
Im done

Dec 18, 2014
Hi guys
After 12 months stuck heavily on codeine for severe migraines and on and off for a few years before hand after 6 leg surgeries i decided it was time to seek new medications non opiates for my migraines and i feel now my legs are strong enough withou pain killers, since i found myself starting to take the codeine daily amd in large quantities and not just for migraines but only if i was feeling down tired etc. Ive been off 3 days now and late day one about 16 hours after my last dose i woke from a nap terrified having an anxiety attack and ended up on the floor in uncontrollable shakes and sweats of which i thought i was going to die, my missus found me like that and called an ambulance and i spent the night in hospital with 2 bags of fluids put through me and monitoring. After the 2 bags of fluid i was still getting severe shakes so am on a course of diazepam just to control the muscle spasms, anxiety and restless legs for the next few days. My main questions are is it normal for such strong withdrawal to come on and even though highly anxious still and small deep shakes and and getting little frights and scared of nothing what are the chances im out of the worst of it or is there the worst still to come? what are other things i can do to help take the edge off and how much longer can i expect the bad anxiety to last its now been about 72 hours sice last dose but eased off doses for a week now.

Hey Im done and welcome to BL:)

Sounds like your adrenals are through the roof. I would contact a doctor and ask for clonodine. Its a blood pressure medication that very commonly prescribed for opiate detox.

medications for acute opiate detox

The medications I would explore the use of for detox would be:

one of either
OR >Lyrica<
OR >phenibut<

>a nsaid<
Senokot S is a stool softener and laxative. If you do not want the laxative you can go for strait stool softenerDioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.

(Opi Withdrawal) what is the best comfort meds for opiate w/d?

Your Personal Opiate Withdrawal Arsenal

Keep pushing forward. <3 You should feal much better very soon. I would estimate you should see the light at the end of the tunnel around day five.

H--> TDS
Never sick has an incredible regimen, and I highly approve of it.

Clonidine should and most likely will keep most of the nasty physical w/d symptoms at bay, and phenibut / neurontin will keep your head clear through you detox process (Though you should not combine clonidine with gabapentin without doctors approval, as they may interact negatively). Take melatonin 1-2 hours before you plan on sleeping as it will help you fix your circadian rhythm (sleep schedule.) NSAIDs (ibuprofen, acetaminophen) will help with the migraines or any other pain you experience, and are not habit forming, which is a bonus. If you're going to take the benzos, listen to what never said and take it ONLY AT NIGHT when you plan to sleep, as this time you're using them just to knock you out when you want to go to bed.

Clonidine is a powerful medication, and is perscribed in .1 mgs, take to your doctors recommendation.

I approve of nevers post highly, and find it an exemplary opiate detox regimen, suitable to get an addict through an acute opiate w/d from few daily percocet to methadone to heroin with minimal suffering, as long as you stick to the regimen as posted.
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I feel your pain! I get really bad migraine and that's how my addiction started. I'm on day 3 myself and really struggling... I have no energy, anxiety and so irritable...:/ we can do this. I have no way to get anything mentioned above so I'm trying to just push through.... Hang in there imdone let me know if u find any thing that's helps!:///
Am on day 6 no pills and down to 1 diazepam a day last 2 nights mannaged to get a fair bit of sleep i even managed today to force mysef out the door to staff xmas party then come home amd clean a bit but now i dont know what to do with myself and feel a bit down amd lost as if i have depression kicking in which is in the family i also have no way of getting what was suggested i have head though that immodium is a great help not only for the runs but the body craving the drug but doeant cross the blood brain barrier can anyone confirm this
It crosses the bbb but is pumped out quickly. People become depedent on it. It does not really make you high.

Im on mobil so it would be hard for m to link you the thread. But if you go to the other drugs forum on BL and look through the sticky threads at the top you will see a notable threads thread. There is a loperamide mega thread that should be able to answer any of your questions.

Also I will post info on PAWS tomorow.

I would avoid looking for a drug solution to this until you read that info.

Nice work. It will continue to get better.
Wow i wasnt aware that codeine could cause such bad WDs.Even with stronger opiates you rarely hear about ppl collapsing and going into the ER.

You must have had a mega habit right?Hang in there man!

I read somewhere that codeine WDs last about 5 days and then your almost back to normal,if thats so then by now you must be better i hope!