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Lysergamides Store bought morning glory seeds question


May 30, 2021
Okay, so I know these seeds are treated, Andy I know you can’t eat treated seeds, but what if you powder them finely, then held them in your mouth for fifteen minutes, then spit it out. Will that harm you?
You will still have the same fungicide as if you swallowed them.

Zero difference in fungicide effect.

BTW, grinding up hundreds of seeds and putting the powder in my mouth ( usually morning glory seeds are not dry inside so I guess you wait until they are old and the LSA has degraded for your method ) doesn't sound like a good time to me. That's the dose in case you were not aware... 200 to 500 seeds when they are fresh and active. Sounds like a recipe for dry mouth, fungicides or not.

If you do it; report back, won't you?
You will still have the same fungicide as if you swallowed them.

Zero difference in fungicide effect.

BTW, grinding up hundreds of seeds and putting the powder in my mouth ( usually morning glory seeds are not dry inside so I guess you wait until they are old and the LSA has derageded for your method ) doesn't sound like a good time to me. That's the dose in case you were not aware... 200 to 500 seeds when they are fresh and active. Sounds like a recipe for dry mouth, fungicides or not.

If you do it; report back, won't you?
Thats how I normally take morning glories, sublingually, I was hoping maybe he poison wouldn’t absorb that way. Shit, well I’ll plant them then

Lol tnot going to be your guineae pig

Edit guess I kind and already was haha, it’s not that bad you’re mouth makes more saliva
Thats how I normally take morning glories, sublingually, I was hoping maybe he poison wouldn’t absorb that way. Shit, well I’ll plant them then

Lol tnot going to be your guineae pig
So you were just looking for others who were guinea pigs for you, LOL !!!

No problem, bro 👍

Happy Trails ...
The fungicide washes off. Throw the seeds in a bowl of warm water and stir around. Pour through a strainer and then run warm water over the seeds in the strainer for a good while. Maybe repeat the whole process. Just wash 'em.
The fungicide washes off. Throw the seeds in a bowl of warm water and stir around. Pour through a strainer and then run warm water over the seeds in the strainer for a good while. Maybe repeat the whole process. Just wash 'em.
Really ? That’s all you need to do?
Whether or not the fungicide washes completely off, I'll leave up to you. I know this.
When I was a 15 year old fresh to acid who had just moved to a different state and could not find acid (yet), I decided to try Morning Glory seeds.
I got horribly ill on 100 seeds, puking and the runs, on the toilet with a pot in front of me. Mild high (even for seeds).
Same thing the second time (;), damn kids).
After finally reading about the fungicide, I washed 100 seeds from the same batch. Got a typical Morning Glory seed mild trip with extreme lassitude. There was also mild nausea, but that happens with Morning Glory seeds.
Had 3-4 more trips from that batch with the same result, washing made a huge difference.
I'll leave it up to you whether or not I got all the fungicide off. I, at least, got most.
This was 40 years ago, so I guess they could have a new poison now. All disclaimers apply.

One thing in your favor. The active ingredient in the seeds is inside that hard coat. Eating whole seeds does nothing. You could likely scrub the seeds with no loss of potency since you are doing it before you grind them.

BTW, I also got mild nausea from Woodrose seeds taken right from the pod. Mild to moderate nausea is part of the game with the seeds.
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As I suppose you are not a fungus a lil bit of fungicide wont kill you but don’t make a habit of eating it too often cuz cancer or whatever. Planting seeds and having them fresh is best if you can do that. Morning glory was first psychedelic I tried and it was interesting and nice intro. I ate about 600 seeds. Latter after trying a lot of psychedelics I tried HBW too, and it was better than nothing but had I LSD available I wouldn’t repeat experience, or would only after a long time, mostly cuz I got diarrhea and cuz it feels lethargic. I plan to try HBW with nitrous but since I have just a lil bit left I might just leave it for when someone has a headache, worked for just about everyone just about every time with only 2 seeds.
Well, I guess I’ll wash them then, I didn’t know water would make that big of a difference, I have like 400 seeds, so I guess my girlfriend and I are about to have a good time
Well, I guess I’ll wash them then, I didn’t know water would make that big of a difference, I have like 400 seeds, so I guess my girlfriend and I are about to have a good time
200 is a light dose, but so should be light side-effects so why not. Be sure to have some weed on the side. If you can I would get some nitrous too, even I still didn’t try that combo properly I bet it’s nice and would lift effects from threshold. Most of combos that are good with LSD would work nice with LSA too but adjust for more side-effects and avoid nauseating and heavy body-load combos.
There have been warnings against using morning glory seeds since the Anarchist Cookbook which was published at least 50years ago
Didn't catch that.

They are a shitty high, though. Mostly because of the lassitude/lethargy bordering on catatonia from LSA.
Other than that, they feel like a light dose of LSD at more moderate doses.
I did Woodrose seeds once, which are heavy on LSA and light on friendlier compounds, and sat on my doorstoop watching the cars go by for about 4 hours.
Neighbor kids told me later how they figured I was fucked up. Surprised me since I wasn't that high, just didn't feel like moving at all.
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You could try washing them with a stronger solvent like acetone or even heptane. As said the actives are inside and as long as you don't break the shell it should be okay.

I don't know what chemical properties these fungicides have, but a bet is that if water works, acetone works even better.
There have been warnings against using morning glory seeds since the Anarchist Cookbook which was published at least 50years ago
Cuz why? There’s a bunch of drugs much worse than LSA containing seeds. In a sense there’s more such than those that are truly safer for the body and the mind. Might not be the most fun drug but it definitely ain’t the most dangerous.