like 5-7 beers a day, wonder if that's causing this horrible depression. I refuse to go on psych meds.
I don't want to do anything just sleep. Once I get out with family or friends I am OK, but on my own I would just lie in bed doing nothing all day. I have a hard time getting to work, I hate it so much but only have 6 years before I can retire, fucking toxic job
I don't know what's wrong with me, I hate life right now, I am grateful for my family (kids and wife)

I just hate being like this. I guess it's better than the anxiety of withdrawal and always working to get ridiculous amounts of drugs filled legally but this is the lowest point in my life.
had an iv ketamine infusion that helped for a couple months but doc is a true quack and I can't afford it.
Anyway hope it gets better because this is not living, it's just existing.
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Right there with ya man, Im on subutex again was on it for 7 years prior got off for 5 or so and ended up back on it a year ago and I'm depressed as fuck, everything is stiff and hurts, can't shit/cant piss right so tired, wake up dizzy and nauseated and crying its fucked up then I take my stupid dose have a cup of coffee and it legit can take almost half the day for me to be able to have any energy to make some food take a shower and not to mention fluttering feeling in my heartbeat just anxious and on edge all the time basically a shut in. Im tapering right now and plan to be off this shit within 3 months. No more maintenance for me ever again, just mushrooms and marijuana which after all the years of addiction and abuse really are the two best drugs out there, virtually harmless and you can make your own supply and never have to pay some greedy fuckhead to get your shit. Subs rob you of who you are, they stifle your personality and kill what makes you you. Anyone who doesn't believe that to be true try not taking subs for a week and turn on some music, you will realize just how much you have been missing just by doing something so small, it will sound like the first time you've heard music before and wake you up to the fact that you probably never listened to any while on subs and if you did it just sounded like noise and was an annoyance that you wanted to turn off. Just from tapering a bit this last month Ive already had the urges to pick up my old hobbies again which have seemed dead to me and like something I would never want to do again.

Fuck this drug Im glad it help some but it is a scourge and is making more opioid addicts than it is "curing". They don't care that if you get in a horrible accident the ER won't be able to treat your pain and they don't even tell that to the naive people who don't read up on it, they only find out when they actually need pain medicine and it doesnt work. In 20 years Reckitt and Benckiser will be the new purdue with documentaries coming out about them. There will be interviews with addicts or dealers with blurred out faces saying "yeah its crazy how easy it was all you have to do is say you are an addict and you walk out with 16mgs a day". I wouldn't have as much as a problem with the shit if they were required by law to give you comfort meds for a month when you decide you want to come off it and actually be clean for real, that should be the ultimate goal and they should encourage and applaud a patient for wanting that not punish them by saying "we don't give meds to help you here we are a sub clinic we don't help you get off them" ok then where the fuck do we go dickhead because not everyone has 50 grand for a celebrity detox center. Its really disgusting and it angers me that they have the best motivator in the world to make you keep coming back paying them and thats excruciating discomfort if you don't get your Rx. My anger for the entire shady unscrupulous MAT system is what is going to keep me strong to get through this, I will never ever be another dollar sign to these cocksuckers once Im off it this time. I did it once I can do it again and Im scared but the time has come and this stuff has turned on me like it always does and it wont get better until Im completely free of it.
I agree , I have been on subs for almost 2 years now- pretty much tricked into taking it by the Dr who originally prescribed it- he told me it was a new medication that was better than the medication I was on which was still working at the time- ( 2 xr 15mg morphine daily and 2 5mg hydrocodone daily) and I was also there telling him how I was needing to schedule my injections and other procedures which when I was receiving these all regularly together I was doing fairly well and able to be much more active. However-I was genuinely In much more pain and suffering quite a lot frankly… especially after a few months waiting for this particular appointment- on a waiting list and being without the injections, the ketamine infusions, the Stellate ganglion blocks, and having been more restricted in mobility lately -
(an ER visit reference led me into his office with my siezure disorder-which is a rare condition; most often triggered by the intense pain various symptoms ,weakness ,hours of spasms in my spine from MVA injuries which leads to convulsions tonic clonic-partial / focal aware, petit and grand mal siezures epilepsy- , and due to the loss of a family member my transportation available changed so- a few circumstances for changing Drs)
So promptly and mischievously unfortunately for me -he managed to manipulate my open mindedness and willingness to do and try new ways to benefit myself. I had no idea what this meditation truly was and I had no idea that this jackass was also going to be flat out LYING to my insurance provider about a diagnosis so that he could get the medication approved!! I should have known something was amiss when I contacted my previous Dr and they had that totally surprised tone in their voice as I explained to them what this Dr had planned and the name of this medication. The original plan was for me to taper my medication in that week- but I misunderstood and got distracted and upset because I thought it was all of my medications.. and I was flipping out about my siezure meds already having an increase in them that weekend, so I returned to the Drs office the following week after and discussed with them how exactly all of the could work out. They offered me a treatment facility!!! I explained that I didn’t need a treatment facility because I had no problems with tapering myself and that I had spoken to my previous Doctor as well as my other doctors who had recommended that I taper over the month- the PA right away said this was more than agreed. Saying that the Dr didn’t realize that I had the support at home I needed- covering their butts I guess because my fiancé was in the room this time and insulted about the recommendation of a treatment center- I wish I had seen more clearly many of the things that happened with this Drs office instead of believing that I needed to work with them- but it’s like we’re all just called asdicts and seekers anyway and dr shopping. I suffered from an infection after an injection at this Drs office as well and suffered for months which they would not treat me for and denied ever having caused as well as never allowing me to get any other medication and now I never will because of this OUD on my records.. I’m screwed and never have abused any medication, this Suboxone is crap- it doesn’t work for chronic pain- I have RSD/CRPS, 3/4 places of spine injuries, spinal cord compression, s.I joint dysfunction, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, RA, siezure disorder, -that’s all my major issues

(Again- here now - I say if I truly ever had an OUD why was a provider I was with for years before willing to write a prescription for painkillers for a whole month after hearing about Suboxone being tried out? Opening herself up to lawsuits?)
I’ve never been so unhappy and exhausted and feeling like a zombie and slept so much in my life, I have no natural teeth left, no immune system left, no appetite left- I have started to feel like vomiting every time I have to take my dose- I’m on 2-3 strips a day, that’s newly increased from 2 strips a day when I once again reported that it’s not doing anything to help my pain and I’m bedridden unable to leave the house and be active for even an hour or two a day and not even normally intimate or taking care of myself as needed as normal and fed up. Why take the antidepressants they prescribe which I’m researching don’t actually help with chronic pain and fatigue like the doctors like to think and prescribe as if they do, I’ve literally done the research!! Why take the anti anxiety meds?! I’m so fatigued so out of energy and so depressed so depleted that I literally can’t manage to, taking anything that might add to the mood and feeling I’m experiencing would truly be so horrible. I’m a chic with a ton of energy normally, a ton of faith, a ton of drive, a chic who has always gotten through a lot and I’m very driven- very passionate- very compassionate about life, about others about myself about so many different things and in general I was always a very strong believer in getting up and getting going and pushing through mo matter what it took but I have been hit hard and knocked down and unable to get up at all for so long it’s unreal to me and unjust and insane and just totally cruel what is happening to so many of us. Seriously!! I can’t believe it- I’m an omnist and have found myself praying and meditating and just doing my best but there’s nothing that I can do to be better enough, this medication has truly made me feel horrible and has truly changed everything for the worse and I can’t imagine why they can’t just figure that out. There’s literally so many people suffering that should not have to who could be receiving treatment and could be easily tested and proving whatever- screening and imaging and all that stuff- not just stuck on this one size fits all crap- that’s how these epidemics get started just as much as any other problems the nation has faced- the mommy’s little helpers- diet pills , turned into an abused high school / college kids party drug and wanted legal speed , the devils grass- legalization and several uses for CBD even , the LSD craze- now ketamine therapy and microdosing finally - not to mention all the other substances im not listening because i don’t know anything about them and dont have any experience- in my own way I can honestly say that i never once thought of doing street drugs until now but i have recently wondered if i would be better off- because i have been in pain and suffering and what kind of life i have now is not the way i am ok with any way- but if it really is that people turned to the streets because they got cut off pain meds then maybe some people were truly suffering and didn’t deserve to be treated like they were treated and had no other options and understood quality of life can drive people to make choices sometimes that others could never understand or judge.
If I broke any rules above - sorry- my first post and I have never spoken up- I forgot to be sure to say that I’m sorry y’all are suffering too and that I support yall- you’re not alone and I’m sorry for that. It truly makes me sad and it truly sucks!! Keep hanging in there and I hope yall have better days ahead’!! - T
It caused me really bad anxiety to the point i stopped taking it. My doctor said a few people he treats had to stop it for affecting their mental health.