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Jan 15, 2012
Hi. I am going to a neurologist next week for possible narcolepsy. Right now I take ephedrine to keep me up. I'm sure I'll have to do sleep study but I'm pretty sure I have it. If so, they will be prescribing me a stimulant. Anything would be healthier than ephedrine and coffee I use now. Any particular one I should be hesitant about or anything. I mean I don't think they will give me adderal. What are other stimulants other than Adderal? Thanks
They will give you Desoxyn! Yeah right, lol �� every stimulant fan's dream right? For narcolepsy I wouldn't think something like Adderall would be out of the question or maybe Dexedrine but hey I'm no doc. Do let us know what you get. I had a friend who was prescribed Dexedrine for excessive tiredness from MDD so I suppose anything's possible. Sorry I don't have a more useful answer. Try giving this a look under treatment for more info.

Yeah, I don't know what they'll do. I'm sure a sleep study which would be difficult with my ostomy bag. My last sleep test revealed possible narcolepsy and no signs of apnea and I saw dr after and he said I have apnea and wanted me to get fitted for a machine. Just money. If you read that narcolepsy thing on wiki, that's me. I have paralysis when waking and all of it and no matter how good I think I slept if I don't take Epherdrine and caffeine all day I'll fall asleep no matter where I'm at. It's prob gonna be a bunch of shit but it took me 7 months to get appt with this guy so it's worth it. I don't know what these drugs y'all have mentioned are. I'm not expecting Adderal seeing how I'm already on pain meds and Kolonopin for anxiety. Who knows. I just want something that will make me feel up and alert during the day. Epherdrine does ok but I gotta take more than I should and get real jittery. What's some other drugs he may give me? I've been complaining to my pcp, which has changed, over the past 4 years about excessive daytime sleepiness. They just refer me out. I'm gonna look up desoxyn.
Just looked up a bunch of meds given to narcolepsy patients. Most of them are given for zzz ADD too which is good cause I've always had that but bigger problems took over at my shrink. I'm not looking to get jacked up everyday just something that will give me pep where I don't have to drink copious amounts of caffeine.
the stimulant spectrum goes like this: caffeine, ritalin/coke, adderall/amphetamine, methamphetamine (crystal meth is the most best and pure). take your pick. you can't just get adderall. you have to work your way up to adderall. first visit tell your doctor you can't pay attention or some shit. Get ritalin and then get adderall. No doctor gives you adderall the first time, unless he's lax. or you can go on the street and find a dealer for crystal meth.
closeau, my friend, it all depends. I will not bring up information that you didn't mention about yourself, I'll keep this general as I can. It depends on a few things. You may or may not have to go through some testing. Any person, unless special circumstances, cannot usually go into a doctors office and say I have "A", give me "B". You seem pretty positive on the Narcoleptic idea, hopefully by talking to a doctor. If that turns out to be the case, the amphetamine class of drugs are usually prescribed, based on what I have read. Check out this government site www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/narcolepsy/detail_narcolepsy.htm . Whole lot of information there. Here is some information pertaining to adult ADHD from the Mayo clinic. www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/adult-adhd/basics/symptoms/con-20034552 . This will give you a smart, informed idea of what information your seeking. Remember, everyone and every case is different. This is to give you a real idea of what your dealing with. I hope this helps.
Thanks man! Very helpful. I gotta take one thing at a time and first see him then prob a sleep study. I have te fancy to get ahead of myself. Not fancy, tendency. Well just see what happens I just get tired from all this caffeine and ephedrine every day. Shit ain't healthy. Anyway, thanks for your help bro. I can count on you for it!!
I know a guy that's prescribed desoxyn for narcolepsy lol. So now apperently he only sleeps once a week and looks ate up as fuck. He has many other life complications aside from narcolepsy and his desoxyn prescription adding to how ate up he is though.
I'm gonna look up desoxyn.

Yeah the Desoxyn thing was kinda a joke. What it is is methamphetamine hci, VERY rarely prescribed, kinda like prescribing someone heroin. I don't suffer from narcolepsy in fact hypersomnia related to depression is about as close to that as I get although they've never prescribed me a a stim for that as my anxiety wins out and the stim would probably increase it.
So I went to neurologist today and their sure I have narcolepsy but they need a sleep study at night then next day in recliner to watch me nap. Closest appt is 2 months off then another 2 to go back there. What a waste of time. They coulda gave me something to get me by until then but nope. No stimulants for me. Coffee and ephedrine. I might try some Maeng da tea. I think that's how you spell it. It's pure ephedra. Gonna look into it.
That does suck you need to wait so long but the doctors need to be sure. All these drugs are controlled substances and this isnt the good old days anymore. Adhering to the basic standards of diagnosis is needed these days, especially for new patients. Hope you can tough it out until you get some real treatment.
Desoxyn doesn't need to be bad when being used carefully at a low dosage. Many times the more powerful substances have better potential, but they need more care too.
The treatments for narcolepsy are Dextroamphetamine and Modafinil.

The sleep study is only that one night in the hospital - which it seems you've already had - but the next day is quite boring to be honest! It's called a MSLT (multiple sleep latency test) and they test you in "naps" 4-5 times during the day to see how long it takes you to get to sleep. Make sure you bring something to do in between the naps!

If you don't mind me asking - do you get cataplexy?

You've said you saw the neurologist and they won't prescribe you anything. Unfortunately they can't prescribe you stimulants until you "officially" have narcolepsy. (could change by state/country though I guess). Modafinil is very very expensive without the neurologist declaring you have narcolepsy. Dextroamphetamine also can't be prescribed without proof too (by these objective tests - sleep study and MSLT). The association that makes these "rules" (the AASM - http://www.aasmnet.org/) has strong guidelines around what is classified as narcolepsy. So it's a run around for you unfortunately.

If you've already had the sleep study, see if there's any chance you can just come in for a MSLT. This has been an option where I am.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Good luck, I hope you get in quicker than they say!
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Yes I get cataplexy. What you described is exactly what they described yesterday. My only problem is the time. Be at least a month maybe 2 and I don't go back to dr till 4 months. I understand they can't prescribe anything until they have diagnosis but I told him I was taking tons of caffeine and ephedrine to stay up you would think they could give me better alternative. Plus I have an ostomy bag that leaks at night and I gotta change it so I don't know. Their pretty convinced it's narcolepsy but I guess we'll see. Thank you for your post and if I think of any questions I'll let you know.
Well I'm not taking ephedrine due to money issues and caffeine is so weak. I slept all day yesterday and have to be somewhere today so I'm so tired. This 4 months bs
Cut me off. Yeah, 4month bs till I get help is crazy. I also have ADD that's never been treated so thinking about talking to my shrink about it. Gotta find help somewhere else. I need a boost, not high.