Mental Health Street Ketamine for treating depression


Sep 13, 2018
Has anyone here used street ketamine to cure their depression? How did your experience go?
I'd be weary of anything from the street.

And self medicating depression is not easy. I've tried to do it myself with legal and illegal substances, but ultimately psych meds worked for me.

Do you see a doctor for depression? What has helped you? What hasn't helped you?
I’m seeing a doctor for depression. Currently on low dose of sitraline SSRI; not really helping my depression but rather my suboxone is.
Dude it took me a year to find the right regimen but now im happy as a pig in shit.

How long have you been on that drug? Some take a couple weeks to a month to kick in. And if it sucks, be honest. Everyone has such unique chemistry.

Wellbutrin worked for me because im a dopamine junkie.
Yes. It’s not uncommon to have to try a number of pharmaceuticals / SSRI’s etc etc under medical supervision before finding the one that works. It took me a few years to settle on the combination that really works. Pharmaceuticals ultimately work better than any street drugs for long term mental wellbeing. That’s not to suggest that they don’t have undesireable side effects and that there is a fair bit of trial and error in finding the right one / combination for each individual.