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Stimulants Stimulants/nootropics that actually work?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
I'm looking for a stimulant that actually works that isn't destructive. For focus and staying awake obviously.

I would love to be able to use low dose meth... but that's just a pipe dream.

Amphetamines... maybe but they're so damn expensive.

Really don't want to try any RC stimulants they all seem so scary.

Caffeine isn't an option for me, I'm unusually sensitive to it. It doesn't even wake me up very much, just gives me.

I've tried modafinil/adrafinil, but it doesn't really seem that effective for me.

Are there any other options I'm missing?
Amphetamines... maybe but they're so damn expensive.

Is plain vanilla dexamfetamine that expensive? In normal non-manic non-relapse non-binge times I find low doses (max 30 mg a day) to be superb for intellectual focus.
Is plain vanilla dexamfetamine that expensive? In normal non-manic non-relapse non-binge times I find low doses (max 30 mg a day) to be superb for intellectual focus.
The real stuff is stupid expensive here since there are so many adderall kiddies who take it. It's about as expensive as real xanax.

I mean its not ridiculous but I'm looking for something cheaper, preferably legal if possible

Maybe I should just go try to get my own script. I've have several throughout life. Probably my best option here - as soon as I get health insurance.
The real stuff is stupid expensive here since there are so many adderall kiddies who take it. It's about as expensive as real xanax.

I mean its not ridiculous but I'm looking for something cheaper, preferably legal if possible

Maybe I should just go try to get my own script. I've have several throughout life. Probably my best option here - as soon as I get health insurance.

Life certainly is a lot easier and simpler when your stimulants are provided by a legit doctor. Changed my life being diagnosed adult ADHD and given a script.
My psychiatrist was telling me about a new non-stimulant drug called Strattera (atomoxitine) showing promise for ADHD type problems. I wasn’t really listening after he said ‘non-stim’ but apparently it is related to SSRI type drugs. Might be worth looking into.
My psychiatrist was telling me about a new non-stimulant drug called Strattera (atomoxitine) showing promise for ADHD type problems. I wasn’t really listening after he said ‘non-stim’ but apparently it is related to SSRI type drugs. Might be worth looking into.
That's been marketed in the US for like 15+ years now. Never tried it though. I'm really hesitant to take anything SSRI though after my brain snapped from serotonergic hallucinogens. Maybe that's completely unrelated, though?
Ever try Wellbutrin aka bupropion? It is classified as an antidepressant (and is quite effective as such for some people) but is not an SSRI, instead it's a substituted cathinone and acts a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor. So it has quasi stimulant like effects, very mild like but for me was just enough to give me the slight push/motivation I needed to get up and moving everyday. This is how it's helped me overcome depression and lack of motivation in the past. It's also reported to sometimes help with adhd/add symptoms.

you said no RCs, but there are a couple in the nootropics realm that work well:

cyclazodone , n-methyl-cyclazodone, thozaline, etc

but these are pretty understudied, and there is some concern of potential liver toxicity ala pemoline. But they work quite well as stimulants but are more motivation/cognition focused and not very recreational.
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They tried to give that shit to me, but I didn’t fall for my shrinks lazy tricks. I have Tourette’s and speed usually messes with me and makes me bark and flail around. Adderall is the perfect combination of clean amphetamines. It’s the perfect nootropic for me too. It is neuroprotective in therapeutic doses as well, so is methamphetamine (prescription) in therapeutic doses. It is neurotoxic at large doses. Too much adderall is also neurotoxic, but nothing like Breaking Bad type meth. Less is always more with amphetamines, and is the best nootropic I have done. There are some stacks (certain amino acids) that work, but adderall is what I really want. If you have ever seen the fMRI pictures of someone’s brain with ADHD that is administered adderall, you would see it light up like Times Square. It’s remarkable for ADHD and nootropic effects.

Disclaimer: I work for a Pharma company (North) that makes generic adderall!


Im diagnosed bipolar, and its like adhd in that i have a really hard time focusing...anyway, I did Aderall once and the brain lit up like the sky on fourth of july. 15mg one night, 15mg the next. The comedown was not all the bad either. I have done dirty meth pills, and this was nothing like that. It wasnt as strong, but it also wasnt as dirty, and Aderall didnt have a bad comedown for me...it was OK, barely noticeable really.
Im diagnosed bipolar, and its like adhd in that i have a really hard time focusing...anyway, I did Aderall once and the brain lit up like the sky on fourth of july. 15mg one night, 15mg the next. .

My diagnosis is also Bipolar I and ADHD. I’ve tried many many different categories of drugs - probably just about everyone that is indicated for bipolar plus another dozen used off-label. However the only one that I feel totally sane and totally life-capable on is low-dose dexamfetamine. It’s like every time I take it I find my complete, calm and rational self. Without it I feel some really important part of me is missing or inaccessible.
I wish I could stick with daily low (therapeutic) dosing of stimulants, it's great stuff if used responsibly... I just can't. As soon as I dose I'm off to the races, it's like a sleeping part of my brain wakes up and takes over and all my plans of using responsibly immediately go out the window. Instead I find myself redosing crazy amounts, having non stop fap sessions to porn and dealing with increasing paranoia and hallucinations that culminate in psychosis.

I have found recently though that there are a few stims I can use responsibly: n-methyl-cyclazodone and lately have been experimenting with morphodrol. With both of these I have no problems taking a single therapeutic dose once a day and I have no issues with redosing and no desire to. No crazy 5-7 day binges filled with uncontrollable porn/fap binges followed by psychosis. I'm glad to have found these stims, it's like finally I have a stimulant medicine I can take the way I want to, not the way my other demon half wants.
I wish I could stick with daily low (therapeutic) dosing of stimulants, it's great stuff if used responsibly... I just can't. As soon as I dose I'm off to the races, it's like a sleeping part of my brain wakes up and takes over and all my plans of using responsibly immediately go out the window. Instead I find myself redosing crazy amounts, having non stop fap sessions to porn and dealing with increasing paranoia and hallucinations that culminate in psychosis.

I have found recently though that there are a few stims I can use responsibly: n-methyl-cyclazodone and lately have been experimenting with morphodrol. With both of these I have no problems taking a single therapeutic dose once a day and I have no issues with redosing and no desire to. No crazy 5-7 day binges filled with uncontrollable porn/fap binges followed by psychosis. I'm glad to have found these stims, it's like finally I have a stimulant medicine I can take the way I want to, not the way my other demon half wants.

Your post basically describes me and meth. I have no idea why I have totally opposite experiences with dex (super sensible and responsible and work-oriented) and meth (constantly redosing IV to stay just this side of overamped and losing days to my sexual fantasies). I have trouble accepting they are even the same class of drug.
Your post basically describes me and meth. I have no idea why I have totally opposite experiences with dex (super sensible and responsible and work-oriented) and meth (constantly redosing IV to stay just this side of overamped and losing days to my sexual fantasies). I have trouble accepting they are even the same class of drug.
I'm definitely very productive on dex, however if I get a script I'm definitely taking 40-50mg on the first few days. It does give me quite a strong euphoria without tolerance - obviously nothing like meth's euphoria - but I do abuse it. After day 3 I'll take therapeutic doses like 20-30mg because the euphoria goes away. And it does also make me a little hypersexual, but maybe 10% as much as meth does.

I don't like taking more than 50mg of dex, its not enjoyable. And dex has a calming effect on me, too.
I say this all the time, but Maca Root is a true stimulant. Actually just had a quarter teaspoon thrown in with my coffee beans for a pour over. You will without a doubt notice the difference, it compliments other stims really well too.

Antidepressants are mainly SSRIs or SNRIs

To be honest, a dose that works for ADHD isn't supposed to be euphoric.

Strattera, or, atomoxetine, is licensed for ADHD and works around the clock. It's an NRI. Similarly is bupropion, acting mostly as an NRI with some dopaminergic action at higher doses. I must say that in my (one) case, I couldn't sleep with bupropion and it helped my focus only in some areas. Strong SNRIs like cymbalta might work. Intuniv is another option.

Stimulants work for some hours during the day, then wear off. Then you just take them the next day.

Some literature for nicotine, but definitely not tobacco. Maybe the gum or patch. But it's still addictive, just not as much as tobacco.

Black tea has theanine in it, which modulates the activity of caffeine to make it less jittery. That's a no-harm approach that you could look into.

I want to say that kava might be useful, as in chronic use it can lead to increase in attention-related neurotransmitters, and also has some calming components. But that's something that would especially need doctoral approval.

All kinds of ataptogens exist, some of which I'd wager could help focus.

Hate to be that kinda guy, but mindfulness and exercise work great for attention.
The real stuff is stupid expensive here since there are so many adderall kiddies who take it. It's about as expensive as real xanax.

I mean its not ridiculous but I'm looking for something cheaper, preferably legal if possible

Maybe I should just go try to get my own script. I've have several throughout life. Probably my best option here - as soon as I get health insurance.

By real you mean brand name???

There are plenty of generics that are just as good as brand names sometimes the pharmacy gives me brand adderal n sometimes generic i can't tell a difference between them
I find Phenibut at low doses to be useful for focus, but you can't use it every day and you'll get diminishing returns.
I bought a sizable amount, tried one little spoon or so, and it felt like a rush for 20 minutes or so, then I didn't like it. Never did it again,lol
I bought a sizable amount, tried one little spoon or so, and it felt like a rush for 20 minutes or so, then I didn't like it. Never did it again,lol

What did you take as a dose? Also, I find I don't even get threshold effects until about 3hrs after dosing and peak effects at the 4-5 hr mark post dose. I don't go above 1500mg either, otherwise I get side-effects that aren't so nice.