Sub taper

Thank you for the info. Did you end up getting off? How low did you go before you jumped?

My friend I get off every time because this works if you do it right.

The time it took is exactly the time which is written there. You should feel the most mild of sympatoms if anything at all
I cannot make this clearer. I had zero withdrawal. And I mean zero. None, zip zilch. No issues with sleep, no tiredness, no lack of motivation. I was just off suboxone. If you do it correctly it is a piece of cake.
I dont know how i missed this but this gives me a lot of hope.. monday im going down to .60 from my .75 hope its nice and easy... once i stabilize and feel ok on the .60 which seems about 3 to 7 days ill drop to .50 and so on.. so i probably have 7 weeks or so to go. I am excited i cant wait to be 100% clean. Its been so many years..
This has been tough. Im taper from about 4 years of sub use. Im down to .75 now. .5 in the am and .25 in the pm. Been at this level well this is the 3rd day, im.doing better now than i was. Its just tough. I been weaning for about 1 year now. I dont wanna use anymore nor do inwant to do subs. I just hope i can get off these with as little pain as possible... physical pain isnt too bad its the mental pain thay destroys me. I am gonna get to .25 and eventually jump.. or shoukd i go to .10? Who has jumped from .25 and how did they feel? Any help would be appreciated.. peace to everyone trying to get clean, its not easy!!!
My 6th day on .75! Im .doing so much better now... im getti g hyped about lowering again.. monday i will drop again, i haven't decided to drop .15 or .25 yet.. by sunday ill have come to the conclusion... i hope...
This has been tough. Im taper from about 4 years of sub use. Im down to .75 now. .5 in the am and .25 in the pm. Been at this level well this is the 3rd day, im.doing better now than i was. Its just tough. I been weaning for about 1 year now. I dont wanna use anymore nor do inwant to do subs. I just hope i can get off these with as little pain as possible... physical pain isnt too bad its the mental pain thay destroys me. I am gonna get to .25 and eventually jump.. or shoukd i go to .10? Who has jumped from .25 and how did they feel? Any help would be appreciated.. peace to everyone trying to get clean, its not easy!!!
Now im down to .50 a day whoo hoo.. man i am getting psyched. Im a little sweaty and slightly on edge but nothing so so insane i cant take it.. whew to that.. i guess ill see how this days gos, usually its the second and 3rd day that gets wish me luck!
Now im down to .50 a day whoo hoo.. man i am getting psyched. Im a little sweaty and slightly on edge but nothing so so insane i cant take it.. whew to that.. i guess ill see how this days gos, usually its the second and 3rd day that gets wish me luck!
That's awesome dude! Ride it out and you'll be off it in no time!
That's awesome dude! Ride it out and you'll be off it in no time!
Its been tough its been tough. But i am still on .50 a day and i think its getting better. I had some insane sleepless night.. but last night was better i only woke once in a massive aneixty burst.. those are crazy how the hell do i have so much energy? And i was wondering at this point i was thinking about doing a food fast. Have ypu ever heard of anyone fasti g while trying to get off subs? I heard it coukd help.. maybe that i am so low now it could.. thoughts?
Its been tough its been tough. But i am still on .50 a day and i think its getting better. I had some insane sleepless night.. but last night was better i only woke once in a massive aneixty burst.. those are crazy how the hell do i have so much energy? And i was wondering at this point i was thinking about doing a food fast. Have ypu ever heard of anyone fasti g while trying to get off subs? I heard it coukd help.. maybe that i am so low now it could.. thoughts?
I personally haven't heard about people doing a fast while tapering sub but that doesn't mean it won't help. Other people might have experience with this. Keep it up man you're doin great! :)
I personally haven't heard about people doing a fast while tapering sub but that doesn't mean it won't help. Other people might have experience with this. Keep it up man you're doin great! :)
Thank you so much.. Ill have to keep asking around see if anyone else has ever tried it. Ive heard some interesting things about what your body does when your fasting, its worth a shot! And your kindness makes a difference to me πŸ’– thank you again!
Its been tough its been tough. But i am still on .50 a day and i think its getting better. I had some insane sleepless night.. but last night was better i only woke once in a massive aneixty burst.. those are crazy how the hell do i have so much energy? And i was wondering at this point i was thinking about doing a food fast. Have ypu ever heard of anyone fasti g while trying to get off subs? I heard it coukd help.. maybe that i am so low now it could.. thoughts?
Thank you! Man i hope so... stayi g positive helps for sure.. anything positive does. 😻
Holy crap the anxiety is dam tough its so hard its breaking me... i havent broken and taken any more than my tapernis calling for and still on .25 but holy dam.. im goi g crazy.... im breaking down... its breaking me. 😿😿😿
Sorry to hear this Uknowit :(
How are you sleeping? Okay? That can make a big difference.
Ive been taki g my dose at 8pm at night to help me sleep better.. i took it at 7:39 tonigbt .25 maybe its calming me a bit.. i think.. it got so bad today i wanted to start cutti g my fingers off.. the anxiety is soo intense.. id rather be in pain and have aches pains.. i cant sit still its intense dim sad but not depressed which is good i guess ugh its not easy this is hard as hell and i feel like its breaking my spirit..
Ive been taki g my dose at 8pm at night to help me sleep better.. i took it at 7:39 tonigbt .25 maybe its calming me a bit.. i think.. it got so bad today i wanted to start cutti g my fingers off.. the anxiety is soo intense.. id rather be in pain and have aches pains.. i cant sit still its intense dim sad but not depressed which is good i guess ugh its not easy this is hard as hell and i feel like its breaking my spirit..
I feel like this ora this anxiety is attached to my body like a coat on me i cant get off its just so intense geezus christ... worse than methadone wd's ...
I feel like this ora this anxiety is attached to my body like a coat on me i cant get off its just so intense geezus christ... worse than methadone wd's ...
6th day on .25 today is better than yesterday it is it is i feel like so emotional about it im so happy.. and my anxiety today im able to use my mind and focus on something else and kt gos away!!! I cant belive i can almost control it to some degree now. Yesterday at this time i was actually going insane and my mind was starting to play tricks on me twlli g me i need to go back up and just all stupid stuff.. i held on and fougbt thru it every waking min hoky crap that was crazy.. but today i am doing better i can tell.. i didnt take Tylenol 20 times today either just twice! And only one shower the way it should be πŸ’– not 5 lol... i cant express how much better my mind is today.. thank you for this day im glad im alive its a win today the aches the pains the tiredness is all hell but the anxiety is what i cannt take and that appears to be tiring... cause it was tiring me, its my turn to tire it! Soon soon ill be free πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
I think its my 8th day now on .25 most of my aches are gone and the anxiety is low. Id say this morning was a bit tough but now im fine or at the moment anyway, i dont feel like inwanna cut my arms off πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—... i used to get massive leg aches but no more its all in my arms and holy crap it feel.worse than legs so weird how the aches a d restlessness is all in my arms. I may take a break from weaning next week im still not 100% yet either but much bettwr today.. its been the best day yet on .25 seems so low but inwas on .50 for a few weeks and was fine.. (not at 1st it took 9 days to feel ok again) and now the 50% drop to .25 maybe was too much.. Oh well im.happy its almost over and my body feel equalizedwith the .25 (almost about 90%) my monday illl be 100% again! Yay! And how i can tell my aches and pains are going away now with using just Tylenol!! Yay! And i can walk up and down the stairs without being exhausted, what a good feeling rhat is.. today decending the staircase for the 1st time i was aa like wow such low aches!! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— im so happy today what a world of difference! Im am doing this!! Funny 1 sub strip will last me exactly 32 days lol.. wild to even think that was possible! Haha i love it
I think its my 8th day now on .25 most of my aches are gone and the anxiety is low. Id say this morning was a bit tough but now im fine or at the moment anyway, i dont feel like inwanna cut my arms off πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—... i used to get massive leg aches but no more its all in my arms and holy crap it feel.worse than legs so weird how the aches a d restlessness is all in my arms. I may take a break from weaning next week im still not 100% yet either but much bettwr today.. its been the best day yet on .25 seems so low but inwas on .50 for a few weeks and was fine.. (not at 1st it took 9 days to feel ok again) and now the 50% drop to .25 maybe was too much.. Oh well im.happy its almost over and my body feel equalizedwith the .25 (almost about 90%) my monday illl be 100% again! Yay! And how i can tell my aches and pains are going away now with using just Tylenol!! Yay! And i can walk up and down the stairs without being exhausted, what a good feeling rhat is.. today decending the staircase for the 1st time i was aa like wow such low aches!! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— im so happy today what a world of difference! Im am doing this!! Funny 1 sub strip will last me exactly 32 days lol.. wild to even think that was possible! Haha i love it
This is so great to hear, well done!! It's a damn good feeling huh :) <3
This is so great to hear, well done!! It's a damn good feeling huh :) <3
It is it isπŸ’— and oh my gawd i woke today no burst if anxiety!!! It makes me emotional just thinking about it... very happy it makes me very πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— i hope today is a good day, it sure feels it so far!
i found tapering to anything less than one just drug out the misery. it felt like i was always in mild withdrawal so i just jumped at 1 and 2 weeks the worst of it was over. i don't know if that would work for you or not
i found tapering to anything less than one just drug out the misery. it felt like i was always in mild withdrawal so i just jumped at 1 and 2 weeks the worst of it was over. i don't know if that would work for you or not
I feel ok today not 100% but ok.. and thats a good point.. for me getting to 2mg was tough and then everything under that, every drop took between 6 to 10 days then i feel ok again.. this last drop from .50 to .25 whew that was tough.. anxiety was very intense. And taking that .25 did definitely help me sleep.. ive been taking my dose at 7pm . And on this last drop on the 1st day i was ok itvwS the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th days were sooo intense geezus but then the 6th day i slowly started feeling better and today dam im doing ok.. my anxiety is low i have energy (i quit all caffeine and sugar to for the past 2 weeks about, i think that helped keep anxiety down) today is thr 10th day on .25 i still even cant beleive i made it... i may stay on this for another few days and then possibly skip a day and see how the body feels, if it drives up anxiety i may even cut it to .125 . One rhing i also feel is that the lower i go the quicker it seems to leave my body, can this be the case? Or no matter what tou take the same or about the same amount of time to leave your body? I have an extreme high metabolism trust me i can eat a gallon of ice cream every night before bed and ill lose a pound the next day vs gain anything.. its ridiculously high... im skinny af and have never been able to gain weight no matter what i do.. also i was thinking maybe at lower doses the wd's are less severe? And now that have have been thru a many on this wean thrybwont be as bad? Im just hoping and thinking anything positive i just wanna be free from drugs.. its been over 30 years with opiates and probably 35 years just being stoned outta my friggen gord.. i just wanna be done.. subs now for just about 3 years and honesty 3 years with no cheating no using honest use no abuse taking them on schedule every day documenting every dose ive taking on my wean for the last 15 months.. took me 15 months to get to this point.. i wanna cry... that how i feel right now im so happy thinking about what the hel i just did.... all those wasted years and countless amounts of money all wasted.. it makes me so mad.. i just want off.. the anger has been part of this drive to just stop the madness sorry to rant.. i still cant even belive i can sit still now.. fing a... what an amazing feeling.. i can actually feel my mind.. wild.. whew that felt good to get out..
I took the kids out last night we saw some events it was a perfext night.. we got home late, i didnt get to bed till after midnight but i slept till 8am!!! Whoooo hooo i didnt awake with any massive bursts of anxiety πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— f'ing A!!!! Its working im feeling better and better!!! Whooo hooooooooo. Man the feeling it gives me of feeli g better is just "Hope" thats what it is.. its very emotional (in a good way tho!) Today im happy to be alive, i havent said that in a very long time to myself... from here on in every second is a gift πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— im gonna cherish all the seconds in my life.

Its funny how you feel good for the moment when your using, but yet you can never enjoy anything. When your not using and feel like yourself you can enjoy "everything" πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
thats a Science FACT...