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Heroin Stomach acid / Vomit in my throat.

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I've been smoking since 11:30am today & it's now 5:13am UK time.

I'm not new to heroin, I've been using since 2001 but for the last hour each line I blow out I'm getting really bad heartburn then my stomach "crunches" up & I seem to do a small sick, it's all acid too which feels so bad & I have to swallow it back down again. I've done a whole bag with this going on & I've never had it happen before. If I've felt sick one good puke sorted the issue out but I don't even feel ill like that!

Anyone know what I've done to myself? How do I get it to stop?

About 30 mins ago I nodded out right away & spilt the stuff on myself which stinks, lucky enough it missed the foil as I'd be really mad.

@chinup you any idea what I've donekknbb
Go to a pharmacy, or as you limey mf's say, "a chemist", and get some famotidine, take 20mg or so. In the immediate term drink ~1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a small amount of water. Get some promethazine and diphenhydramine too. Not sure of promethazine is otc in the UK, it used to be in Australia

Don't nod out if you feel like vomiting (vomiting in your sleep is oftentimes a death sentence).
it might not be related to heroin - i have some sort of ulcer going on in my stomach and get exactly what you describe if i fuck about too much with not eating or drinking too much.

if that's what it is then you can get esomeprozale otc, and antacids do help. i used to have to drink half a bottle of peptac over the course of a normal drinking night just to not be in extreme discomfort.

also, contact your dr, do one of those econsult things. we can't diagnose you!!

does the dark seem to have any weird cut in it?
Proton Pump Inhibitors like Esomprazole and Lansoprazole are fast acting and far more effective than antacids, u should invest in one of them. Both of the aforementioned PPI drugs are available OTC too!
I wouldn’t take a PPI more than once a year, or something like that, if even that often. The point is that I wouldn’t rely on them to be the solution.

I recommend seeing a doctor.
I wouldn’t take a PPI more than once a year, or something like that, if even that often. The point is that I wouldn’t rely on them to be the solution.

I recommend seeing a doctor.
What's so bad about taking PPIs regularly? I took omeprazole everyday for years when I was an alcoholic; never did me any more harm than I was already doing to myself, as far as I could tell.
What's so bad about taking PPIs regularly? I took omeprazole everyday for years when I was an alcoholic; never did me any more harm than I was already doing to myself, as far as I could tell.
Omeprazole has strong links with dementia for a start.

I wouldn’t advise anyone take them daily either.
Proton Pump Inhibitors like Esomprazole and Lansoprazole are fast acting and far more effective than antacids, u should invest in one of them. Both of the aforementioned PPI drugs are available OTC too!
That's what i was thinking been taking omeprazole then esomeprazole for the last 25 years without it I get the same symptoms as op
it's all acid too which feels so bad & I have to swallow it back down again.

not fun, zb. That shit sucks. I'm never without a bottle of extra strength TUMS...they really do help. Diphenhydramine as well. That is what has always worked for me.