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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread v. 19

SKR still going day 14 for me haven't had this amount time 8 months. Here something I experienced, on sub, yesterday when my mom fell sick, and I called 911 my heart was pounding out of my chest , I am on 4mg day, which holds me good , but by say 5 pm yesterday I felt like I was going thru withdrawl, bone aches, teary eyes, yawning I am thinking adrenalin pumping thru me metabolized suboxone , even when got up this morn felt like I was in withdrawl until I took my dose, this am, nothing like this has happened before , just FYI and any thoughts, other experiences?? Bono
was on 100mg methadone for 2.5 yrs then switched to 500mg oxy a day then did Ibogaine.

After 6 days sober I couldn't take the wd and have been taking 4mg of sub a day the last 4 days

How many more days can I take sub without getting addicted to it and should I taper down from 4mgs a day before I jump?

I'm 31 and have been a chronic relapser but I just don't want to be on subs long term..

Will I fuck myself badly by taking the subs for 5-7 days then stopping cold turkey?
Should I taper?
^I think it's just the Gabapentin, I put on loads of weight with that to the extent I was prescribed metermine(sp), which just gave me headaches & nausea.

I too have dreams of drugs, drs, hospitals..pretty much dream of anything where I've been given a heap of a good thing!

Prob hard wired quite deeply now though that that is what beautiful (but disappointing) dreams are made of :/

can I ask, did you consider riding it out with just the Lyrica instead of getting on subs? I've got quite a bit of experience with that type of situation and both lyrica and gabapentin work very well for keeping you out of withdrawals with a habit such as yours when it's taken in larger doses. Just curious because IME, it's much easier to get off the lyrica/gaba than it is subs, plus, subs seem to have a tendency to hike your baseline tolerance quicker. Just a thought.
was on 100mg methadone for 2.5 yrs then switched to 500mg oxy a day then did Ibogaine.

After 6 days sober I couldn't take the wd and have been taking 4mg of sub a day the last 4 days

How many more days can I take sub without getting addicted to it and should I taper down from 4mgs a day before I jump?

I'm 31 and have been a chronic relapser but I just don't want to be on subs long term..

Will I fuck myself badly by taking the subs for 5-7 days then stopping cold turkey?
Should I taper?

Seriously? 500 mg oxy to 4mgs sub? Is it holding you? I've no idea how you do it!!

I'd taper rather than jump off,

My best to you xx

It is somehow holding me lol

I don't know what kind of taper I should do
Definitely taper down, don't jump off 4mg. It doesn't seem like a large number but just for reference, if you were to administer 4mg of buprenorphine to someone that has never done any opioid, they will be nodding for 12 hours and high for at least 24-36 hours total. It is STRONG MEDICINE.

You can taper rapidly. The faster the taper, the lower the chance of having to kick the sub itself once you jump off. Since you've only been taking it 4 days, a more rapid taper will be safe and suitable. You can go 1/4mg/day less (or even more rapid) but make sure to go several days at 1mg, several at 0.5mg, and several at 0.25mg (if you can cut your doses that low).
I can't taper have to quit cold turkey after 6 days of 4mg subs

Fuck my fucking life !
Are you completely out ? Six days of sub will hold you for another day or two.

If you have no other options there are plenty of other things that may help. Loperamide, lyrica or Gabapentin can be helpful with wds.

Look up opiate withdrawl threads for other ideas. Weed, Kratom, benzos are other ideas.

Haven't read your whole story sorry, you may have already tried some of the above.

can I ask, did you consider riding it out with just the Lyrica instead of getting on subs? I've got quite a bit of experience with that type of situation and both lyrica and gabapentin work very well for keeping you out of withdrawals with a habit such as yours when it's taken in larger doses. Just curious because IME, it's much easier to get off the lyrica/gaba than it is subs, plus, subs seem to have a tendency to hike your baseline tolerance quicker. Just a thought.

Hey DM, at this stage it just wasn't suitable for me to jump off with work, pain and a toddler so suboxone was the best option for me at this time. It's quite possible that I'll require opiates for pain in the future, I certainly plan on playing around with bupe for pain once I get my take aways which I'm told I may have in a few weeks. I am being mindful of subs in regards to further increasing my tolerance to these drugs but I have to go along with 12mgs per day until I have more control. I'm sure 6mgs holds me but 2-4mgs probably will too so depending on pain etc I'm keen to reduce my dose. If I find taking more than 12mgs helps my pain then I'll probably do that too....I'm day 4 and I wouldn't know that I'm on anything....I don't crave opiates for recreation really so that's not an issue, but I do find pain relief an attractive offer.

Lyrica is certainly a must have for WD, I'm easily scripted the stuff so I'm sure to keep it in my medicine cabinet!
SKR, with your first dose of sub did you get a noticable opi feel?

I was completely blown away, you hear so many ppl say "it just makes you feel normal and takes away cravings".

Tho. I'd only been on 60mg oxy for ten days prior to having 8mgs sub. I was nodding in the back of the cab on my way home & having great closed eye visuals the 1 1/2hr trip home.

I still love to have a cig straight after I've dosed. But my body make up often means I get a paradoxical effect from substances.

I think due to the fact I have never withdrawn in 2years continuous oxy use that my receptors are just shot so no effects for me from subs. Maybe I will with doses above 12mgs?

I think, whilst it's more uncomfortable, those of you on scripts where you use them up in 2 weeks and withdraw for 2 before getting more pills, your tolerances don't build as fast. So what took you 5 years took me 2 years with regards to tolerance for the drug. Reached the same result though in the end.
SKR glad to see this is working out for you. I have cut down to 2mg day these past days and find myself craving and mind wandering to, "what if later today "??? I brought my mom home from hospital basically to live out her life but she has given up so now I cant. 17 days clean today, I have been on phone found out my new insurance doesn't cover suboxone, oh well, I had said before I crave and cave under 4mg so I most likely will go back up 2mg try make appointment with doc cause I still want this, I have 33 subs left just hope I can get in before I run out I am also scripted neurontin in case I can't afford sub doc guess I could use if I need detox from subs at some point, wishes to all bono
man, so jealous of the ppl who get opiate effects of suboxone. i have taken up to 24mg's and don't feel a damn thing. not even the lightest tiniest tickle. i think the only ppl that catch a buzz off subs are people who are not far enough into their opiate addiction to really need them. people who go on subs to get off of a 60mg/day oxycodone habit or something - suboxone is way overkill, hence them getting opiate effects... subs are really for people who are way more addicted to a much higher opiate dose and for many years.

in fact is the suboxone makes me more depressed/anxious/demotivated/lazy then i have ever been in my life! for that reason i am just about to abandon subs and go back to opiates. i simply can't take never being high! the subs have given me a worse quality of life than opiate drugs ever have.
Ok I managed to get more subs to taper thank god.

I've been taking 4mg for 6 days ; I feel pretty good

I'm gonna start tapering I'm thinking going down like this

man, so jealous of the ppl who get opiate effects of suboxone. i have taken up to 24mg's and don't feel a damn thing. not even the lightest tiniest tickle. i think the only ppl that catch a buzz off subs are people who are not far enough into their opiate addiction to really need them. people who go on subs to get off of a 60mg/day oxycodone habit or something - suboxone is way overkill, hence them getting opiate effects... subs are really for people who are way more addicted to a much higher opiate dose and for many years.

in fact is the suboxone makes me more depressed/anxious/demotivated/lazy then i have ever been in my life! for that reason i am just about to abandon subs and go back to opiates. i simply can't take never being high! the subs have given me a worse quality of life than opiate drugs ever have.

Dude, I was taking 4-600mg oxy before I cut back to 60mgs. It was killing me!! Having chronic pain, then being hit by a car, then my PM dr a few wks later saying (I was prescribed 200mg per day), I wasnt responding to high dose opiates & he had to wean me down.

Physically & psychologically destroyed me after bring on it almost ten years.

I'm now on a dose that keeps my pain & mood way more stable than oxy!

SKR- I assume you are a chronic pain patient then? That is where my take of woe began also. Oxy/fent, 600mg of oxy a day was doing nothing more than keeping me from getting wd anymore. Detoxed with subs many times, finding that they could never quite get me out of wd enough to be comfortable (likely my habit was just far to large for them to cover all the wd) and it seemed to top out for me at 6mg, more after that did not help at all with the wd, left me with an overall 'unwell' feeling in my body and did nothing for my chronic pain. I jumped off 600+mg of oxy tho using pst, and am quite pleased. No wd, no pain. I also had too much going on in life to be able to wd but needed off the pills badly.
Ok so today my friend introduced me to these 8mg strips to help combat my h wd's.
I have never really thought about seeking help from sub/bupe as im vaguely new to the h game..
Anyway... im glad he could help me out because i feel pretty releived.. i think i may even be able to sleep comfortably for once *fingers crossed*.
Im interested to find out how long 8mg will last before i start to feel sick again....
Anyway, cool thread :)
So far subs has been a positive experience