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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Stereotype other druggies in 1 sentence

Snafu in the Void

Moderator: NMI Bukowski Jr.
Staff member
May 27, 2020
Meth - "I swear to God the DEA agent who I buy from gave me glue this time instead of meth... what's going on?"

Stoners - "haha my personality is awesome... omg weed withdrawals are so bad"

MDMA - "Man remember 1998?... it's just not the same"

Alcoholics - "I fucking hate alcohol and everything about my life. Fuck you."

...more to come, post yours! :D

(all fun and games here)



People who use hallucinogens - "the Religious, Spiritual and otherworldly experiences I have are completely real and the drugs allow me to have them. They are not hallucinations or delusions caused by the drugs I took that cause hallucinations and delusions even though I only experience them when I take those drugs"
^Not really a stereotype so much as 90% of people on the "Psychedelic Drugs" forum on here.
People who use hallucinogens - "the Religious, Spiritual and otherworldly experiences I have are completely real and the drugs allow me to have them. They are not hallucinations or delusions caused by the drugs I took that cause hallucinations and delusions even though I only experience them when I take those drugs"
^Not really a stereotype so much as 90% of people on the "Psychedelic Drugs" forum on here.

yes and the dogma that they are harmless, perfect drugs

very true