Stopping in the middle of my cycle ?


Nov 4, 2014
Hey guys,

I am new to this forum as well as to taking oral steroids, so if you read something from me that doesn't make sense or is an absolute bullshit, do tell me :)

So for my first ever cycle I decided to take Dianabol for 6 weeks:
- 30mg for 4 weeks
- 80mg for last 2 weeks

I am on my 4th week now and although I was being consistent with my 30mg doses for the first 2 weeks, I ended up slacking a bit in my 3rd week I only took overall of 60mg of Dianabol last week. Today, last night actually I ended up with a sore / dry cough which will probably lead to flu.

Which leads to my questions:
"Is there a point continuing with my cycle while ill?"
"Will I get similar results from cycling while being ill and being perfectly good"

Just a short elaboration to my first question, is it wise to stop the cycle, wait a certain amount of time (not like proper PCT, but like a few weeks) before I can starting over my cycle?

Best Regards,
Hope you'll be of help.
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Hey guys,

I am new to this forum as well as to taking oral steroids, so if you read something from me that doesn't make sense or is an absolute bullshit, do tell me :)

So for my first ever cycle I decided to take Dianabol for 6 weeks:
- 30mg for 4 weeks
- 80mg for last 2 weeks

I am on my 4th week now and although I was being consistent with my 30mg doses for the first 2 weeks, I ended up slacking a bit in my 3rd week I only took overall of 60mg of Dianabol last week. Today, last night actually I ended up with a flu and I am taking antibiotics.

Which leads to my questions:
"Is there a point continuing with my cycle while ill?"
"Will I get similar results from cycling while being ill and being perfectly good"

Just a short elaboration to my first question, is it wise to stop the cycle, wait a certain amount of time (not like proper PCT, but like a few weeks) before I can starting over my cycle?

Best Regards,
Hope you'll be of help.

Drop it, your HPTA will recover fine without unnecessary breast cancer drugs...
Drop it, your HPTA will recover fine without unnecessary breast cancer drugs...

Well I said that I'm ill but is more like early stage of a flu. I got this dry / sore cough atm.

I actually wanted to edit it before I left home but I didn't have the time :<

My muscles don't ache yet so that's a good sign.

Coming back to the topic, I read that you can use antibiotics and steroids and be perfectly fine so the thought of continuing with my cycle for 2 more weeks is popping to my mind.
Well I said that I'm ill but is more like early stage of a flu. I got this dry / sore cough atm.

I actually wanted to edit it before I left home but I didn't have the time :<

My muscles don't ache yet so that's a good sign.

Coming back to the topic, I read that you can use antibiotics and steroids and be perfectly fine so the thought of continuing with my cycle for 2 more weeks is popping to my mind.

I would stop now, do a proper Post cycle therapy and go back to the drawing boards. You need to educate yourself a little further before taking steroids next time.
I would stop now, do a proper Post cycle therapy and go back to the drawing boards. You need to educate yourself a little further before taking steroids next time.

No... A couple of weeks on Dbol won't need PCT...
No... A couple of weeks on Dbol won't need PCT...

Yes, yes it will.

He shouldn't be taking orals alone in the first place. And bumping from 30mg-80mg? Wtf is that about normally people bump 30-50 maybe but 30-80? Somebody who has never did a cycle before does not need 80mg. The 30-50 range is plenty
Yes, yes it will.

He shouldn't be taking orals alone in the first place. And bumping from 30mg-80mg? Wtf is that about normally people bump 30-50 maybe but 30-80? Somebody who has never did a cycle before does not need 80mg. The 30-50 range is plenty

Yeah I think I will end my cycle right here but I don't think I will be able to do proper Post Cycle Therapy though. Like this fellow above mentioned I need lot more education before taking steroids.

Thanks for the input though.

Could you briefly tell me why orals shouldn't be taken alone? And what should they be taken with?
Why no pct?

And because all the gains you get will be too rapid, your body doesn't like rapid change and will try to rebalance itself when you stop.
The gains are mostly water which will fall off when you stop after a few weeks
Oral only will crash your body's natural testosterone production, which needs to be compensated by injecting testosterone weekly.

Don't forget test is the primary male hormone so if you have none, say hello to fatigue, in some cases depression and erictile dysfunction...

Do a bit of research into it mate there's a lot to learn and its very interesting. You made a mistake but you seem like your willing to learn so why not do a bit of research and come back to us with any questions which you will undoubtedly have?
Read the "your first cycle" sticky at the top. All the info you need.
Read the "your first cycle" sticky at the top. All the info you need.

This is a good place to start.

Also look up pct, aromatase inhibitors, selective estrogen receptor modules, what testosterone does for the male body.
Injection protocols
Different types of steroid and their effects and side effects
Why no pct?

And because all the gains you get will be too rapid, your body doesn't like rapid change and will try to rebalance itself when you stop.
The gains are mostly water which will fall off when you stop after a few weeks
Oral only will crash your body's natural testosterone production, which needs to be compensated by injecting testosterone weekly.

Don't forget test is the primary male hormone so if you have none, say hello to fatigue, in some cases depression and erictile dysfunction...

Do a bit of research into it mate there's a lot to learn and its very interesting. You made a mistake but you seem like your willing to learn so why not do a bit of research and come back to us with any questions which you will undoubtedly have?

I don't really know if I will be able to get any PCT drugs... speaking of PCT drugs which one would I use? I only read about Nolvadex and HCG???

Ahhh yeah that makes sense and funny that you mentioned erectile dysfunction... I am having thoughts that I might suffer from that since I struggle to keep my erection "stable" if you like. That was happening to me even before taking steroids (probably mental manner)... Anyway...

Yes, definitely will spend my spare time reading and educating myself about steroids since I am planning on starting one as soon as I recover ;)

Thanks again mate, you've been helpful.

Can you refer to my question though about PCT drugs? I'd really appreciate it.
Testosterone will make you the hardest penis in the room constantly lol.

Pct drugs generally are Clomid and nolvadex. Clomid is the preferred option although nolva can also be used.
Hcg should be avoided and I'll explain why in an extremely simplified way - when your test levels are shut down there is nothing happening in your ball sack. They will shrink. Hcg is good for making your balls come back and producing sperm although will further suppress natural testosterone functioning. Avoid hcg
Testosterone will make you the hardest penis in the room constantly lol.

Pct drugs generally are Clomid and nolvadex. Clomid is the preferred option although nolva can also be used.
Hcg should be avoided and I'll explain why in an extremely simplified way - when your test levels are shut down there is nothing happening in your ball sack. They will shrink. Hcg is good for making your balls come back and producing sperm although will further suppress natural testosterone functioning. Avoid hcg

Okay, thank you very much. Your posts actually "opened my eyes" per se. I thought I knew basics but apparently I didn't.

I'm guessing the PCT drugs are obtained illegally?

PS. Wish I did some research besides going into steroids beforehand. All the info I was getting was from my brother.
I'd gladly put forth an app to mod here.
As for pct, look into torimifene I believe it's called. It's a second generation serm with less sides than tamoxifen and clomiphene. There's also raloxifene but I'm not sure as to its usage to restart the hpta. I know it's the superior gyno drug though. Generic freak posted a perfect pct protocol in another thread. I'll see if I can dig it up
I've previously had a lot to say about hCG on here... As for hCG for PCT: I don't understand why anyone would want to create another level of suppression in their HPTA? There is really no use for hCG, it desensitizes leydig cells in your testes to Leutinizing hormone so that when you eventually cease using hCG it takes a while for your testes to become sensitive to your own body's natural LH, thus prolonging your recovery. The use of hCG in males is limited to increasing fertility in HRT such that guys have enough viable sperm for their partners to conceive. When you are "shut down" your testes actually become more sensitive to LH due to receptor up-regulation. All that hCG will do is prolong your recovery.

When debating whether to use hCG, the length of cycle should be a primary consideration, or if on continuous cruise blast some people do use it for testicular function and spermatogenesis as hCG is a LH mimicking agent, all the hormones that the testes make aside from testosterone itself are kept running (such as the pregnenalone & DHEA) in a more normal way, some people get a sense of well-being boost and libido boost from it... it is theorised that there maybe LH receptors elsewhere than the testicles.. Overall some feel more normal and less burnt out using it.

All in all, as long as the potential raise in estradiol is controlled, there could be a viable reason to run it, even at a small dose of 125-250iu's 2 x week.....

It is not just about keeping your balls plump. Or about remaining fertile. There is lots of evidence to suggest that it helps to backfill hormone pathways that get depleted when your balls stop working... i.e they produce hormones OTHER than testosterone... hormones that are essential brain health amongst other things.

Some people do absolutely fine without hCG, its like everything it comes down to personal preference..

For fertility: hCG acts as an LH analogue, mimicking it's effects.

hMG (human menopaGloball gonadotropin) is an LH and FSH analogue.

hCG is usually enough to maintain and jump start fertility, but if not then hMG will more powerfully stimulate the sertoli cells that produce sperm.
GF's post on hcg
Ideally on a Test-Tren cycle, its best to run the Test a couple of weeks after the Tren (due to suppressive nature of the Tren), lowering the test each week... In the last week of low dose Test, add an AI (like Adex) for a few days to lower Estrogen conversion.... Start Clomid on its own for 3 weeks, add Nolva for 4 weeks, in the last week of Nolva add an AI for the last 4 days.... Stay off AAS for at least 6 months to allow HPTA to recover fully...................
This is for a more advanced cycle but is a good pct layout.
Crikey Serotonin, thanks for that...

A couple of points, just to make clear:

i) hCG can be used on a very long and/or suppressive cycle as stated above for health benefits, but NOT used as part of PCT..!!

ii) The OP's use of Dbol for only a few weeks, in my opinion is borderline as to whether he needs to use PCT..!!

iii) I have previously mentioned that: A full PCT cycle includes using some serious polypharmacy, if a correct PCT protocol is not followed exactly then the HPTA may not fully recover, and the user may end up long term with natural hormonal levels less than when they started the brief cycle.... This is not advised..!!

So in answer to the Op's question: rather than jump on several harmful anti-estrogenic compounds, just stop the dbol now, and allow the HPTA to return to normal.. He may feel like shite for a few weeks as test levels are low but I believe LH will return to normal in due course..... (I did it years ago, and it didn't stop me having 4 kids, or having the aggression to spend 17 in a boxing ring and spend several brief respites at the pleasure of Her Majesty)
Heh I try GF. Figured I'd save you the time and hassle but you're so organized when it comes to these things I wouldn't be surprised if you save your important posts to reference yourself later. I'd have to agree that short usage shouldn't warrant pct. On some boards people do mini 4 week blast style cycles to break plateaus with otc pct shite and their blood work shows LH and FSH return to normal quite rapidly.
I disagree about the pct, in most cases people will recover fine, as we know aas usage and aupression caused is like Russian roulette, you never know who's gonna fuck their hpta up. Saying that Dbol isn't the worst offender for this, but I think in the name of hr, he should do a mild pct if it were possible