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Opioids Sublingual Methadone


Nov 23, 2014
I have found this manner of use to be rapid in onset. Burns though. Anyone else do this? I saw the old thread but couldn't interact so made new thread.
Ongoing interest in the improvement of pain management with opioid analgesics had led to the investigation of sublingual opioid absorption. The present report determined the percent absorption of selected opioid analgesics from the oral cavity of normal subjects under conditions of controlled pH and swallowing when a 1.0 ml aliquot of the test drug was placed under the tongue for a 10-minute period. Compared with morphine sulfate at pH 6.5 (18% absorption), buprenorphine (55%), fentanyl (51%), and methadone (34%) were absorbed to a significantly greater extent (p less than 0.05), whereas levorphanol, hydromorphone, oxycodone, heroin, and the opioid antagonist naloxone were not. Overall, lipophilic drugs were better absorbed than were hydrophilic drugs. Plasma morphine concentration-time profiles indicate that the apparent sublingual bioavailability of morphine is only 9.0% +/- 11.9% (SD) of that after intramuscular administration. In the same subjects the estimated sublingual absorption was 22.4% +/- 9.2% (SD), indicating that the sublingual absorption method may overestimate apparent bioavailability. When the oral cavity was buffered to pH 8.5, methadone absorption was increased to 75%. Thus, an alkaline pH microenvironment that favors the unionized fraction of opioids increased sublingual drug absorption. Although absorption was found to be independent of drug concentration, it was contact time dependent for methadone and fentanyl but not for buprenorphine. These results indicate that although the sublingual absorption and apparent sublingual bioavailability of morphine are poor, the sublingual absorption of methadone, fentanyl, and buprenorphine under controlled conditions is relatively high.
A quick swish of Baking soda in water should be sufficient as the total alkalinity is high enough to have at least brief period of buffering. If you want to be thorough you could spit on some pHydronium or litmus papers.
A quick swish of Baking soda in water should be sufficient as the total alkalinity is high enough to have at least brief period of buffering. If you want to be thorough you could spit on some pHydronium or litmus papers.
OK, thanks Jekyl!
A quick swish of Baking soda in water should be sufficient as the total alkalinity is high enough to have at least brief period of buffering. If you want to be thorough you could spit on some pHydronium or litmus papers.

And imo you could try taking the methadone + baking soda sublingual and swallowing both as it seems like high stomach pH can potentiate methadone https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8894114 and iirc the pKa of methadone is around 9 so it makes sense that most of the methadone will be in its unionized form in a high pH environment, thus increasing bioavailability
And imo you could try taking the methadone + baking soda sublingual and swallowing both as it seems like high stomach pH can potentiate methadone https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8894114 and iirc the pKa of methadone is around 9 so it makes sense that most of the methadone will be in its unionized form in a high pH environment, thus increasing bioavailability
Thanks KK! I used this method today, it seemed to potentiate a bit. Less pain than usual :)
I'm exactly like u bud. I take methadone because it's a full agonist and produces full morphinan effects, which satisfies my cravings by giving me a tingle once a day.

Subs on the other hand, while they do keep me from experiencing the physical symptoms of withdrawal, are no where near as effective for reducing my drug cravings.

I also wonder if this is caused by methadones activity at the NDMA site....And for me methadone does work good for pain, but only for a few hours.
I'm exactly like u bud. I take methadone because it's a full agonist and produces full morphinan effects, which satisfies my cravings by giving me a tingle once a day.

Subs on the other hand, while they do keep me from experiencing the physical symptoms of withdrawal, are no where near as effective for reducing my drug cravings.

I also wonder if this is caused by methadones activity at the NDMA site....And for me methadone does work good for pain, but only for a few hours.
I take it for pain, and I've been amazed by it's potency. Although it only offers full pain coverage for around 4-5 hours, I find that it has soaked my body and even when I don't take it in the mornings it still covers me pretty damn good!
^^^I take it for pain and maintenance, I have had several invasive abdominal, kidney and bladder surgeries in the last 9 years as a result of internal perforation from several severe stab wounds.

For me it works great for pain all day, and if I do feel any pain, a dose of ibuprofen is sufficient.

Prior to this most recent stint on methadone I was given fentanyl, dilaudid, etc, but since I was already addicted to oxycodone and methadone when I got shanked I abused the fuck out of them. Hence back on maintenance. For me it's 100% free an 100% effective
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this is so stupid im not even going to get technical. Methadone is methadone no matter how you do it.......it takes the same amount of time to get in your body......plus it has an oral bioavailability of over 95%.....you having a placebo effect cos even vials of methadone for injection do not give a rush the drug is still slow acting.....damn just wait the 1 or 2 hrs for it to work fully i would say.
^^^I take it for pain and maintenance, I have had several invasive abdominal, kidney and bladder surgeries in the last 9 years as a result of internal perforation from several severe stab wounds.

For me it works great for pain all day, and if I do feel any pain, a dose of ibuprofen is sufficient.

Prior to methadone I was given fentanyl, dilaudid, etc, but since I was already addicted to oxycodone and methadone when I got shanked I abused the fuck out of them. Hence back on maintenance. For me it's 100% free an 100% effective
Yeah OG, it just works soooo fuckin' good aye? ;)
Most definitely man, even if I have a toothache, it will be 100% gone after dosing my methadone...like I said if I am having above average pain, I will often take 800 mgs of ibuprofen which I find has a good pain killing synergy with the methadone

BTW, rectal methadone averages around 75% or so. As I have said, Sublingual and rectal are very similar.

And methadone, at least chronic methadone, can give a rush, if you're tolerance is not very high.

Sublingual methadone is, well, just stick to oral.

Really, it is the perfect oral opioid.

Sublingual leads to a delayed onset, and extended duration, w/ most opioids, like rectal.

And this should go to show hydrophilic oxycodone isn't all to great by either ROA.

(Diamorphine isn't bad rectal, IIRC, though)

Almost forgot, increasing urine PH also extends methadone T1/2, dropping it does the opposite.

White Grapefruit Juice, and either Cimetidine or baking soda, that is your methadone cocktail, my friend.

Trust me :)

Ask around if you do not
^^^^I agree methadone is best enjoyed orally. In fact I get what I call "methadone rushes" after high dose oral methadone. I feel like I get flushes of euphoria every now and then. Feels very similar to oxycodone imo.

Everyone also says IV methadone has no rush, but I had some 40 mg capsules of pure methadone hcl which produced a great rush and then proceeded to prevent withdrawal for 24 hours
Wait does an alkaline environment in the oral cavity also increase sublingual BA for buprenorphine? Sorry for being stupid but the cited study seemed somewhat vague in the answer to this query.
Bupe has a pKa of 8.5 I think so there should be more unionized bupe in an alkaline environment thus better BA, but I guess you have to try it
Why buttplug it when oral is like 90 or 95% available?

That is my point. Oral Methadone works just fine. Although, BA technically can range from 40-95%, however manipulating PH pretty much guarantees high BA, mild-moderate enzyme inhibitors can yield well over 90%, and a longer half-life.

To the user below:

As I said, high dose IV Methadone CAN produce a surprising rush, especially if there is already some in your system.

But on MMT, tolerance gets so high it would be pointless. Faster onset, but you'd need a 5ml syringe.

I cannot think of a single opioid(or really a good benzo*) that works effectively SL, except buprenorphine, and even it has fairly low-moderate BA, unless you dissolve it in water, and then 50% at best.